Folk omens, myths and beliefs associated withcritical days

Folk omens, myths and beliefs associated with critical days

Так называемые «критические дни» —  не что
иное, как  особенность женской физиологии. Modern people
understand this. But a century ago, such a woman was treated with
caution, the menstrual blood itself is often used to
love spell. A woman on such days was rumored to be special, endowed
мифическими свойствами


What foreshadow and from what protect the girl maternal
slap in the face

There were magical customs, they had to protect itself
девушку, которая впервые столкнулась с critical days. Everything
such rituals were performed by the mother of the girl.

One of them was that the mother had to wash
the bloody underwear of the girl and the water with a flourish splash on the bottom
part of the hut

By doing this, women believed that their daughter’s period would last
no longer than three days.

The bad omen was the death of the mother in the period of the first
monthly girls.

It was believed that she takes with her the blush of her daughter. The fact,
that there was a custom, it is to some extent fulfilled and in our

During the first menstruation, the mother should have hit hard
a daughter in the face so that her cheek blushed well.

Blush was considered an indicator of health. But besides that, ancestors
believed that the mother, hitting her daughter in the face, rewards her with this pain, but
одновременно избавляет от боли, связанной с critical days.

The girl herself should have been kept secret and no one
talk about the onset of her first menstruation.

Otherwise, they believed that menstruation would come on her day.
weddings, so the wedding will have to be postponed, since
a church in this condition is strictly prohibited.

Folk omens

There is a huge amount of people who will accept and believe
associated with monthly. So if the girl has critical days
started quite early, it was believed that she was destined to become
mother of many children.

Much can also be learned by what day of the week comes
the onset of menstruation.

  • Понедельник считается тяжелым днем для любых
    undertakings, and as the first day of menstruation, can be troublesome. Although
    not always hassle will be negative. They can
    to be associated with the preparation for any celebration.
  • The coming changes in life can be a promise of period
    во вторник. You can also feel free to take
    bringing plans to life.
  • Если месячные начинаются в среду, женщине
    should be careful with others, especially
    whom she badly knows. Excessive trust can lead to
    dire consequences.
  • К гостям начинаются дни в четверг. Maybe,
    you yourself will become a guest.
  • Новостей надо ожидать тем, кто встречает месячные в
    . However, they can be as good as
    bad ones.
  • А вот суббота – хороший день для начала
    critical days. Everything, что вы пожелаете, должно обязательно
    come true. The only thing that is required of you is to do it yourself.
  • Не менее хорошим является воскресенье как
    first day of menstruation. For the whole month you have good
    mood, joy and fun.

You can also learn something from the near future, based on
time of day when menstruation began.

A good sign if they started before dawn. AT
In this case, until the next month you will be happy in your personal
or married life, truce with relatives or just
have fun with friends.

Not bad as the period of the beginning of the month from noon to
The month in this case will be filled with positive
emotions, misunderstandings and quarrels recede into the background.

Месячные, начавшиеся вечером, сулят скук и
melancholy. And the closer to midnight the trouble happened, the more
this week and the next will be sad and unpleasant.

Критические дни, начавшиеся в полуночи,
foreshadow separation and loneliness. In order not to suffer in consequence
troubles should try to prevent them.
Focus more on your loved one, friends and work
will wait.

What not to do during menstruation:

In Russia, the woman during menstruation tried to remove from
most significant for a prosperous family affairs.

Such a girl did not sit without work, she performed any
insignificant work, staying at this time on the female half.

The Slavs explained this by the fact that during menstruation a woman
confronted with powerful energy that an outsider can
harm, especially when it comes to the representative of a strong

In addition, the lady herself during the period of menstruation was considered less
protected from the influence of evil forces, so it must be extremely

And yet, no matter how funny these customs look, wise ancestors
did the right thing when they gave their girlfriends some rest
in such a difficult period.

Now we will understand what was forbidden to do a girl or woman
during menstruation.

  • Cannot be unclean to look at naked
    . His skin was considered to be covered afterwards.
    rash and ulcers. Maybe, таким образом предки пытались внести
    запрет на интимные отношения в эти days Later even bathing baby
    entrusted to one of the less dangerous members of the family.
  • There was a ban on the entry of young ladies these days in
    It was not justified by the fact that the woman was considered
    unclean, and the fact that the temple was forbidden to shed the blood of any
  • It was forbidden to cook food, as it will
    And this is due to physiological reasons.
    The woman in this period is somewhat scattered and tired. Besides
    In addition, due to a change in taste, it can be over-salted or
  • Чтобы месячные не стали затяжными, запрещалось резать и
    потрошить птицу
  • It was forbidden for a woman at the time of menstruation to participate in
    севе и пахоте
    , так как она способна забрать силу у
  • ATерили, что сотканная в этот период нить будет
    not strong, will quickly tear.


ATНИМАНИЕ!  Modern doctors are not superstitious, but they are firmly
know that during this period you should not do surgery and tear

The fact, что во время месячных у женщин плохо
blood coagulates, which can lead to severe bleeding as
during the operation, and after the end.

So some prohibitions, as we see, are still necessary
stick to.

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