Happiness depends on the sign of the zodiac? Under whatzodiac sign gives birth to happy people

Happiness depends on the sign of the zodiac? Under what zodiac sign gives birth to happy people

�”You want to be happy – be it!” They heard
probably? And they were skeptical: it’s easy to talk like that to those who
life is lucky, and if luck goes around you all the time, then
to keep optimism becomes complicated. Willy-nilly appear
the thought that someone is just born lucky, and someone should
plow for life on the result. Astrologers agree with this: there is
lucky signs and signs that Fortune bypasses
by the side.

Check, maybe you are the real lucky, only
do not know about it? Feel free to demand your share of happiness from fate if
you are Sagittarius, Aquarius or Leo.


The happiest people

Happiness depends on the sign of the zodiac? Under what zodiac sign gives birth to happy people

Стрелец. He is patronized by a big
the benefactor of the Zodiac, Jupiter, is the planet that is responsible for luck,
opportunities, patronage of influential persons, awards,
honors and perspectives. Medieval astrologers called Jupiter
Fortuna Major – “great luck”. Sagittarius remains a lot more
what they earned, and if trouble happens to them, then they
come out of them with less damage than everyone else. That’s why
the character of the Streltsov “golden” – generous, optimistic,
friendly They do not need to fight for a place in the sun,
why shouldn’t they be complacent?

Happiness depends on the sign of the zodiac? Under what zodiac sign gives birth to happy people

Водолей. You probably know the saying that
fools are lucky? Of course, not stupid and uneducated
people, and the classic “fools” from Russian fairy tales: simple-minded,
open, not thinking like everyone else and believing in miracles. And who is among
zodiac signs? Aquarius. These people have an unusual look at
things, friendliness and simplicity. They are often lucky. And happiness to them
comes very specific. On the side, it can do
not seem like luck: what is great is that you were invited
to the station in Antarctica to study penguins or as the thousandth
the buyer of the store, handed over a thousand chupa chups? But to Aquarius
like. They do not like the taste of others.

Happiness depends on the sign of the zodiac? Under what zodiac sign gives birth to happy people

Лев. Leo’s Planet – the Sun. It generously gives
light and warmth to all living things, and, of course, do not overlook their
wards. Lions are lucky to always be in those situations
which they will be the winners. In childhood they are leaders, in high school –
if not the best, in any case the brightest and
charismatic students, at work – the first candidates for promotion.
Their finances are not only earnings, but numerous gains,
bonuses, fees and gifts. In love, Lviv has the richest choice of those
who would like to build relationships with them. It should be noted that the Lions
they accept not all gifts of fate, but only those that do not infringe upon them

Happy just because happy

There are people who feel happy in the most ordinary
conditions. They are happy with the smallest of luck, and sometimes even without
occasion. They are happy with everyday things: good weather, pleasant
talk, chocolate, day off. This bright view of life
Astrologers also associate with certain signs of the zodiac.
The inner feeling of happiness is typical of Taurus, Gemini and

Happiness depends on the sign of the zodiac? Under what zodiac sign gives birth to happy people

Телец. These people can enjoy everything.
material They enjoy delicious food, physical
load, massage, spa treatments, sex and other sensual
pleasures. They are uplifted by the touch of a soft, gentle
fabrics to the body, because they are demanding on the quality of clothing. They like
eat well and do not require fancy cuisine, they would be a dish
tasty and satisfying. They like to sit in comfortable chairs and wallow.
on a cozy couch. As you can see, they don’t need much for happiness – just
everyday life would be top notch.

Happiness depends on the sign of the zodiac? Under what zodiac sign gives birth to happy people

Близнецы. Easy optimistic character
This sign can be envied. Gemini easily relate to
troubles, quickly throw out unpleasant impressions,
and a sense of humor saves them from boredom and negative emotions. They always
find something to laugh at or to switch to, so if
luck in their lives and no more than the rest, then the trouble –
just less. And they have a lot of friends and they are great
informed about everything, so if there is a smell somewhere
luck, they’ll be right there. However, if a lucky chance
will be associated with liability or risk, most likely shake
shrug and give up.

Happiness depends on the sign of the zodiac? Under what zodiac sign gives birth to happy people

Весы. These are aesthetes. They surround themselves with beautiful
things, nice people and harmonious impressions. Avoid
ugly and embarrassing situations, feel disgust for the evils and
unsightly sides of life. Scales are arranged so that
touch only pleasant moments. They do not expect good luck, but
purposefully build their lives as they want: choose from
of all the many-sided world everything is beautiful and lovely, like raisins from
cupcake. And in this aesthetic, harmonious atmosphere, they certainly

They need to learn to be happy

Ощущения счастья не хватает Водным меланхоликам – Ракам,
Скорпионам и Рыбам
. They can carry no less than
to most people, but they only see what they want to see. When
they are in a bad mood, all their luck and achievements seem to them
empty place. They are often saddened, and Scorpions in addition
prone to samoedstvo. The case will help to correct the psychological
trainings and development of positive thinking.

These signs are probably cheerful
will not be equal, but they will look at life easier, and instead of black
melancholy will experience a bright sadness mixed with
premonition that there is always something waiting ahead

Нет в списке счастливчиков и двух Земных знаков – Дев и
But they do not need it.

Happiness is replaced with moral satisfaction from well
work done and the realization that they are successfully coping with
work and everyday duties and keep their lives under

They refer to success exactly, without delight, and sometimes not at all.
замечают, что им в than-то повезло. Their position: “No happiness? But
There is no misfortune, and all kinds of surprises, that’s glorious! ”
you need to try to make these signs happy by force. They and so
happy but very different.

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