Herbs for treating the liver and cleansing from slags andtoxins

 The liver is an important organ of the human body,
performing the function of a blood filter. Blood passing through it
it is cleared of all harmful impurities, and the bile produced by the liver
promotes the digestion of fats. When in liver work
there are failures, it affects the functionality of the whole
organism. To avoid the development of many diseases, natural
the filter needs to be cleaned periodically. Ideal for this purpose
herbal infusions. Let’s see which herbs are good for
liver, and how to use them.


Herbal liver therapy is the best remedy

Traditional medicine proposes to treat the liver with phytotherapy, which
gives an excellent preventive and therapeutic effect. Herbs for
recovery of the liver increase the amount of bile, increase
intestinal peristalsis, which results in the release
organism from slags. All the herbs listed below are not only
improve liver function, but also benefit the gall bladder,
intestinal tract, pancreas.


Herbs for treating the liver and cleansing from slags andtoxins

Chicory – это профилактика здоровой печени и терапия
inflammatory diseases. This perennial plant is found in
Russia and Ukraine, growing along roads, in fields and on hills.
Chicory обладает антибактериальными и противовоспалительными
properties, improves metabolism, removes slags. Plant
стимулирует выведение желчи и очищает печень от toxins. For
treatments are suitable for both leaves with stems and chicory root.

Effective chicory-based recipes:

  • 1 table spoon of chicory stems and leaves, pour 250 ml of water,
    bring to a boil, quieter the fire and leave to languish for 15-20
    minutes The resulting broth is filtered and consumed in 70 ml 
    before every meal.
  • 1 table spoon crushed chicory root pour 250 ml of boiling water,
    Cover with a lid and leave for half an hour. Strain infusion and
    take 100 ml before meals.


Another leader among herbs for the liver is
immortelle sandy. It is a choleretic, anti-inflammatory,
antibacterial plant that grows throughout Russia. For
treatment or for the prevention of hepatic pathologies used flowers
immortelle, which contain flavonoid glycosites, saponins,
tannins, carotene, vitamins K, C, essential oils,
Trace elements of potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, sodium.

Immortelle flowers are collected for decoctions, with which
inflamed bile ducts are treated. Already through
a couple of days of application of decoctions reduces pain in the liver,
gravity in the epigastric region goes away, the color of the eye is improved


Herbs for treating the liver and cleansing from slags andtoxins

Dandelion обладает обезболивающим, противовоспалительным
action. Leaves and roots are used even for pregnancy.
increase lactation. Dandelion эффективно лечит практически все
болезни печени, очищает от toxins почки, регулирует обмен веществ
in the body. Dandelion juice normalizes bile formation,
restores liver cells.

  • Crushed dandelion root. The resulting powder
    mix with honey and take 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals,
    drink plenty of water.

This remedy will perfectly restore the liver after ingestion.
antibiotics. But it should be remembered that the plant collected along
highways or in an environmentally unfavorable area, not
will bring benefits.

Milk thistle

Herbs for treating the liver and cleansing from slags andtoxins

In the first place among the herbs that clean the liver is
milk thistle This is a plant with a rich composition of the bio
active substances and one of the most powerful antioxidants. Milk thistle
– Protector of liver cells, which is rich in vitamins B, A, K, D, E.
В ней содержатся полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты,  смолы,
essential oils, numerous minerals.

For очистки печени расторопша применяется один раз в полгода по
2 packs purchased at the pharmacy. It is also used in such
pathologies, like: fatty liver, hepatitis,
gallstone disease, cirrhosis, chronic cholecystitis.

Liver Cleansing Tea:

  • 2 tbsp. l расторопши, 1 ч. l peppermint. Fill the raw material 2
    glasses of boiling water, insist 1 hour, then consume
    every hour for a tablespoon. The course duration is three
    of the day


Folk treatment of the liver with artichoke goes back to ancient times. This
трава – идеальный чистильщик, обладающий желчегонным action. TO
the same artichoke favorably affects the gallbladder, improves

The bitter substances in the plant contribute
stimulate the formation of bile, provide in the organs
anti-inflammatory effect. TOорни и свежие листья растения
used for medicinal purposes for the preparation of infusions, juices,
decoctions. Artichoke употребляют пищу и как обычный овощ.

For приготовления настоя понадобится:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of artichoke leaves, 1 liter of boiling water. Seething boiling
    water artichoke. Give brew 20 minutes Take 200 ml per day
    for 20 minutes to eat.


