Ghosts in Lithuanian water

Tue, Jan 19, 2016

Lithuanian summer flies so fast that go to countries
Baltic, to sunbathe on the beach, does not make sense. AT
Lithuania does not need to go for the sun, but for the air. Climatotherapy –
The main treatment procedure in Lithuania. Thick air cocktail
infused with pine trees, algae and herbs is considered medicine
better mud and water treatments.

And, of course, tourists are of great interest.
architectural monuments of Lithuania. Especially those that
teeming with haunted meetings. A popular belief
says: where there are ghosts, surely there should be nearby
treasure guarded by them. For thrills, searching for ghosts and
treasure, which they guard, we went to Trakai. For precisely
in the old castle of Trakai inhabits a medieval ghost
which comes out of the lake at night and wanders through the castle. However see
it is possible only under certain conditions. But about all

Staying in Palanga and enjoying plenty of Baltic
beaches and waves, heading inland. AT средние века
Trakai was a rich center of princely life, and in it seething boiled
activity, now is a small quiet town with
famous architectural monument – Trakai castle.
Historical value and, most importantly, the integrity of the Gothic
architecture of the castle attracts not only tourists but also
knight clubs, film studios, theaters. AT первых числах июля ежегодно
in the castle put opera performance “Pilenai.” Often you can
see jousting tournaments or shooting a movie.

Several legends are connected with the appearance of the castle. One of them
says that the Lithuanian prince Gediminos successfully having hunted on one
from the lakes, decided on this occasion to build a castle. Before him locks on
воде еще никто не строил (ATенеция и Петербург появились позже), но
orders of the prince in those days were not discussed, but executed. Sources
They say that the castle on the waters of the four lakes of Luka, Totorishka, Galve and
Акмяна был построен всего за два года и от этого замка до ATильнюса,
the capital of Lithuania, laid an underground passage of 20 kilometers.
Well, the first mention of the castle in the annals refer to 1337

According to another legend, the son of Gediminos – Keystutis met in the forest,
near Palanga, a girl of unprecedented beauty Birutu. Prince brought
girl in old Trakai, where he played the wedding. But his wife, who
born on the Baltic coast, in the present Palanga did not like that
that there are no reservoirs near the residence. Yielding to the wishes of his wife, the prince
The 14th century began building a castle on one of the islands. Migrated
there only in 1376, as mentioned in the chronicle. ATскоре
молодая жена родила ему сына ATитовта.

ANDменно ATитовту предстояло стать самым известным князем. because
that with him the principality of Lithuania stretched from the Baltic Sea to
Black, and it was he who completed the construction of this wonderful
Castle, started by his father. The castle is really beautiful, he
quite large and very interesting in architecture, abounds
фресками и витражами, изображающими княжескую жизнь 14-17 веков.ATо
building time of the castle relationship between the Lithuanians and the Order
Crusaders were magnificent. But suddenly, all of a sudden,
ATитовт поссорился с кем-то из крестоносцев. Duel, in
ходе которого ATитовт отрубил крестоносцу голову. And threw this
head to the lake. Since then, the lake became known as Galve, which
translated from Lithuanian means head.

This fight spawned many legends. One of them гласит о том,
that the guards of the castle of trakai repeatedly at night during a strong
thunderstorms watch a kind of white glow appear above the lake,
which over time takes the form of a large fixed white
head in a knight’s helmet. AT то же время возле Юго-Западной башни
another great white radiance appeared in the form of a knight in white
clothes resembling (judging by the image that is preserved in
замке) князя ATитовта. The image of the prince descended on
defensive wall and through the gate opening by themselves
disappeared into the walls of the castle.

In addition to the guards of the knight saw very many residents of Trakai. AND
another legend has arisen: if on a clear full moon night to sit on
opposite the castle side of the lake and look at the tower
long-long, then you can see the ghost.

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