Healthy Vitamins for the Joints: How Theyact. What is the composition of vitamins for joints useful and what are theyare contained

ATт, 13 июн 2017 Автор: врач терапевт Елена

Any disease that a person suffers, even ARVI,
negative effect on the joints. Pathology of bones, joints,
Ligaments are widespread in the world.

Before the appearance of pain in them, usually no one
thinks about the need to take some measures
for their health, although changes in the joints come early, and with
age is progressing. Warn serious illness with
restriction of movements, ensure comfortable movements will help
vitamins for joints that need to be taken by everyone


Vitamins for joints – why they are not enough

Stress, weakness or high physical exertion, smoking,
malnutrition leads to the development of joint diseases
young age and often result in disability. In the elderly
aged osteoporosis, high bone fragility and low regeneration
can cause serious injury with adverse

Preserve the strength of bones and joints, prevent the appearance
pain in them is possible by regularly taking vitamins for the joints. Many
of them are synthesized in the body, but in an amount insufficient
to maintain a good quality of life.

The missing amount comes from food, but with the development
pathological processes it does not cover the lack of vitamins for
joints. Therefore, it is often necessary to apply a course of treatment,
чтобы сохранить подвижность и молодость joints.

Actually it is not only for the sick, elderly or pregnant,
having high risk factors.

Absolutely healthy people in whom
joints exposed to high loads due to professional
activities, sports or a sedentary lifestyle and
bad habits. Any changes in the environment or in the body
human directly or indirectly affect the joints.

Joint Vitamins – Antioxidants: How They Work

Above all, antioxidants are important for joint health,
neutralizing free radicals. They are formed as a result of
oxidative processes in the body and damaging healthy

Free radicals are compounds without one or more
electrons are therefore very active. These “defective” connections
�”Search for” missing electrons by attacking healthy cells of various
organs and systems, thus destroying their tissues.

Healthy cells subjected to such an “attack” themselves turn into
free radicals quickly collapse and die. Per day in
More than 10 thousand such “attacks” occur in the body. Affect
free radicals and on joint tissue, causing inflammatory

They are formed under the harmful influence of ultraviolet radiation,
nicotine and tar when smoking, stress, some medicinal
drugs, stress hormones (adrenaline, cortisol). Effects
their effects are a physiological aging process that affects
all organs and systems, as well as the musculoskeletal system. is he
may occur much earlier than the passport age (earlier

Free radicals destroy proteoglycans and collagen –
substances that are part of the synovial fluid of the joint.
Proteoglycans, collagen, elastin form the main substance
connective tissue and synovial fluid of the joint. Their
damage leads to various inflammatory diseases
joints (rheumatoid arthritis, synoviitis, etc.).

Antioxidants inactivate free radicals, giving them their
electrons. is heи прерывают патологический процесс разрушения

What vitamins are attributed to antioxidants

The antioxidant vitamins include:

витамин А — ретинол;

• E – tocopherol;

• D3 – cholecalciferol;

• K – Menaquinone;

• C – ascorbic acid.

The first 4 of them are fat soluble.

In addition to antioxidants, vitamins for the joints include
water soluble:

группы AT (AT1 – тиамин, AT2 – рибофлавин, AT6 –
pyridocaine, B12-cyanocobalamin);

• vitamin PP – nicotinic acid;

• P – rutin (flavonoid);

• folic acid.

Vitamin deficiencies for joints – clinical manifestations

О том, что суставы больны, говорят симптомы их

• pain, especially in the morning, accompanied by stiffness in
joints of varying duration, increasing during physical

• crunching and clicking when moving;

• possible swelling, deformation, redness of the skin over
a joint;

• after a rest or long sitting it is difficult to start
move and act.

The causes of such states can be:

• destruction of cartilage;

• degenerative processes in cartilage and bone tissue of the joint;

• ossification and shortening of ligaments and muscles;

• inflammatory processes;

• reduction of intraarticular fluid in the periarticular

Causes of pain and changes in the joints of healthy people:

• prevalence of protein in the diet;

• “passive lifestyle;

• in young women – increased collagen extensibility

Vitamin C

Pain in the joints is a symptom of a lack of ascorbic acid. is heа
accelerates calcium absorption and synthesizes �”Bonding” collagen.
Vitamin C укрепляет стенки сосудов, делает их
elastic, reduces permeability. Thus, she participates in
улучшении кровоснабжения и питания joints. Besides she
strengthens the immune system, enhances the immune status, protecting against
harmful effects of infectious agents. When hypovitaminosis C
hemorrhage may occur in the joint with a small injury or
physical exertion. Adult needs to consume 120 mg
vitamin C per day. Its maximum amount is contained in lemons,
black currant, wild rose, black chokeberry, green peas,
radish, red fruit.


Vitamin D (calciferol) is an essential component needed
для здоровья joints. Without his presence is poorly digested
calcium. is he способствует полному усвоению в костях суставов их
main building components – calcium, magnesium and phosphorus,
prevents the destruction of cartilage. Hypovitaminosis D is manifested
osteoporosis of the articular heads of the bones. Numerous studies
confirm the link between hypo-or avitaminosis D and acute
joint and muscle pain. Chronic pains also depend on
vitamin D deficiency
different joints and different parts of the spine.

