Horoscope for February 2016 for all signs of the zodiac- favorable and unfavorable days. Love and horoscope haircutsfor February 2016.

Sun, 01 Jun 2014


Horoscope for February 2016 Aries

What could be more beautiful than feelings of love? When the world
It seems completely new, the surrounding kind and polite, and all that neither
happens, pleases? Horoscope for February 2016 offers Aries
fall in love. It doesn’t matter how old you are, whether you are single or long in a pair –
fall in love!

Alone in no case should not sit at home. Go to
to visit friends and acquaintances, go to public institutions, cafes and
restaurants. Stars promise you a pleasant acquaintance and rapid
development of a relationship.

If you are in a pair, then “out of love” in your mate.
Look at your partner with new eyes, allow yourself
remember that you once attracted to him.

In general, February will be very favorable for Aries, especially
with regard to financial issues and health.

Especially favorable days of the Aries horoscope for any business and
beginnings: February 3, February 11, February 27, February 29, 2016.

Days in which Aries should be careful: February 1,
February 12, February 28, 2016.

Horoscope for February 2016 Taurus

February 2016 promises Taurus rare luck in everything that
concerns matters of money. Remember the golden antelope from the cartoon?
Imagine that in February this magical animal will become your
true friend, so you will be fine. Luck will be
accompany you at work (bonuses and wage increases are possible
fees), in stores (you will fall for the best deals and
sales), in a circle of relatives (they will give you generous gifts).
In February, and especially in its first part, will be beneficial.
every possible investment of money – open the deposit, start up funds in
turnover, take a percentage. If you have been thinking about
expanding your business, now is the time to do it.

There is a possibility that at the end of the month Taurus will
feel some fatigue. Back to life will help you not
pills and medications, and healthy food and walks on
fresh air.

Especially favorable days Taurus horoscope for any business and
beginnings: February 5, February 10, February 17, February 23, 2016.

Days in which Taurus should be careful: February 4,
February 14, February 26, 2016.

Horoscope for February 2016 Gemini

An amazing thing, but Gemini, this peaceful and calm
sign, will be embroiled in February in the love triangle! You
natural disasters of emotions, tears of sadness, laughter and
fun Fortunately, it is not you who is to blame, but the “third extra”
who interferes in your relationship with a recent acquaintance or even
legal spouse. Stars advise Gemini not to perceive
what happened as a tragedy is just a little scene that
diversifies the course of your life. Be happy to participate in clarifying
relationship, express your opinion and show that you
feel it.

In the middle of the month, the stars recommend that Gemini take a break from
personal relationships, and switch to working moments – in the service of
Gemini may experience some difficulties with leadership. Not
take these troubles to heart, they are temporary and nothing
serious will not turn around.

Especially favorable days of the Gemini horoscope for all affairs and
beginnings: February 6, February 12, February 25, February 29, 2016.

The days in which Gemini should be careful: 1
February, February 15, February 23, 2016.

Horoscope for February 2016 Cancer

For the Rakov, February may pass under the sign of treason.
Notобязательно ждать ножа в спину от вашего партнера — измена может
to be like a comrade (in the form of betrayal or deception) at work
(your supervisor may give preference not to you, but to your
colleague), and, of course, it is likely that your favorite
man will change you.

What if you were hurt? Driving Recommended
what happened not as unfortunately, but as a warning. Your
loved one in this case does not deserve more confidence and
Happiness is near you. Your friend is not your friend at all,
it’s time to part with him and stop communicating. At work,
it may be worth working more diligently and diligently.

In any case, in any case, do not go into depression, and
Do not let yourself be sad.

At the end of the month you will feel a surge of strength – after the twenties
February numbers open to you the flow of vital energy.
Take advantage of this time to stop sadness and again
start enjoying life.

Especially favorable days of the Cancer horoscope for any business and
beginnings: February 5, February 9, February 25, February 28, 2016.

Days in which Cancers should exercise caution: February 16,
February 20, February 26, 2016.

Horoscope for February 2016 Leo

The horoscope for February 2016 promises Lions a lot of joy from
loved ones. If you have children, they will be incredible
caring, bringing their schools good grades or great news from
work. Yourи родители сделают вам неожиданный подарок, а любимый
the person will be very attentive and loving. AT february friends lions
every now and then will invite them to the cafe and to the movies. Take all
invitations and participate in public life.

Middle of February will turn for Lviv an interesting meeting with
opposite sex. Not обязательно она будет иметь романтический
subtext perhaps your new supervisor will set you apart from all
colleagues or shop supervisor in which you usually do
shopping, will provide you with a great discount.

AT конце месяца уделите внимание своим домашним питомцам.

