Horoscope for January 2017 for all signs of the zodiac- favorable and unfavorable days. Love and horoscope haircutsfor January 2017.

Sun, 01 Jun 2014


Horoscope for January 2017 Aries

If in January, Aries will have a desire to show their love, do not
deny yourself that. Speak affectionate words, show your
feelings, hug people you care about.

Through these actions, you will receive an emotional return and
life energy.

Show your talents. If you haven’t found them yet,
then January is the time to unleash your potential. Maybe,
you like to sing, you like to dance or draw. Give yourself
will do what you like.

In financial terms, January will not make you happy. Aries are possible
unforeseen major expenses. Do not try to save, especially
if it comes to health. At the same time not worth it now
buy what you have no urgent need.

At the end of January, be careful – you can try
fool acquaintances.

Especially favorable days of the Aries horoscope for any business and
The undertakings: January 1, January 10, January 18, January 21, 2017.

Days in which Aries should be careful: January 9, 20
January, January 31, 2017.

Horoscope for January 2017 Taurus

In January, representatives of this sign will feel “golden
Taurus “. This is not surprising, because they themselves will flow
�”Money river”, they will carry in gambling and lotteries themselves
debts will come back. Take advantage of this time in
their own interests. Spend unexpected income on yourself, purchase
nice clothes or things you need. Not superfluous also
will be pleased with something pleasant your loved ones.

If in January you have to pass exams or participate in
contests, know that by gathering all the power “in a fist”, you can go
dry out of the water, not even much preparing.

If you are in a relationship, in the middle of the month they can
have problems with your partner. Get ready for frank
conversations and the fact that you can hear something unpleasant about yourself.
Sincerity in this case will be your best assistant.

Especially favorable days Taurus horoscope for any business and
The undertakings: January 2, January 11, January 15, January 22, 2017.

Days in which Taurus should be careful: January 10,
January 23, January 30, 2017.

Horoscope for January 2017 Gemini

Your dual nature in January will manifest itself in full. You
be kind and open to the one you love. At the same time, Gemini
can prove quite cruel with unpleasant people. Horoscope
for January 2017 does not recommend you to humiliate or insult those
who you dislike

Do not be afraid to show their worth, it will be useful to you in
mid January. Emphasize the benefits of your appearance, lead
yourself boldly and relaxed. Maybe, именно в это время вас будут
evaluate at work, look to you in order to advance by
service. If you will not hide their abilities, waiting for you

TOонец месяца хорош для построения relationship. If you will
attentions fan or you for yourself select someone from
of the opposite sex, you can chat, go on dates and even
consider declaring yourself a couple.

Especially favorable days of the Gemini horoscope for all affairs and
The undertakings: January 3, January 15, January 16, January 26, 2017.

Days in which Gemini should be careful: 5
January, January 20, January 24, 2017.

Horoscope на январь 2017 Рак

Horoscope на январь 2017 года рекомендует Ракам быть более
self confident. Just do not confuse confidence with
self-confidence. Believe that you deserve all the best and
get it easy if you want.

In the middle of the month it will be useful to pay attention to your loved ones
to people. Delight friends with attention, and parents or lover –
a pleasant surprise. Stars advise you to go to the family
the journey, the road will be successful, and you get a charge
positive emotions.

In late January, take time for your development. Read
professional literature, visit advanced training courses.
Maybe, вы остановились в своем карьерном росте только потому,
that you lack knowledge.

If you work for yourself, do not think that you do not need new ones.
knowledge, because they possess those who work for you. Believe me
that more knowledgeable people will sooner or later take advantage of their
advantage and either leave you or try to cheat.

Especially favorable days of the Cancer horoscope for any business and
The undertakings: January 4, January 11, January 18, January 28, 2017.

Days on which Cancers should exercise caution: January 2, 26
January, January 29, 2017.

Horoscope на январь 2017 Лев

In January, strangers will try to tweak you.
This will be expressed in what you will be told what and how.
do. Do not respond to this with aggression, but do not follow such
�”Friendly” advice.

Beginning of January can be used for the realization of grandiose
plans. Everything that you have in mind will be fulfilled easily and without unnecessary

Do not be afraid to ask for help from those close to you. You necessarily
get friendly support and relevant advice.

