Fly in a dream why dream why adultsfly in a dream? Basic interpretations of different dream books – why dreamfly in a dream

Ср, 24 янв 2018 Автор: Инна

In a dream you can get to the most incredible places, become
participant of the most incredible events. Fly in a dream for what dream?
How to interpret such a dream? Worth to understand.


Flying in a dream to what dreams – the main interpretation

Flight in a dream can be interpreted in completely different ways. He can
to mean both a sharp rise and an attempt to escape,
slip away from reality. It is important to listen to your feelings and
emotions during sleep. What will the subconscious say to you? Pay
attention to the following dream details:

– Why are you flying in a dream;

– Where exactly are you flying;

– How long have you been flying;

– Do you fly yourself;

– Do you fall.

If one kind of height in you causes a panic – it is not necessary
force yourself to do some new business. You can
feel that it will be risky, may not bring you
joy. This feeling will be understood by you and taken on.
subconscious level. You cannot explain to yourself why
afraid to take a step towards a new idea.

Dream interpretation treats a dream in which you happily aspire to
heights – as your subconscious desire to reach new heights,
to benefit, to achieve the desired result. Do you want to climb
to a new level of life and get a lot of benefits, want to find yourself in
completely new occupation.

Fly in a dream for what dream? If you see a dream, how consciously
get ready to fly over the earth – you will consciously choose
new and easy ways. You will not complicate the situation, will
try to find an easy compromise solution to all issues.
Try to think ahead what you want. Try
think about your steps to achieve the goal.

Flying in a dream on an airplane means setting it in front of you.
huge and not achievable goals and actively pursue them. If in a dream
you fly somewhere to rest on an airplane – in reality you will also
want a break from the routine and ordinary affairs. You will have a sharp
the need to diversify your life and bring something into it

A dream in which you are on your plane returning home from a long
travel – says that it’s time for you to reconsider
attitude to the household. You often overlook their needs and
more and more you want to get from them vague benefits. Sleep in
which you can’t land on a plane for a long time –
says that you will be more and more in the clouds and not
you can finally decide what you want from life.

You will not accept your reality and will not do in relation to
her conclusions. You are bored and sad about what is happening in your
life, but you do not want to change anything in this situation. Dream interpretation
advises to review all the possibilities that life will send you.
Accept them with gratitude and stop complaining about fate. You
themselves are able to make a difference.

Sleep in котором вы несколько раз взлетаете и приземляетесь —
means that you get into a rather difficult situation. You будете
increasingly addressing the same issues and facing the same
the same problems. Do not hurry, try to understand more and more
be aware of the situation. You need this experience in order
in the future to prevent such errors. In order to
to decide

If in a dream вы постоянно кружите над своим домом и никак не
land – in reality you can not decide, well you in your
family or not. You may have had an argument with one of your own recently.
households and now do not want the continuation of trouble, want
live again and not feel the pressure from relatives.

Sleep in котором вы несколько дней летаете и не можете понять,
where do you fly, and why do you need it – says that you also
in reality you can not decide what you really want. You
can come up with various excuses for yourself, think up for
a lot of new features and options, but none of them
will satisfy you completely.

Sleep in котором вы летаете по своей комнате во сне — говорит о
that it is very difficult for you to accept the reality that is
you really. You may have tried to leave her for a long time,
but ultimately adopted the rules of the game of another person. Sleep in
where you fly through your room and fall sharply on the bed –
says it’s time to think about your own safety

You ещё совсем недавно вели себя беззаботно и даже не думали о
what can happen in your life. Did not think that you
You can get into a residual unpleasant situation because of gossip and
intrigue. Now life seems to have lowered you to the earth, and you are no longer
soar in unknown dreams, do not build sand castles for yourself,
don’t make excuses for yourself. You готовы принять реальность такой,
what it is Without further ado.

Sleep in котором вы летаете над озером во сне и видите себя в его
reflection – says you look at yourself from the side. Can
rate all your deeds, thoughts, words. Such a dream also means
that soon you will have a lot of trouble and trouble because
its levity. You should look at the situation from the outside. On
what do you hope? On чём вы настаиваете и никак не можете
to decide on their actions? Having understood your needs,
You can make the right decision on how to implement them in order not to
harm others.

Flying in a dream for what dream of Freud’s dream book

For a girl, a dream in which she flies in a dream means that she
more and more soars in dreams and is immersed in illusion, does not look at the truth
in the eyes. He does not accept his partner as he is. If
such a dream is a dream for a lonely girl – it means that the image
perfect man does not allow to build relationships. Important
reconsider their requirements for a partner and enjoy all the gifts
who presents life.

Fly in a dream to what dreams if you fly over an unknown
earth? Such a dream means you can start new ones soon.
relations. They will seem rather strange to you and not
suitable for you, but soon you will realize that this is ideal for
you are a relationship option. You will be pleased to communicate with a partner and
you will have a lot in common.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is flying in a dream – in reality she will be
dream of pleasant events. She will increasingly want some
holiday, recreation and enjoyment. A life предоставит ей такую
opportunity, but do not forget that opportunities can
quickly lose. The main thing – to get the support of loved ones

Flying in a dream, what is the dream of an esoteric dream book?

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that flying in a dream takes away
man from reality. They do not give him the opportunity correctly
to manage your own life. He is increasingly hostage
invented, contrived. If such dreams are repeated, then
man lacks the courage to accept the situation as it is
there is.

Sleep in котором после долгого полёта вы стремительно падаете —
means that your rise up was accompanied by envy and malice with
hand colleagues. Now you should think about not too
greatly disappointed in people. You не только столкнётесь с
injustice, you will also encounter people’s reluctance
perceive you as a person. It will be a strong blow for your

Sleep in котором вы летаете к звёздам — говорит об открывающихся
you have prospects that can be your ticket to
new life. It is worth grasping at these options. Try more
work on yourself and not miss the opportunity for development.

К чему снится fly in a dream по другим сонникам

В соннике Гришиной сказано, что для женщины, fly in a dream —
It means to dream of new relationships and contacts. This is good with
On the one hand, she wants development and change. On the other
hand, it means that she is not working on those relationships
которые у неё уже there is. It is time for her to think about developing
all that she has, and not constantly envy that they have

В соннике Эзопа сказано, что fly in a dream — означает получить
new opportunities to build a successful career. You can надеяться на
поддержку коллег и близких people. But you lack perseverance. A life
gave you all the possibilities, you just have to realize them.
Try не нервничать по пустякам и быть уверенным в себе.
Try всё больше уделять время своим мечтам и постепенно
implement them. Otherwise you will not be so wonderful anymore.
opportunities to realize yourself in the future, opportunities will

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