Horoscope 2019

Horoscope 2019

Со времен Древнего ATавилона астрологию считали королевской
science. It was intended only for the rulers of ancient empires.
Today, anyone can look into the future to understand
present and avoid the mistakes of the past. Heavenly luminaries render
quite definite influence on the fate of each person. BUTстрология
asserts that the inner world of a person, his environment, actions and
even the character determines the zodiacal circle. What prepares us a year
2019 in love, business, everyday life?

It is known that in 2019 two serious
the planets are Saturn and Pluto. AT ведении Сатурна — карьера,
hierarchical arrangements, service advancements. Pluto is vital
important in relationships between people. Under his influence everything can
change dramatically. Many can change the profession, arrange
other priorities or see new social goals. Success will be
depend on how much other people contribute to the relationship, and
how can we manage this contribution. Saturn will make these
long-term changes that can affect life in the future.

AT духовных аспектах большое значение приобретает любовь. Energy
stars will direct the relationship to mercy, forgiveness,
self-sacrifice. Beautiful courtship, the material side and
social status lose their dominant place, to replace them
there will be a long attachment based on selflessness and
feeling Many people will realize that much more can be obtained,
giving and not expecting anything in return. AT связи с этим возрастает
danger of not seeing the flaws of your loved ones Deceivers drinking
inadequate people will get a chance, and correct them with their love
try those who simply can not live without love and see the meaning
life in sacrifice.

ATторое полугодие у многих людей характеризуется расширением
families. There will be a lot of marriages, the birth of children. Will be higher
valued tradition, respect for parents. Those who listen to
older people are less likely to associate their lives with the unworthy
by man.

AT год Темной ATодяной Змеи многие смогут:

– change the profession; – get support and increase cash
income or help from other people; – make a serious decision,
cool to change the future life.

Cold January does not have to love and romance. More of us
will attract pragmatic relationships in marriage and family. A lot of feelings
oblivion and departure from reality will remain aside. AT феврале чувства
may become more open, again romance looms on the horizon,
many will fall in love or will live in anticipation of a beautiful love
Adventure. ATсе зависит от того, какое решение примете вы сами, а
the stars will give you a lot of opportunities. AT них не будет места скуке.
The first days of spring will give romantic dates, a declaration of love.
AT мае отношения получат все шансы для укрепления, многие решат
leave them for years to come, giving preference to strength and

AT устоявшихся парах может вновь вспыхнуть угасшая нежность и
romance. AT июле можно ожидать удачу во всех делах, она просто
will fall on our heads! Favorable periods astrologers believe
time until mid-August. Then a short break follows, and
again wonderful conditions for partnership and love. Most
business acts at this time committed under pressure
circumstances. November will bring new challenges. Pay attention
gloomy forebodings are just fears of breaking up,
which can lead to fatigue, depression. End of December
bring new hopes and joys.


Horoscope 2019 – Овны

Aries freedom-loving all year will demonstrate
independence. The mood for romance and love adventures is unlikely
gives the desire to bind themselves with serious obligations. Family
Aries can maintain a relationship if their partners respect this right.
and will not interfere with freedom-loving impulses. Quarrels can be
bound only by the inability of Aries during this period to give guarantees
stability or constancy. This may be a new hobby, care in
работу с головой и пренебрежение интересами families. Aries, not
connected by a serious relationship, this year will be easier. ATедь им
coming romantic adventures coming unexpected
revenues starting from March-mid April. It may be
good support, because in the coming year they will have to change
work or completely restructure your business. AT последующие месяцы
possible changes will unnerve Aries, but in September business
life will again go in a favorable way. ATо второй половине года
вероятны известия о пополнении families. Council of astrologers based
on the location of the stars for Aries – not to be afraid of change, otherwise life
still make it do it with great losses.

Horoscope 2019 – Тельцы

For Taurus begins the year of a serious and responsible relationship.
There are several scenarios. At partners, for a long time
in the relationship, there will be plans for the future, right up to
cohabitation or marriage. However lonely
Taurus with the desire to build such a connection will have some
time to wait. Starting a serious relationship this year will be
problematic. Family Taurus will finally have the opportunity
focus on career, as on the family Olympus of passion
somewhat subside. Reducing the heat can even bring some
fear that the partner is moving away. Bad family relationships
Save this year will be extremely difficult. For those who are in
able to romantic expectations, you can relax and completely
enjoy the opportunity to go on dates, meet new
partners, not very deeply “diving” into relationships. Almost everyone
Taurus first half will bring money. Even if you are up to it
just did not want to use their chances, money just might
fall from heaven. There will be many opportunities for earnings.
Stars advise Taurus in the new year to take advantage of opportunities
and spend money on prestigious purchases. Savings out of place. New
the year will begin at once with a beautiful period, the end of January, as well as May and
June will be the most favorable months for Taurus. In the second
half of the year no significant events are foreseen, the routine is waiting for you
daily work. Relax, and just do your thing.

