Fragrant coffee: harm and benefits for women.Scientific research and facts about coffee, its benefits and harms forof women

Ср, 18 апр 2018 Автор: Оксана Шеповалюк

Many people prefer to start the morning with a cup
invigorating coffee. Someone can not live without this flavored drink,
and someone considers it unhealthy.


Кофе: вред для of women

Coffee is harmful to use for those who suffer from insomnia, increased
excitability and hypertension. Doctors advise to exclude from the diet of coffee
everyone who has kidney disease. Someone believes that if in coffee
Caffeine is not available – it is an excellent substitute for your favorite drink. But this
self-deception, because to get rid of caffeine, use harmful
chemical substances.

It is better not to drink instant coffee. It is usually produced from
cheap coffee beans of poor quality, add artificial
flavors and harmful preservatives. After industrial processing,
all the beneficial properties of coffee will be lost. Therefore, it is advisable to drink
freshly roasted coffee.

В чём заключается вред кофе для of women:

• physical dependence. To find out if there is a dependency on
caffeine should abandon the drink for a while. With
the appearance of headache, fatigue, drowsiness, irritability,
depression and other symptoms, we can assume that she

• Coffee harms the nervous system. If stimulated for a long time
tissue of the nervous system, this will lead to its permanent presence in
excited state and excessive stress. As a result, nervous
cells will be depleted and will not be able to ensure the normal operation of all
body systems;

• negative impact on mental health. If a
use coffee in large doses, it can lead to
psychosis, paranoia, epilepsy, aggression without a cause;

• adverse effects on the work of the heart and blood vessels. Caffeine
contributes to increased heart rate, increased blood pressure.
It is very harmful to use coffee to those who have cardiovascular
pathology or the likelihood of their development. Much more harmful brewed
drink, than brewed in a coffee maker;

• caffeine helps to flush out the body and normal
assimilation of a number of important trace elements. These are potassium, sodium, magnesium,
B vitamins, calcium. Where it leads? To development
osteoporosis, back and neck pain, irritability and
problems with teeth. Caffeine also adversely affects color.
skin, teeth and affects the health of hair. Skin becomes dry and
starts to peel off, hair falls out, and nails are stratified and
lose healthy shine;

• provokes cellulite. Вред кофе для of women будет проявляться в
orange peel on the buttocks and thighs, if you drink a lot
coffee, but do not exercise;

• passion for coffee as a bad habit. With регулярном
eating a lot of your favorite drink
gradually learn to relax on their own, so you want
drink more coffee. And this is fraught with a large load on
гормональный фон of womenы, психику, сердце и другие внутренние

Вред кофе для of women, планирующих беременность

Scientists have proven that by drinking caffeine in elevated
doses, the probability of conception is sharply reduced. Therefore, in the period
planning a child, you need to revise your diet and reduce
the amount of caffeine that adversely affects fertilization
and the promotion of the egg into the uterus.

If a в период беременности употреблять больше 300 мг кофеина в
day, the probability of abortion increases in the first three
months, or there may be preterm delivery in the third trimester.
After the baby is born, it is also not advisable to abuse
coffee. Otherwise, the child may be restless,
hyperactive, and his sleep will be disturbed. To harm from coffee was
minimum, no more than two cups of drink should be consumed
day. And when planning an IVF procedure (extracorporeal
fertilization of coffee is better for a while to forget.

Противопоказания к употреблению: вред кофе для of women

You can not think that the body is strong and will cope with any
harmful products and poisons. You need to take care of your health
is always. For example, the body is tired and wants to relax and sleep.
If a это желание сна убирается при помощи кофе, значит идёт борьба
to the detriment of themselves. The body needs recharging in the form of rest, and nervous
the system is on the contrary stimulated. This is not correct, because
work begins on wear. As a result, various diseases appear.
and early aging of the body.

When you can not drink coffee:

• in old age;

• during pregnancy and lactation, as well as to the desired

• if there is a disease of the stomach;

• with osteoporosis. Bones are already suffering, and then there is caffeine,
promoting calcium leaching;

• with high pressure, cataract, atherosclerosis, glaucoma,
heart disease.

В чём польза кофе для of women

It was a lot of research that proved
что польза кофе для of women неоспорима. It all depends on the composition and
coffee beans. According to scientists, fresh grains contain many
healthy substances. These are calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium,
potassium, organic acids, vitamins A, B, D, E and others
trace elements. For example, in one cup of this refreshing drink
contains 20% of the daily intake of vitamin P, and in fact it contributes
improve the immune system, reduce inflammation in
the body. It is on these substances that the effect of coffee depends.
will have on the body. It can be negative and positive.
Because it consists of many different components that
in their own way affect health. And each person develops
individual susceptibility to them. Still need to take into account
the amount and concentration of drink drunk.

Doctors consider a safe dose of several cups of fragrant
напитка в день, тогда польза кофе для of women будет максимальной. Not
It is recommended to drink coffee a few hours before bedtime. And
It is not advisable to brew it too much. Better to brew a drink
average level of concentration, and drink no more than two times a day.

The main active ingredient in coffee is caffeine. He charges
body cheerfulness, increases vascular tone, improves brain function,
Gastrointestinal tract and other body systems. Not зря кофеин входит в список
drugs. It is even used for production.
some drugs. For example, the most famous is Citramon. Disputes over
caffeine is still not over. Some argue that he
improves performance, others scream that this substance is given to
depletion of the nervous system and the emergence of various pathologies. For each
the right to a personal opinion remains. But scientists have proven that from coffee
there is not only harm, but also benefit.

Итак, в чём польза кофе для of women:

• improved metabolism. Многие of womenы мечтают избавиться от
overweight. Caffeine не только бодрит, но и способствует стимуляции
metabolism, helping to lose weight faster;

• good prevention of depression. Women tend to frequent
mood swings and depressions. For those who drink no less
three cups of coffee a day, 20% less emotional

• reduces the risk of diabetes. It falls by 50% if
consume three cups of drink per day;

• improvement of memory, attention and mental activity. Scientists
proved that if you drink two cups of coffee a day, it will not improve
only short-term memory, but also the reaction rate. what
helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease;

• prevention of Parkinson’s disease. Studies have proven that
Caffeine helps reduce the likelihood of developing this disease. Chance
disease development is reduced by 25% when used 2-3 cups in
during the day;

• has antioxidant properties, so it helps
keep youth and beautiful appearance;

• contributes to the normalization of blood pressure.

To use coffee or not is the personal choice of everyone. The main thing is not
abuse this fragrant drink to prevent development
caffeine addiction.

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