Tansy – это травянистое многолетнее растение, встречающееся
everywhere. When cleaning the liver with herbs using floral
tansy baskets that are harvested in their flowering period.
Use the plant as a choleretic broth for hepatitis,
Giardiasis and other liver diseases. Plant эффективно даже при
metastases in the liver, especially when combined with yarrow.
However, when taking herbs, take precautions, as
tansy is toxic and sometimes causes severe poisoning.


Herbs for treating the liver and cleansing from slags andtoxins

 If you are interested in the question, what kind of grass should you drink to
clean the liver, the answer herbalists unequivocal – yarrow.
This трава комплексно действует на орган, особенно, если он
increased, helping the liver to fully recover in just 1 month.
Yarrow tannins allow the use of plants
not only for the treatment of liver pathologies, but also for all diseases
internal organs.


 This plant is known to remove
warts but celandine also heal serious liver pathologies and
biliary organs. Celandine имеет более 20 алкалоидов,
capable of entering into many chemical reactions, making
plant antineoplastic, choleretic, anesthetic,
bactericidal. But along with this, the reception of the celandine requires special
caution, since the action of alkaloids is very powerful. Therapy
should start with small doses to the body to plant
got used gradually.

Herbal Fees

Folk remedies to cleanse the liver and herbal
charges having a composition of several herbs.

Herbs for treating the liver and cleansing from slags andtoxins

TO примеру, монастырский чай для печени:

  • 1 tablespoon of herbs picking (rose hips, St. John’s wort, oregano,
    Dorenza devyasila, elderberry) pour 500 ml of the capella. Give brew
    not less than 12 hours. Strain the infusion and drink 1/3 cup 2-3 times
    per day 15 minutes before meals.

There are a lot of herbs to help treat the liver. Their
distinguishes only the impact on the body. One plant enhances
the secretion of bile, the other – has antispasmodic properties, and
the third one removes pollution and accumulated slags. Patient Reviews
It is argued that a well-designed herb will help even
with serious disorders, such as liver cancer or obesity
(fatty hepatosis).

Flowers and herbs for the treatment of liver cirrhosis

Liver cirrhosis is characterized by pronounced fibrous
deformation and destruction of the body. With this disease, the cells
the liver is slowly destroyed, gradually replaced by scar tissue,
therefore, they cannot perform their work functions. Besides
traditional treatment of this disease and a special diet,
excluding the use of alcohol and fatty foods exist
traditional methods of therapy, herbal and floral decoctions of plants:

  • 1 tablespoon horseradish flowers pour 250 ml of boiling milk,
    leave to brew until cool. Strain and drink on the floor
    cup 2 times a day. TOурс лечени – 30 дней.
  •  Grind 2 tsp of chamomile flowers in a coffee grinder, pour 250
    ml of boiling water, let it brew for 3-4 hours. Strain and drink by
    20 ml to 4 times a day.


Recipes for cleansing and restoring the liver

Medicinal herbs for the liver have hepatoprotective
action, remove inflammation and toxins. Herbal Fees улучшают
secretory functions and organ metabolism, ensure normal
choleretic process.

Herbs for treating the liver and cleansing from slags andtoxins

We offer you effective recipes for the treatment and
liver disease prevention:

  1. Mix in equal quantities the fruits of fennel, mint, chamomile,
    sagebrush. Drink 3 times a day for 3 weeks before meals.
    half a glass of broth. Заливайте 2 ч. l plants 500 ml of boiling water,
    insist 12 hours.
  2. For однодневной чистки подойдет отвар, состоящий из трав:
    corn silk, immortelle, hips. Take
    ingredients in equal proportions, pour 1.5 cups boiling water and
    настаивайте 40 minutes It is recommended to take a decoction in the evening and in the morning
    on an empty stomach, followed by an enema.
  3. Another soft cleaning of the liver. Take 1 стакан цельного
    овса, 2 tbsp. l cowberry leaves, 1 tbsp. l birch buds, 1 cup
    rosehips. Mix raw materials, pour 3 liters of boiling water, insist
    day. The received means use within 3 days on 50 ml
    30 minutes before meals.
  4. Bile phytotea, consisting of corn silk flowers
    calendula, herbs knotweed, horsetail, for the treatment of the liver need
    drink for 10 weeks for half a cup 3 p. / day after meals.
    For приготовления чая смешайте растения в одинаковых пропорциях,
    take 1 tbsp. l collection, pour two glasses of boiling water, leave
    insist half an hour.
  5. Another cleansing tea recipe. Take 1 ст. l birch
    kidney, half a cup of oat kernels, then pour boiling water (500 ml),
    then insist 6 hours. As time passes the infusion
    strain and drink every morning on an empty stomach 1 glass for
    three to four days.

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