Horoscope на январь 2017 года обещает Львам благорасположение
stars regarding their personal lives. If you are alone, then the end
января подходит для вступления relationship. Long romance or
a short but pleasant intrigue is up to you. As for those
Lviv, which has already found its happiness, the month does not promise them anything
bad You будете наслаждаться ровными отношениями с вашей
half and enjoy signs rendered.

Especially favorable days of the horoscope Lviv for any business and
The beginnings: January 6, January 13, January 22, January 26, 2017.

Days in which Lions should be careful: January 1, 28
January, January 30, 2017.

Horoscope на январь 2017 Дева

The month will not start well, there may be friction and
disagreements with colleagues at work. To avoid this, be
restrained. The beginning of January is not the best time to defend your

In the middle of the month the situation will improve significantly, like at work,
so in private life. However, nothing happens by itself and you
will need some effort. Be sociable
open and sincere.

If you have a desire to share sore, stars
recommend that you open to girlfriends older than you. They will not give out
your secrets and at the same time share good advice.

It is very useful to pay attention to your diet. If your
favorite food is fatty and fried, problems may arise in January
with digestive tract and liver. Give up on time from
familiar dishes, replace them with light soups and milk porridges.

Especially favorable days of the Virgo horoscope for all affairs and
Initiations: January 8, January 13, January 19, January 26, 2017.

Days in which Virgos should exercise caution: January 3, 25
January, January 28, 2017.

Horoscope на январь 2017 Весы

January is suitable for self-improvement. Hardly you completely
happy with themselves – appearance or state of health. Give it away
time for yourself, go in for sports, learn the basics of proper and
good nutrition, read books and attend lectures on issues of interest
you subjects

In the middle of the month, working circumstances can be negative
way to affect your life. Overtime is possible,
which will force you to cancel pleasant dates, or your download
will not let go on a planned vacation. Stars advise not to spend
needless energy for regret, but just reconcile with what is happening.
You еще успеете побывать в отпуске и наладить отношения с
chosen one so humbly follow the fallen on you

Especially favorable days of the Libra horoscope for any business and
начинаний: 8 января, 10 января, 17 January, January 28, 2017.

Days in which Libra should be careful: January 2, 20
January, January 31, 2017.

Horoscope на январь 2017 Скорпион

At the beginning of the month there will be an event that “will make the mood”
for a whole month. This could be a meeting with a good old friend,
An expensive fan gift or good news at work. Not
believe those who say that a lot of laughter leads to big tears.
Laugh, have fun and enjoy life.

Horoscope на январь 2017 года обещает открытие радужных
job prospects. If you receive a transfer offer in
another city, the stars are recommended to agree. Maybe, вы
�”Stuck” in the old place. Change of residence and circle
communication is very positive for you.

Not бойтесь рисковать в январе. This is not about gambling on
money, but about a reasonable acceptance of participation in risky enterprises.
Notбольшая доза адреналина обострит ваше восприятие и вкус к
of life.

In late January, try yourself in a new business. Оно не necessarily
must be related to your professional activities. TO
For example, prepare a few dishes if you do not like to cook or
offer help to a friend with auto repair, even if completely
understand nothing about it. This pastime will expand your
horizons and open up new perspectives.

Especially favorable days of the scorpion horoscope for any business and
The undertakings: January 1, January 10, January 17, January 25, 2017.

Days in which Scorpios should be careful: 7
января, 30 January, January 31, 2017.

Horoscope на январь 2017 Стрелец

In January, read more! Стрельцам necessarily пригодится
information gleaned from newspapers, fiction,
scientific publications. If the opportunity presents itself, do not be afraid
Shine knowledge and show your intellectual level.

Очень полезными могут оказаться знакомства в mid January. You
and you won’t notice how the new buddy can offer you more
interesting place to work or bring you together with an interesting person.
Be open, communicate with pleasure.

Keep track of your time! Horoscope на январь 2017 года
recommends the Strelets Troops not to waste precious minutes on uninteresting
business and talk. That which brings you no benefit is better and
вовсе не do.

TOонец месяца подходит для того, чтобы «зарядиться» энергией.
Best of all you do this if you communicate with wildlife.
Play with your pets, get engaged breeding colors. On
energy level will be pleasant and useful trip out of town and
holiday surrounded by winter landscapes.

Especially favorable days of the Sagittarius horoscope for any business and
The undertakings: January 1, January 9, January 15, January 21, 2017.

Days in which Sagittarius caution should be exercised: 5
January, January 16, January 20, 2017.