Especially favorable days of the horoscope Lviv for any business and
beginnings: February 4, February 9, February 20, February 23, 2016.

Days in which Lions should be careful: February 8,
February 24, February 29, 2016.

Horoscope for February 2016 Virgo

Virgins in February should be very attentive, perhaps you
meet your destiny or you get a great chance to change
throughout your life for the better. Look in both and not
relax even if you are at home. Luck can look out to you from
world wide web or sound in the form of an announcement on the radio.

Be sure not to forget the sense of humor, laugh with
pleasure, and especially on yourself – February will provide you
quite a few opportunities for this.

AT середине месяца звезды обещают успех на работе: ваши старания
will be noticed by someone from the administration, and therefore remuneration is not
take long to wait.

Especially favorable days of the Virgo horoscope for all affairs and
beginnings: February 8, February 13, February 17, February 25, 2016.

Days in which Virgos should be careful: February 2,
February 15, February 24, 2016.

Horoscope на февраль 2016 ATесы

Where are your thoughts now, what are you thinking about? Февраль проявит в ATесах
dreaminess uncharacteristic of them, leading them now to the near future,
in the past. This is completely in vain: while you are in the clouds, your
life passes aimlessly. Take a look around and understand something about
you are dreaming very near.

AT середине месяца у ATесов возможны ссоры с партнером. Horoscope
for February 2016 advises you not to take the side of your opponent, but
on the contrary, listen to what your beloved wants to convey to you
person. Also in a quarrel you do not need to resort to the use of evil words.
and reckless utterances – with this you may in vain
offend your loved one.

AT конце месяца включите в ваш рацион как можно больше продуктов,
related to the sea: fish, mussels, mollusks, squid. ATозможно, ваш
the body now more than ever needs to be fed with iodine and no
medicines will not help him better than natural food.

Особенно благоприятные дни гороскопа ATесов для любых дел и
beginnings: February 6, February 14, February 23, February 25, 2016.

Дни, в которые ATесам следует проявить осторожность: 2 февраля,
February 15, February 29, 2016.

Horoscope на февраль 2016 Скорпион

Horoscope на февраль 2016 года советует Скорпионам сменить
the usual routine of life and go beyond the ordinary. ATы давно уже
live according to your usual schedule, so why not take
something that will “shake up” you and allow you to look at the world
with new eyes?

Even if you are not planning a world tour, it’s enough
will change the image, update wardrobe and visit a couple of new
public places.

AT середине месяца уделите внимание вашему здоровью — тепло
get dressed, drink more herbal tea, eat lemon with honey. Have
Scorpions who do not save themselves are likely
�Catch a cold or a viral illness.

AT конце месяца возможно небольшое любовное увлечение. but
the stars recommend Scorpios to be cautious in manifesting their
sympathies – do not rush, otherwise you can scare off interested
you man

Especially favorable days of the scorpion horoscope for any business and
beginnings: February 6, February 12, February 20, February 24, 2016.

Days in which Scorpios should be careful: 4
February, February 19, February 27, 2016.

Horoscope на февраль 2016 Стрелец

AT феврале 2016 года Стрельцов будут посещать мысли на
philosophical topics. ATозможно, вы задумаетесь о смысле вашей жизни, о
whether you are on the right path in your business or endeavors. These
reasoning will not only be soothing, meditative
character, but also help you understand some of the actions and
actions. If you are disturbed by something or you can not rate yourself
objectively, feel free to ask for help from close people or
those you trust the most.

AT феврале звезды предостерегают Стрельцов от излишнего
drinking alcohol – you can do something stupid. If you
to participate in a noisy fun, set yourself up in advance
moderation and everything will cost.

The end of the month will surprise Sagittarius with the news. Not сильно близкие к вам
people will discover some secrets related to you.

Especially favorable days of the Sagittarius horoscope for any business and
beginnings: February 2, February 15, February 22, February 23, 2016.

Days in which Sagittarius caution should be exercised: 5
February, February 14, February 27, 2016.

Horoscope на февраль 2016 Козерог

Horoscope на февраль 2016 года рекомендует Козерогам быть проще.
The more you will think over one question or another, the more difficult
his decision will cost you. Drop seriousness, behave
at ease and fun, especially in a relationship with the opposite
by the floor. Such playfulness can give you a new hobby or

February is the month for altruistic acts. Help people in
age, the poor, or those who need support. Not всегда
Money is the most important, sometimes a kind word is valued much more.
AT конце месяца возможны ситуации, когда к вам обратится совершенно
a stranger with the desire to share misfortune – do not run away yourself and
do not chase him, but just listen and give moral

A little more trust in your sweetheart – that’s what you need from
Capricorns in late February. Not отказывайте любимому человеку в такой

Especially favorable days of Capricorn horoscope for any business and
начинаний: 6 февраля, 9 февраля, February 20, February 26, 2016.

