Gender stereotypes

Gender stereotypes
Thu, 08 Dec 2016

Stereotypes are a rather insidious thing. They evolved over the centuries and
therefore deeply rooted in society. These are original labels,
which a person attaches to others. Especially it concerns
ideas about men and women, their typical qualities and forms
behavior. They are spelled out by nature, religion, certain
cultural values ​​and features. However, if you look
deeper, it will become clear – gender stereotypes are the fruit
public consciousness, and sometimes people themselves do not know why they think
so and not otherwise. Consider the most common stereotypical

The most common and predictable attitude is
management and subordination. Man – leader, getter, domineering and
strong, woman – the keeper of home comfort, weak and gentle. AT
In today’s world, this trend is gradually becoming obsolete. Position
leaders can equally occupy both men and women. AND
now it’s far from news to meet a “domesticated” man or
earner-woman. Thanks to Angela Davis and her

ANDз основного стереотипа о лидерстве вытекает следующее. The man
– discreet, rational, free and logical. Woman –
on the contrary, emotional, inconsistent, attached to the family,
frivolous. AND опять промах! Emotions are all. The only difference is
their quality. In men, it is aggression, imperiousness, rudeness,
women – softness, flexibility, pliability. AND независимо от пола
a person can manage them. In addition, many women are beautiful
leaders, and this is a sign of their rational organization at that time
it is easier for men to remain in the passive by doing the same
work As you can see, the career ladder divides people
gender, but in life aspirations.

Next on the list is a stereotype about masculinity and femininity.
The man — защитник, не заботится о своей внешности и не страшится
old age, woman – needs protection, fixated on fashionable things
and eternal youth. However, modern plastic surgery and
textile industry suggests otherwise. This is especially true
for show business. Men attend gyms and lounges
to create a stylish “body”, and women are engaged in eastern
martial arts World. seems to have turned upside down.

AND, наконец, сексуальные отношения. Yes, nature has created man and
a woman for union and procreation. But this label has long been removed from
modern society. Sexual minorities are growing and it seems
natural law does not really bother them.

Today, expressions like “must, because I am a man / woman”
long lost meaning. ATремя не стоит на месте, меняется жизнь,
people are changing. AND какой соблазн возникает для представителя того или
To destroy the imposed stereotype, change social
roles in the typical find unique. But religious societies
stereotypes are very strong. It will take a long time to change
�”Stamped” consciousness. However, numerous psychological
studies have shown that gender stereotypes are weakening and now
It is difficult to meet a “typical” man and woman. Who knows where
Gender evolution will lead us …

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