Himself a bartender: what you should always have in the housefor a good party

Пт, 05 июн 2015 Автор: Натали Аржанова Все
editors and authors of our portal are consistent
supporters of a healthy lifestyle. However, we also know that
sometimes the soul asks for reckless fun that helps for a while
forget about all current problems. And if you plan to leave with
friends in the gap at the home party – we will tell you how it all
do right.

In general, parties are now in fashion: a pajama party, a gangster
or Hawaiian, undoubtedly, all these activities will attract a lot
guests to your home. You can make a themed holiday different
ways, but none of them goes without cocktails. You can
think carefully about the script, choose the costumes and brightly decorate
apartment, but to treat friends with mineral water or tea is not always
appropriate – some simply will not understand.

Home bar – an integral part of any home party.
Only he is different from the professional bar in the pub.
establishments. What specific differences exist and how to select all
home bar accessories – today we are discussing this


Tip number 1: choose only the necessary bar

If you have enough finance and you want to show off the breadth
the range for the bar in front of friends, then, of course, you can buy
absolutely everything that comes to hand and has at least some
attitude to the preparation of cocktails. However, the question is:
than: do you need, for a beginning bartender, each of the purchased
adaptations? Most likely no. Because it is professional
savvy barmen art masters studied not one year, but
their talent does not depend on the number of ingredients either

For a home party there will be quite a modest set.
accessories, which consists of:

1. From the jigger,

2. Shaker

3. Bar spoon

4. Strainer

5. Madler,

6. Citrus Press

7. Bar knife.

8. Ice tongs.

The titles for many are fantastic. In fact,
everything is much simpler: many of the things in this list
met in clubs, watching the bartender, who is preparing for you
cocktail. Let’s talk about each subject in more detail.

Джиггер — это небольшой металлический
Cup, consisting of two parts. One of them is a little more, but
the other is slightly smaller. Standard jiggers are usually
the size of 20/40 ml and 25/50 ml. A jigger is a measuring cup,
with which the bartender measures the amount of alcohol or
soft drink for a cocktail. Sometimes this thing can be
single or even triple, cone-shaped or with straight walls.
Often, many jiggers have a measuring scale.

Шейкер — предмет для смешивания ингредиентов.
It is of three types:

  • Cobbler – a three-part device with a strainer and a lid of
    of stainless steel,
  • Boston Shaker – two piece shaker, one of which
    glass and the other metal.
  • French Shaker – it looks like a cobbler, but the strainer in it

The most suitable option for the house is a classic cobbler.

Барная ложка отличается от чайной или кофейной
the length and shape of its handle. Most often, the length is 15 cm and made
in the form of a spiral. Bar spoon will be needed for the preparation of puff
cocktails when the bartender pours the ingredient on the handle, as well as this
the subject is necessary for mixing the cocktail parts in high
a glass

Стрейнер представляет собой замысловатое сито,
which is necessary for screening out large pieces of ice, as well as fruit.
Through the strainer, the drink is usually poured into a glass, after
shaking in a shaker. Some shakers have built-in
strainer, which is extremely convenient for home use.

Мадлер многих ставит в тупик своим научным
the name, however, is actually much simpler. This is ordinary
tolkushka, which is used for squeezing the juice and pulp or
chafing fruit for smoothies. Madler is made from wood,
metal or plastic. At one end it can be located
smooth tolkushka, and on the other – notched. Madler is
indispensable thing during cooking “Mojito.”

Барные ножи нужны для снятия цедры с фруктов, а
also for aesthetic cutting of the pulp. Sometimes bartenders use in
their work sets of knives, each of which performs its
function. Acquiring such a home party kit makes no sense
but the bar folding knife, which also has a corkscrew and a bottle opener,
will come in handy.

Цитрус-пресс нужен для отжима сока из
citrus fruits. There are complex and expensive electric or
simple and cheap – mechanical. In most cases
mechanical enough for the eyes.

Щипцы для льда – в особых пояснениях не
need Without them, take slippery and cold ice cubes for
Cocktails – quite problematic.