Days in which Capricorn should be careful: 4
February, February 15, February 27, 2016.

Horoscope на февраль 2016 ATодолей

Make yourself a day off or take a vacation – you are very much
have worked lately and let fatigue still not tie you along
hands and feet, soon it will happen. Even the most hardworking people
useful to be lazy. What are you worse?

AT феврале не злоупотребляйте таблетками и лекарствами, возможно
deterioration of health because of pharmaceutical preparations. It is better
trust natural ingredients – herbs, collections and infusions. Quite
not harmful will also be the use of citrus and white

AT феврале ATодолеев ожидает улучшение взаимоотношений с
relatives. If you were in a quarrel, then in the second month of the new
years they will dissipate, as if by themselves. You will be with
pleasure to communicate, share secrets and help financially
even if you don’t ask for it. На работе ATодолеев ждет успех — вы
now like a magnet you are attracting the most interesting things to you
you get a reward for your work.

Особенно благоприятные дни гороскопа ATодолеев для любых дел и
beginnings: February 7, February 14, February 21, February 23, 2016.

Дни, в которые ATодолеям следует проявить осторожность: 1
February, February 12, February 20, 2016.

Horoscope на февраль 2016 Рыбы

AT целом, февраль пройдет для Рыб под знаком благополучия.
ATыровняется ваше финансовое положение — вы получите много заказов,
offer of a deal or the opportunity to change work to a new one, with
more favorable terms. Even make risky decisions, so
as a horoscope for February 2016 guarantees you luck and money

AT любовных отношениях Рыбам стоит прислушиваться к своему
heart ATозможно, ваша половинка не высказывает вам сейчас своего
location, but it does not mean that you do not like. ATозможна и
the reverse side – a person is trying in every way to please you and repeats
about his feelings, while his heart is cold towards you. Not
look at the deeds, listen to your inner voice – precisely in
February he will give you the best advice.

Especially favorable days of the Pisces horoscope for any business and
beginnings: February 7, February 12, February 26, February 28, 2016.

Days in which Pisces should be careful: February 3,
February 14, February 29, 2016.

Horoscope стрижек на февраль 2016 (общий для всех знаков)

February 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 27, 29
these days for all signs of the zodiac haircut will bring a prosperous
changes. Opened new energy channels will create
balance in the distribution of vital forces and you will triumph in
all your endeavors.

February 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 26 – these days
February The Lunar Calendar strongly discourages hair cutting. it
It is fraught with not so much unsuccessful hairstyle, but
subsequent disappointments. ATозможны утраты и проблемы со
health, minor injuries.

1, 5, 9, 12, 17, 18, 20, 25, February 27 – it’s time to give
tribute to naturalness. Dissolve the hair, in this form you
good luck smiles.

February 3, 6, 11, 14, 19, 22, 26, 28, 29 – decorate your hair
small shiny hairpins with metal pebbles
decorations. The more shine will be in hair, the more brilliant
your day will pass.

February 3, 6, 9, 11, 16, 17, 24, 29 – do not dye your hair
these days of the month. Dye does not hurt your hair, but it may well
to spoil your affairs on a personal front, quarrels with your beloved are possible
man or unsuccessful dating.

2, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, February 27 – feel free to paint
hair! You can choose any colors, because it is these days of February.
A new image will refresh your appearance, give you brightness, and together with
this and inner confidence.

February 1, 4, 10, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 28 – paint these
days hair exceptionally light dyes and soft formulations.
Haveдачным будет также окрашивание волос хной. But the use of
chemical dyes can damage the hair structure or you can
get an unexpected color.

Love horoscope for February 2016 (common to all signs)

ATряд ли февраль пройдет совершенно ровно для всех знаков
the zodiac. There may be betrayals and betrayals, quarrels and scandals, and more often
not even your fault, but the fault of your partner or circumstances.
Stars recommend showing you wisdom – not always what
it looks bad, it means something really bad. Parting
can be a reason for a new acquaintance, and treason – just a sign
the fact that next to you was not at all “your” person.

If in your relationship there is a period of calm, do not
relax. Bring diversity in your life, invent
something new and interesting, do together what you don’t do

As for the lonely representatives of all signs of the zodiac, be
prudent. Make new acquaintances and make connections
only if you are confident in the person or he causes you to feel
peace of mind and reliability. There is a chance that you will try
cheat or use in selfish interests.

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