Folk beliefs on Tatiana’s Day

Folk beliefs on Tatiana's Day

No name day is celebrated as massively as
Tatyana’s Day. This is a church and public holiday. AT
Christianity worshiped the holy martyr Tatiana, who was subjected
tortured for their faith. January 25 is the day of Russian students. This
date is traditionally celebrated by those who chews on the granite of science. For those and
Others there are many beliefs, customs that have developed over a long
holiday history.


A little bit about Tatyana

Martyr Tatiana was the daughter of a Roman consul. For his persistent
faith in Christ she was subjected to numerous tortures, deprived of her eyes,
tried several times to burn, inflicted a large number of wounds
a knife. But God healed her, and those who tormented her punished her.

When she was thrown into the arena of a ruthless, hungry lion, he
not only did not touch the girl, but began to caress her.

Then came the order of the death penalty, the executioners refused
kill her, asked her for forgiveness.

Tatyana was beheaded on January 12, 226 in Rome. In a new way
style – January 25th.

Folk beliefs

AT первую очередь в такой день люди замечали погоду. Snowfall
foreshadowed a rainy summer, but the clear weather with frost promised
a favorable crop. Starry sky and soft sunrise predicted
Early spring, early arrival of birds.

To make the cabbage harvest good, women are tight
woven balls of yarn, symbolizing a strong head.

The warm season strongly influenced people’s lives, and therefore it is important
was to attract favorable weather conducive to good harvest.
For this, the older woman in the family, in another way she was called
�”Bolshokh”, baked a large loaf in the form of the sun, treated everyone
family members.

If surpluses remained, they were fed to pets. With
This quality loaf also predicted the future. If in
during the process of baking, the dough rose, a tubercle formed, which means
family expected a successful year.

Smooth top – no significant changes are expected, but
cracked bread promised failures. With этом сгоревшую корку
definitely had to eat to avoid problems. And better
of all if the birthday girl herself does.

AT канун Татьяниного дня наши предки считали обязательной
general cleaning. Spending the day in disarray and the mess was
is unacceptable.

ATедь девушки, названные Татьяной, считались хорошими женами и
mistresses. But on January 25, as in any other holy day,
difficult physical work was forbidden.

Love signs

AT Татьянин день молодые девушки с раннего утра шли на речку и
cleaned the rugs, then hung them on the fence. According to him young
the boys judged which of the girls would be the mistress and the wife. What if
the young man will help the girl to bring the mat from the river to the house, then
it meant swift matchmaking.

If the young lady wanted to bewitch the guy he liked, then
early in the morning the cleaned rug spread out at the door of the house, and then
lured the man. The one who wiped his feet on this rug,
Be sure to fall in love with a girl.

Another way to win a handsome single man was
panicle. The girls made them from rags and feathers. Such a whisk
it was necessary to leave the guy in the house, and if he did not notice her during
day, be sure to fall in love with the intriguing. But about such a rite knew
not just the younger generation. So because mothers tried not to let out
sons and do not let into the house very persistent young ladies.

It has also been long believed that Tatiana’s kiss on that day
will attract good luck in heart matters and success throughout the year. Holding
Weddings on January 25 promise the newlyweds a happy life together.
Also a good sign is the acquisition of a pet.

Give a family, a house to a kitten or puppy – to gain
wealth. The meeting with the redhead was considered especially favorable.
the dog. Feed and pet the animal need

After this success will not pass. On top of the nearest hill
Be sure to make a wish.

Girls born January 25 were considered happy. They were waiting
great successes, easy life. The boys were waiting for bad luck.

Signs of students

Not only the church this festival was after the opening
Moscow State University in 1755. AT 2005 году
January 25 became a public holiday – Russian Day
the student body.

Students on this day come up with their traditions that will help
them in school. Tatyana’s day for many students falls on a period
session exams. That is why they were looking for a way to help
to myself.

AT первую очередь в ночь на 25 января ученики высовывались из
windows and called the ball. In another freebie. I had to shout
�”Ball, come!”, Shaking the record book. If in ответ услышать «Уже
on the way, ”it means learning will be easy. This rite is so much
it is common that in different universities it is carried out in different ways. AT
Some campuses even have a balloon monument. AT канун Татьяниного
day students bring on his pedestal small money to
cajole freebies.

Another way is to draw in the record book. At last her
the sheet depicted a small house, from the chimney of which there is smoke. Myself
the smoke should be long and swirling, but not intersect. If his
It turned out to draw, then everything will pass easily on exams. But
prepare for delivery, read textbooks and notes is prohibited. Even
if the next day is an exam. After spending the day in preparation, pass
the subject will fail. It is better to have fun from the heart and drink for all

It is not advisable to wash the clothes in which the exam was passed.
well And vice versa, things from the discipline not necessarily given
change. AT противном случае неудачной будет вся

It was considered a good sign to get a book as a gift. it
will bring success in school. With этом никому нельзя отказывать в
help. If a person or an animal needs something, it means
help, feed, give alms. Even если ребенок перед обедом
asks for something tasty, you can not refuse. Better give something

Tatyana’s day is loved not only by all Tatyans, but also
by all students. itт день имеет древние, устоявшиеся традиции.
He was always celebrated cheerfully, noisily, in a big way. AT прошлые века 25
января даже органы правопорядка не трогали подвыпивших students.
It was believed that the only way they can perfectly pass all

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