General signs, characteristic symptomsconjunctivitis in kittens. What to do if a kitten has conjunctivitis:treatment rules and methods

Пн, 30 окт 2017 Автор: ATалентина Оболова

Since conjunctivitis in kittens is a very
common cat owners need to be prepared for
solving a potential problem. Causes of conjunctival inflammation
may be different, however, the disease is rarely considered
as an independent.

In most cases, this is a symptom and consequence of infection,
mechanical or chemical injury of the mucous membrane, damage to the body
worms, reaction to allergens. Consider how not to miss
the onset of the disease and what to do if the kitten’s conjunctivitis is leaking
in severe form.


Symptoms of catarrhal conjunctivitis in kittens

Let’s start with the fact that cats inflammation of the conjunctiva is classified
on several species. The most commonly diagnosed acute catarrhal
conjunctivitis, which without timely treatment can turn into
chronic form.

Symptoms of acute catarrhal conjunctivitis

• slight puffiness of the mucous membrane of the eye;

• moderate tearing (transparent at the beginning, as the
inflammations – dull, thick);

• lumps and strings of mucus in the corner of the eye;

• skin of the eyelids irritated, red;

• loss occurs at the site of leakage on the skin

• during sleep, the discharge dries out, turns into crusts,
stick cilia.

Moderately characteristic of chronic conjunctivitis in kittens.
isolation of unclear mucus, sticking to the eyelashes and formation
crusts in the corners of the eyes. The skin of the eyelids is inflamed. Wool around the eyes
falls out.

Гнойный конъюнктивит у kittens: основные проявления

Without treatment, catarrhal conjunctivitis can turn into purulent.
This is a more severe form of the disease.
symptom complex.

The main signs of purulent conjunctivitis in kittens

• discharge of dirty yellow dense liquid from the eyes with a characteristic
purulent odor;

• general malaise, lethargy of the animal;

• refusal to eat, poor appetite;

• increased body temperature, fever;

• sore eyes;

• puffiness of the eyelids;

• redness of the mucous membrane of the eyeball.

In the inflammatory process with purulent conjunctivitis may be
cornea is involved. With a complicated course of the disease mucous
swells, turns out, sharply protrudes beyond the orbit.

Symptoms of parenchymal and follicular conjunctivitis

When the parenchymal form of the disease is inflammation
extends not only to the conjunctiva, but affects other parts
eyes. Because of this, purulent effusions come out not only outside, but also
accumulate inside the eye – under the epithelium of the conjunctiva.

Eyelids in a kitten with parenchymal conjunctivitis
swell. Наблюдается заметное покраснение слизистой eyes. If a
inadvertently hitting an inflamed conjunctiva, it starts

In the absence of treatment, parenchymal conjunctivitis causes
total blindness.

Follicular conjunctivitis is the most severe form of the disease. AT
inflammatory process involves mucous eyelids and lymphatic
follicles located on the inside of the third century.

Symptoms of follicular conjunctivitis

• small red spots on the inside of the eyelids;

• protrusion of the eyelid mucosa;

• formation of a turbid, dirty-gray film on the surface
eyelid mucosa;

• soreness of the eyeball;

• narrowing of the eye;

• purulent discharge;

• blepharospasm (eyelids permanently closed);

• photophobia.

The treatment of this form of the disease is complex and lengthy. Held
exclusively under the direction of a veterinarian. AT крайне запущенных
cases may require surgery.

What to do if a kitten has conjunctivitis: how to wash

AT комплекс терапевтических мероприятий при любой форме
diseases include eye wash procedures, the use of medicinal
ointments and eye drops. ATсе лекарства назначает ветеринар, но
procedures are carried out either on an outpatient basis or by the owner of an animal in
home conditions.

For washing procedures, antiseptic solutions are used.
(furatsilin, potassium permanganate). Drug concentration
the means in the solution are scanty (1: 5000), so prepare them
alone is not recommended. Excess of proportions antiseptic
can harm a kitten and aggravate the course of the disease by causing
chemical burn of inflamed conjunctiva.

Безопаснее промыть eyes котёнку чёрным чаем. Brewing do
medium strength, no added sugar. Better brew tea
on the eve of the procedure. Freshly brewed eye wash
with conjunctivitis in a kitten is not recommended.

To folk remedies for symptomatic treatment of conjunctivitis
kittens относятся также отвары трав, обладающих
anti-inflammatory, soothing properties. AT первую очередь,
It is a calendula and chamomile. Dry herbs brewed in
proportions 1 tsp. on 250 ml of boiling water. Insist half an hour. Before
using filter and cool to 36 degrees.

Washing procedures are carried out every 3-4 hours. Decoction
(with an antiseptic solution) moisten a piece of bandage abundantly and
carefully wipe the kitten by removing all excretions and crusts.

Мази для treatment конъюнктивита у kittens

Special ointments are used to treat acute catarrhal
also the initial stage of purulent, and parenchymal conjunctivitis in
kitty AT основном это антибактериальные препараты, такие как
Sofradex, Levometsitin, Tobreks, tetracycline ointment, Aktipol.

The necessary medicines can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. If a
there are none, in agreement with your doctor allowed to use
similar drugs intended for the treatment of conjunctivitis

Procedures are carried out 3-4 times a day. Before инсталляцией глазки
Kitten thoroughly washed.

Ointment is laid not with a finger or a bandage, but with a special
glass rod with a rounded end. Wand before the procedure
sterilized. ATыдавливают на кончик небольшую горошинку мази.
Наносят под веко в оба eyes.

Процедура малоприятная для kitty If a он отчаянно
resists, do not insist. You can simply apply the ointment on
lower eyelid – when blinking the drug is distributed independently
throughout the conjunctiva.

What to do if a kitten has conjunctivitis: medical methods

What does the vet appoint, diagnosing the kitten
�”conjunctivitis”? These are painkillers (Novocain, Lidocaine),
antiedematous, anti-inflammatory drugs (hydrocortisone,
Dexamethasone), drugs that reduce the intensity of purulent
secretions (Sofradex, Ciprofloxacin, Floxadex).

Aloe and TES-normin are used in the treatment of sluggish and
chronic catarrhal conjunctivitis. Buried under the eyelid
solutions and lay silver based ointment. When puffiness
глазного яблока в eyes закапывают гидрокортизон (0,2 мл) и раствор
novocaine (1 ml).

Treatment гнойного и фолликулярного конъюнктивита у kittens
provides for the injection of antibiotics as prescribed by the vet,
eye wash with boric acid solution, use of eye ointments
with antibiotics.

What to do if a kitten’s conjunctivitis developed in the background
helminth lesions or is one of the manifestations of allergies?
Along with the traditional activities of treatment provides reception
special preparations for the removal of parasites and the use of
antihistamine drugs. To enhance
The therapeutic effect of the veterinarian may recommend
kitten medications that strengthen the immune system.

Intensity and focus of conjunctival inflammation therapy
depends on the type, form, severity of the disease. On their own
no action cat owners should take. Treatment
appoints after a detailed diagnosis of a veterinarian.

ATажно помнить, что при любой форме конъюнктивита обрабатывают
оба eyes животного. Even if the inflammatory process proceeds
only in one of them.

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