Horoscope 2019 – Twins

The twins are waiting for an exceptionally favorable time. They won’t
get involved in ugly risky adventures. The stars will send them for
communication only those who can meet their needs. BUT
Gemini standards are very high in education and work,
social position. Important events await those who have already met
your soul mate Marriage will not be a requirement from a partner
on the contrary, the Gemini themselves may have a steady desire
legalize the relationship, and even so that the budget will pop over all
the seams. BUT все потому, что Близнецы очень большое значение придают
prestige. Meeting “beautiful” – a continuous condition of courtship
Twins. The most favorable months in relations with
the opposite sex is May and the second half of the year. In work all
year will be observed stability. Difficult periods – October, May
and April are neutral. In financial terms, the most successful months are July and
December. Career will not only be designed to promote
rules, but also on the patronage of superiors, acquaintances. Don’t miss out
happy coincidence.

Horoscope 2019 – Crayfish

Real changes in the new year await the Rakov. Work, career,
profession – everything can change. You can build serious
relationship with a responsible person. Strength and mood for the future
compensates for the lack of romance and passionate confessions, passion and
emotions will be replaced by other important points – merits
partner, serious intentions. More emotional crawfish by this
reason can spend a year alone, as in such
relationship, they may feel abandoned and not
necessary. Stars are advised to wait for the right time to
establish harmonious relationships, the most relevant
your requests. Tests are expected and existing strong pair
it may seem that their relationship has disappeared warmly. BUTстрологи
are advised to try this year not in the role of lovers, but
responsible partners who have committed themselves. In that
year, those who are torn in two respects, can make a good
opt for a stronger connection. As for career, profession
– Cancers, it’s time to try new methods. Already in February you
you will feel how inevitably they are approaching you – change,
which time dictates and which you have been waiting for. March-April
there will be many small events, organizational moments. Even if
you resist fate – in the following months the circumstances are all
Equally make you make decisions by proposing a difficult situation.
In the second полугодии Раков ожидает рост популярности и авторитета. AT
December throw all the power to expand this influence.

Horoscope 2019 – Lions

Regal Lions in the new year will plunge into extreme conditions.
Major events will take place in the field of family and home. Some
long-lasting repair, building a house. Especially good
the period for this is the summer months. Daily duties
will require all the responsibility and patience. Some члены семьи
may show misunderstanding – do not let this wall between you
settle. Young Lions may notice stress from
parents, independence will have to be obtained with great difficulty.
However, difficulties in obtaining their own homes will not allow them
sharply break the bond with parents. AT браке Лев претендует на роль
leader. Making decisions alone, in February you risk
provoke assertiveness or selfishness partner, harsh criticism.
Already in March, these conflicts will be smoothed out. The end of spring and summer in general
will be smooth and favorable. AT последние месяцы года обстановка
in the family will be just wonderful. Since October, Lviv is waiting
auspicious period in love. AT бизнесе или на работе придется
clean your society from unwanted people – you might fire
employees or you will find a new job. Best be
develop relationships in large corporations or enterprise networks.
Be careful not to run into financial scammers.
affairs Financial success awaits Lviv from January to March, in September and
December, also good periods – June, July.

Horoscope 2019 – Virgo

The professional sphere of Virgos in the first half of the year will receive the real
flourishing. This will provoke a different attitude to love relationships. ATы
can part with your beloved in the event that the relationship is long
outlived themselves and continued by inertia. Risk of parting also
exists if your loved one does not perceive your success in
promotion at work. Find a balance between love and business
the sphere is very difficult, but the stars give you that chance. Change
attitude, be patient, and the likelihood of a break
decrease to zero. Single Virgin may plunge into the new
fatal passion. Try to make sure at the very beginning that they are not
threaten your career and personal growth. Passion unworthy
man can destroy much. AT финансовом плане более активным
will be the first half of the year. Great career opportunities,
Professional self-fulfillment will appear in February and May. AT
the remaining months are risky to take loans – may change
situation with interest. Use caution and in

Horoscope 2019 – ATесы

Для ATесов год начнется очень активно. The position of the stars affects
calm in the family, likely quarrels, disputes, sharpness and
partner intransigence. To avoid these moments,
you can schedule a vacation trip for this time, or start
engage with a loved one common cause. Love story from the very
beginning of the year will be very stormy. AT феврале отношения смягчатся, и вы
You will choose how to build relationships. End of the year also
will be very successful. ATсе остальное время звезды будут нейтральны.
Family ATесы будут переживать решающий период. Freedom loving
Saturn will bring to this sign a desire to increase the degree of his
of freedom. Those people who build their relationships on trust and
mutual assistance, no risk. The best months are February,
напряжение может усилиться в мае, October-November. In the second
semester career success will help expand business, to achieve
recognition, fame. ATообще, ATесов можно назвать в новом году
real lucky ones. The most cherished dreams can come true in
second half. BUT первые месяцы лучше оставить для подготовки —
improve health, gain strength. Совет астрологов для ATесов —
be wary of money and do not make new debts. Because
revenues will increase slightly, it is better to postpone the received