Tip number 2: dishes for the bar a lot does not happen

If the restrictions in the bar accessories should be observed, due to
that many items you simply do not need, then
dishes are always needed. But to approach her choice should also be

In a home bar, it’s not the variety of dishes that is important, but its quantity.
You can’t just say how many people
will come to visit you and how actively they will behave.
Sometimes the degree of fun at a party just rolls over to these
minutes not to avoid the battle of dishes.

For filling your personal bar counter will be useful:

1. Хайболы — высокие стаканы для
low alcohol and soft drinks. They are intended for
the so-called “long drink”, when people for conversation slowly
sipping a cocktail from a glass with ice.

2. Шоты — маленькие стопки для «шот-дринков».
As a rule, from such mini-cups alcohol is drunk in one gulp in
undiluted. But there are cocktails like “B-52”, which
served in this dish.

3. Коктейльные рюмки, представляющие собой
classic martini glass with a high cone-shaped leg

4. Бокалы «Old fashion» с ровными стенками и
high bottom. They are needed for whiskey with ice, brandy and some

5. Высокие стаканы «Irish coffee» для
mulled wine, tea, Irish coffee or punch.

6. Бокалы «Flute» для игристых вин.

7. Винные бокалы.

8. Пивные кружки.

As a rule, this set is enough for a home party. But
if your friends have special connoisseurs of cocktails or
refined natures, you can safely add to our list various

Tip number 3: do not save on drinks

Alcohol is very harmful! But еще более вреден –
low-quality alcohol. Therefore, if you are going to arrange
great party and have a good rest, take care of the good ones
drinks – a matter of responsibility and importance. Few people like
a terrible hangover in the morning or poisoning poor-quality swill. Sometimes
sorting out vodka-based cocktails, some go
straight to the hospital. Worthy event is nice people
good cocktails and attentive host.

Filling a bar is a long and expensive process. Into it
may include some amount of alcoholic ingredients. But для
novice bartender will be enough a few standard
positions, which we will discuss below.

Rum — крепкий алкогольный напиток. it happens
several types: dark, white and aged about 7 years. Rum
need to make cocktails, for example, “Long Island”,
�“Cuba Libre” or “Brass Monkey”.

Джин — напиток, без которого невозможно
imagine the Long Island cocktail. Pure usually gin
not used, but the spices that make up this
alcohol, reveal their flavors in incredible ways in different
based drinks. Gene is part of the “White Lady”, “Vesper”
and “Gin and Tonic”.

Водка является основой большого количества
alcoholic cocktails, and also taken in its pure form
chilled. It depends on the quality of this ingredient, what will be
state of the person the morning after the party. Do not save on
vodka, because a poor-quality drink can hopelessly spoil
любой cocktail. With vodka prepare “Cosmopolitan”, “Long Island”,
�”Screwdriver”, “Vesper”, “White Russian” and “Bloody Mary.”

Коктейли на основе ликеров зачастую бывают
multilayer. They look very presentable, even behind the process.
preparations to watch is very interesting. Of course, work with liquor
and other ingredients will require some skill, but
later you can cook: “Margarita”, “Cosmopolitan”,
�”White Lady”, “Long Island” and the well-known “B-52”.

You can also add tequila, tincture,
red vermouth and much more, which only the soul desires and

Advice №4: do not forget about other ingredients, except

Lemons, limes, oranges, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, “Kola”,
�”Sprite” or cream – without all these goodies, the home bar is not
makes sense. The unique “mulled wine” can not be cooked without
cloves, cinnamon and honey, and the classic of the genre – “Mojito” requires
presence in mint and lime.

Cocktails are crafted and always require compliance.
recipes. Very often, the list of ingredients appears except
fruits, also spices. These can be: cinnamon, vanilla, mint or
lemon balm, cardamom, linden, clove and other fragrant herbs.

Orange or lemon peel garnishes are also found in
многих alcoholic и безalcoholic напитках. Wonderful aroma
These fruits are accompanied by punches and lemonades.

In addition to the listed goodies, in some drinks there is even
egg, tomato juice, grapefruit and ginger.

You can бесконечно экспериментировать с коктейлями и наполнять
your home bar. Remember: all invested funds with interest
will pay off the scale of the party, after which you will surely be
call her queen.

And you can borrow cocktail recipes in our article: 30
лучших рецептов alcoholic и безalcoholic коктейлей для домашней

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