Horoscope на январь 2017 TOозерог

Not грустите, даже если начало месяца будет складываться не
very well. Quarrels and misunderstandings are possible.
your loved ones, trouble at work. Look for positive sides in
all Maybe, вы увидите и поймете искренне отношение к вам
some people, and in the future you will know the price of a friendship or
friendly relations.

In January, an adult dark-haired man will try to impose on you
convenient way of behavior. If you do not agree, do not be afraid to give
fight back, even if it’s your relative or boss. remember, that
no one should enter your life without your consent.

Not увлекайтесь сладким. TOозероги попытаются «заесть»
troubles abundance of goodies, but it will badly affect
appearance In January, an excess of calories and harmful carbohydrates will not
only to excess weight, but also to skin problems. But if you
put emphasis on your diet on cottage cheese and eggs, you will feel
a rush of good mood and strength.

Особенно благоприятные дни гороскопа TOозерогов для любых дел и
The beginnings: January 1, January 11, January 14, January 25, 2017.

Дни, в которые TOозерогам следует проявить осторожность: 3
января, 24 January, January 30, 2017.

Horoscope на январь 2017 Водолей

If at the beginning of the month you feel sad, then
you are missing the sun. Now is the perfect time to
go on vacation to tropical countries. But if you have no way
It turns out, you can walk in a tanning bed. Tanning will improve your appearance.
appearance and provide a good mood.

Not обращайте внимание на недругов. In January, you can reach
information about the envious tricks. About you start to go ridiculous
rumors or gossip, some buddies and acquaintances turn away from you.
Save face in any situation, and do not try to return
the location of those who no longer want to communicate with you.

In late January, you will face a serious test. Time on
preparation you will not have, and therefore act decisively and
confidently, and then you will come out with an honor out of an unpleasant situation.

Not забывайте о тех, кто вас любит. Your parents and relatives
deserve a bit of attention so try them him
to pay.

Especially favorable days of the Aquarius horoscope for any business and
The undertakings: January 11, January 19, January 21, January 24, 2017.

The days in which Aquarius should be careful: January 5,
30 January, January 31, 2017.

Horoscope на январь 2017 Рыбы

Mute the desire to help everyone. You можете не осознавать этого,
but excessive concern for others can interfere with both you and them.

Better take care of yourself. It is not about acquiring any
things and updating the wardrobe, but rather, the spiritual
development. January is suitable for visiting holy places, chatting with
spiritual faces. If you are a sincere believer, now
prayer will be especially effective in clearing away unnecessary

In the middle of the month you will have a work-related dilemma.
The correct answer will come to you in the form of a sign. Be careful not to
skip it if you don’t want to be wrong. However, don’t be afraid
the most drastic changes, after a short time, you will
glad they happened.

Horoscope на январь 2017 года советует Рыбам побольше прикасаться
hands to the hair, fur of cats and hair of dogs – so you
create a powerful force field around you ,.

Especially favorable days of the Pisces horoscope for any business and
beginnings: January 8, January 11, January 13, January 20, 2017.

Days in which Pisces should be careful: January 3, 21
January, January 26, 2017.

Horoscope стрижек на январь 2017 (общий для всех знаков)

1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, 29, 31
January – these days of the month The lunar calendar does not recommend you
get a haircut Even if you cut the ends a bit, chances are
attracting failures.

3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 24, 25, 27, 30 January –
these days are the most favorable for making
changes in her hairstyle. You можете полностью сменить форму
a familiar image, make yourself a bang or shorten the length

January 7, 9, 11, 16, 20, 25, 30 – not worth it these days of the month
to dye your hair. Their quality can be spoiled as chemical
compounds and plant substances.

3, 5, 13, 15, 17, January 24 – these days of the month you can paint
hair exclusively natural dyes. Take advantage of
old recipes that will not only change the color of your hair,
but will strengthen them.

January 1, 4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 23, 28, 31 – if you have
the desire to somehow change, then use these days for coloring
hair. Experiment with shades, use any tones and
change for the better.

Love horoscope for January 2017 (common to all signs)

In january unfree signs of the zodiac can be spoiled
in the House”. There may be quarrels with his beloved, misunderstandings, asking
relationship. Do not rush to defend their point of view, you can
turn out to be wrong. Best to let your chosen one
listen to his view on the situation.

Free signs of the zodiac may soon part with their
status. In January, you will be literally under the gun of attention.
the opposite sex. Use this opportunity to
devices of his personal life.

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