Horoscope 2019 – Scorpios

For Scorpions, stars are arranged in such a way that
reckless emotions and sincere disposition towards people will find
real response from others. It increases the chance of falling in love.
and experience reciprocal feelings. ATстреча любимого человека, готового
giving all yourselves for the good of the relationship will make Scorpions more
responsible for this relationship. ATся власть, данная Скорпиону над
people will finally be used for good purposes.
Romantic partner at first may not take a serious and
hard mood, but soon everyone will understand, and the relationship will be reached
harmony. The most eventful months are February March and
first half of april. The most harmonious – June and July. ATсе это
true for the professional sphere. Freedom in dealing business
issues will allow you to get rid of the control of the authorities and possibly
even change jobs. AT первом полугодии возможно получение
gifts and cash bonuses, loans at favorable interest rates.

Horoscope 2019 – Sagittarius

The personal life of Streltsov is radically different from the situation at work.
�“Freedom,” as the key word in the relationship of all signs in the Year of the Snake,
for Streltsov will be particularly significant. Unusual romantic
dating single Scorpios will bring many meetings with
extraordinary people. Unpredictable relationships will cause
misunderstanding, but if you can reach understanding, romance, feelings
and love games will become familiar. Clear right relationship
here it is almost impossible, however this does not exclude the conclusion
marriages and family building. AT деловой сфере значительных событий не
will be. Neutral arrangement of stars in the business area will put
Streltsov before their own choice. It is not recommended to take money
in debt in the first half, otherwise the next few years you
you risk to live only on loan calculations, but in the second half
year financial situation will count on cash assistance
from other people. Properly using financial resources
You can get rich without painful obligations. Most
favorable months are December and July.

Horoscope 2019 – Capricorns

Capricorns business activity will be significantly higher in the first
half year There will be excellent opportunities to organize your business.
or get your dream job. There will be suggestions about
works from prestigious companies, new horizons will open and on
old work place. Love affairs will move to the family sector.
If Capricorn has not yet entered into marriage, no significant events
foreseen. Particularly memorable events may not happen, but
year will be remembered for the overall pleasant impression. Family Capricorns can
change a lot in your circle. Some даже смогут жить гостевым
marriage, or go on a long trip. BUTктивней всего
events will develop in the spring. AT июле могут произойти более
significant events, up to marriage with a magnificent wedding
by the ceremony. Capricorns – entrepreneurs will be able in their state
organize new posts to come
highly qualified staff. There will be an opportunity to manifest
their qualities in a large team. A good month is February. Lot
Work will be in March and June.

Horoscope 2019 – ATодолеи

BUTктивная планета Счастья даст ATодолеям в новом году множество
dating in the circle of successful people. The romance may begin
with a foreigner, popular or famous person. Prevailing
couples will find harmony, and maybe they are expected to conceive a child.
Beautiful relationships will be approved by public opinion, it is possible
romantic vacation abroad. Большое значение для ATодолеев
has a successful partner in social terms. Even if the partner and
происходит из низкого социального слоя, в обществе ATодолеев он
grows and becomes an enviable bride or groom. AT безнадежных
In cases of steam can break up. Сами ATодолеи крайне медленно будут
to advance in their careers, but they will firmly hold their
position. Greater success will achieve the most industrious. Sometimes their
expects recognition along with bonus payments. Prestigious
money orders, good working conditions – use every chance in
January-March, and especially in July.

Horoscope 2019 – Pisces

The state of love will not leave emotional Pisces for
all year. Finally, they can build successful relationships,
having invested in them all his mercy, love, self-sacrifice.
Pisces’ desire to bestow can blind them and close their eyes to
the true face of the partner. You need to be especially careful about
the beginning of a relationship, do not rush, carefully and thoughtfully approach to
their actions. Pisces themselves love to be in a fairy tale.
Signs of a failed romance may be surrounded by illusions and
disappointment. To prevent this from happening, the stars advise in the first
half-years to be more cautious and try to slow things down.
In the second полугодии можно построить более стабильные отношения.
Самые счастливые месяцы — июнь, июль, December. AT деловой сфере
a quiet year will pass, everyday routine will eclipse more or less bright
developments. Most активные месяцы – с июля по октябрь. AT течение
All year you can expect cash surprises, this year pleasant.
Money receipts can be expected in February, March, April. It can
be one-time income or new sources for earning
of money. More stressful months – October, November. BUTстрологи
urge the scattered Pisces to be more attentive during operations with
electronic money.

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