Part of the vitamin (D2 – ergocalciferol) enters the body with
food, another part (D3 – cholecalciferol) is synthesized in the skin
under the influence of solar ultraviolet. Per person
400 IU (10 mg) of D3 – cholecalciferol are necessary. Most
it is contained in fatty fish, liver, milk, yolk of eggs.


Vitamin E (tocopherol) is used to treat joints when
identified pathology (infectious arthritis, etc.). Affects growth
bones and the formation of connective tissue articular cartilage. AT
combined with vitamin C, it promotes bone tissue regeneration,
contributes to the speedy healing of fractures. ATместе с витамином С
it firmly binds free radicals that are destructive
act on the joints (their antioxidant properties are used).
The daily dose is 20-30 mg. Its source is all
vegetable oils, milk, nuts, egg yolk.


ATитамин А также участвует в обмене кальция и фосфора, защищает
from osteoporosis. Resists viral and bacterial
infection. It is also an antioxidant, involved in bone growth.
and the formation of connective tissue, prevents the destruction of cartilage.
Contained in parsley, vegetables, oil, liver, milk, eggs.


ATитамин К (филлохинон) продукт фотосинтеза растений. K2
(menahinon) – one of the three vitamins in this group – is indispensable for
костей и joints. Contained in many bacteria thick
intestine. Takes part in osteocalcin protein synthesis,
preventing bone destruction. As shown by many
research, there is a connection between hypovitaminosis K and
osteoporosis. But for the treatment of osteoporosis, it does not fit – only
to prevent its development, because it improves bone density.
Participates in the synthesis of bones, increasing their weight. Food sources
витамина K2: масло, печень, яйца, мясо. Daily dose – 120

ATитамины группы AT

ATитамины группы AT (AT1 – тиамин, AT6 – пиридоксин, AT12 —
cyanocobalamin) are included in the list of drugs for the treatment of
severe pain in the joints. is heи участвуют в нейрогуморальной
regulation. Contained in the liver, eggs, milk, fish, cottage cheese,

ATитамин AT6 удерживает коллаген в костях и суставах,
prevents gout and salt deposits.

Trace elements

In addition to vitamins, micro
– and macronutrients (selenium, zinc, chromium, calcium, silicon, copper). is heи
strengthen the ligaments, joints, have their own mechanism of action.

Zinc is essential for the metabolism of vitamin E, stimulates growth and
bone strength.

Selenium is involved in the restoration of cartilage tissue, significantly
reduces pain.

Manganese is involved in the production of collagens.

ATитамины для суставов — лечебные комплексы

ATитамины для суставов и микроэлементы are contained во многих
products, but all the daily need for them to cover one meal
can not. ATыпускаются витаминные комплексы, содержащие все
необходимые компоненты для нормальной жизнедеятельности joints.
There are special multivitamins with chondroitin added,
glucosamine and collagen – the “building material” for cartilage.

1. ATитрум Остеомаг — содержит витамин Д,
calcium, magnesium, cyc, copper. Very effective for both prevention,
so and for the treatment of osteoporosis, strengthen the joints, removes well
joint pain. Appointed for sports injuries, fractures.

2. Кальцемин Адванс — нормализует фосфорно –
Calcium metabolism, contains calcium, zinc, copper, vitamin D3.
Contributes to increased tissue density of joints and bones,
used for the prevention of osteoporosis, with pain.

3. Коллаген Ультра — состоит из витаминов А, Д,
With, calcium, collagen and glucosamine. Shown for knee injuries.
joint and cartilage meniscus.

4. СустаНорм состоит из аскорбиновой кислоты,
Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Manganese. Effective with degenerative
processes in joints and inflammations. Indications for use:
prevention of osteoporosis, arthritis, gout. Widely used in
sports medicine.

5. АртриATит — содержит витамины С, AT6, ниацин,
pantothenic acid, trace elements. Indications are
inflammatory diseases of the joints, destructive processes in

6. Ортомол Артро плюс — лечит артриты, улучшает
flexibility of the joints, shown after various injuries and operations. AT
состав входят: витамины А, С, Е, Д3, AT, микроэлементы.

7. Триовит — полезен для людей, выполняющих
heavy physical exertion. Consists of antioxidant vitamins:
A, E, C, selenium.

8. Пивные дрожжи — комплекс витаминов группы AT:
saturate the bone and cartilage with vitamins, reduce the risk
seizures, strengthen bone tissue, optimize mineral

If untreated, hypovitaminosis leads to changes in
bones and joints, their ligaments and cartilage, which can become
irreversible. But an oversupply of vitamins is also dangerous for the body.
its complications.

Therefore, before you start taking vitamins for the joints, you need
consult with your doctor, discuss the dosage, frequency and
duration of admission and strictly adhere to them.

In order for the joints to remain healthy, it is necessary
balanced nutrition, healthy lifestyle, avoiding harmful

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