Five fatal mistakes and five hasty decisionslovers

Ср, 21 дек 2016 Автор: Алина Борисова

This article will discuss two types of errors. The first are those
your mistakes that could rupture the nascent
relationship. The latter are more likely not even mistakes, but your joint ones.
decisions that you can take are not quite deliberate and
prematurely as soon as the feeling of love sweeps over and drowns out
voice of reason.

First, let’s talk about the mistakes that most often lead.
to cool relations and break – pushing away your partner.

So behind the first date. you fired on each other
positive impression. You have phones, mails and
contacts each other in social networks. And you feel mutual
desire to continue the relationship. What can go wrong?

Ошибка первая: Излишнее внимание.

An impatient desire to re-chat with the person who you
interesting and to which you pulls – quite understandable. But sometimes it
attention grows into a whole squall of sms, emoticons, pictures,
hearts and even jokes. That is, it becomes excessive. To each
nice to receive attention signs, but there are some limits
rationality. And in different cases, they may be different. In one
In cases of 10 sms or calls per day – it is an acceptable rate. And in
Three other contacts are already too much. How to define it? Pretty
simply. You need to find out (understand) the degree of employment of your new
acquaintance. If this is an “important person” working on an “important job”
or just reliably know that he has a rich day
schedule – take this into account and carefully restrain your
the desire to text and even more so to call without end. It may
cause irritation that you do not need.

Ошибка вторая: Излишнее любопытство.

The desire to better know your possible future partner –
quite natural. However, it should not be allowed to
communicating with you, he felt as if being tested for
lie detector. Where some questions are replaced by others, and the depth
questions steadily increasing. Believe me – you and so everything over time
will find out. About something you can even guess without any questions, but
just carefully watching the person or listening to his stories.
Attempts to learn “all at once” can repel a person who
may find it very strange your excessive interest in various
the circumstances of his life. So ask “general” questions and
pay attention to specific details only if
feel that the person himself is interested to tell you how you can

Ошибка третья: Рассказы о своих бывших.

Information about past relationship experiences is very important. And usually
people starting acquaintance are interested in previous relationships
each other. But one thing to tell about what you had “Vasya” and
you broke up with him for such and such a reason, and quite another
talk about “Vasya” at every opportunity. And it does not matter –
scolding him or remembering him with warmth and love. In new
relationship is not the place still “Vasya”. Remember this as it should. it
unbreakable law.

Ошибка четвертая: Недостаток внимания.

This error is essentially the opposite of excessive intrusiveness and
is that fearing to “disturb” your new acquaintance
or not wanting to show him “excessive interest” you just
Sit and wait for him to take the initiative. And this is at some
degree is correct only if at the same moment your partner is not waiting
the same on your part. So the sum
situation when two people are waiting for steps from each other, perceiving
silent phone, as a sign of indifference. it приводит к тому, что
either you or your partner, after just a couple of days, can give up
these “unfolded” relationship hand. How to prevent this? If a
have not received a single contact (call, letter, sms) –
Do it yourself. At the same time, NEVER ask a person:
“Why do not you write?!” Ask: “How is your mood? How are you?”
day passed?”

Ошибка пятая: Раннее проявление ревности и
feelings of possessiveness.

Your feelings for a new partner can wake up quickly. AT
few days. And with them there will be a natural reluctance
share it with someone and fear of losing. However, there are some
social norms according to which two days of dating do not give the right
ask in a strict tone questions like: “Who were you with today?!
is she such !? “And even after a week of relationships – such questions
out of place. They can only sound natural when you
enter into this phase of the relationship when by prior
agreement or intuitively you BOTH understand that from now on you –
inseparable pair.

But let’s say you very quickly felt like lovebirds. ATедь
emotions can cover a freshly baked loving couple with such force
that the voice of reason they are no longer able to hear. Stormy passion
which at the moment eclipses everything else in life, often
leads people to fatal mistakes and reckless actions. And so
What decisions can greatly complicate your life.

�”Let’s live together!”

Two hot hearts can’t break away from each other and ready
move together on one living space as quickly as possible, and often on
second day of dating. Such a spontaneous act deprives people of how
a chance to get to know each other better, as well as candy-bouquet period.
As a rule, such relationships quickly end. Fog
рассеивается, когда тот самый неземной ATасилий превращается в
простого ATаську, закидывающего носки под кровать. In place of love
euphoria in the world of a couple life breaks in and a new reality becomes
the complete opposite of the state of weightlessness, in which
people made a destructive decision for their relationship to live

�”Move me to Barnaul!”

The desire to live in one area can be more
a serious step than just to invite a lover in your
an apartment. The distance is no longer a hindrance for two adventurous
hearts. And often the offer to move to another city or country
through the prism of inspiring feelings seems so simple. Descend on
land in similar stories pretty quickly, being in someone else’s
areas where it is not always possible to quickly get used to local
customs Imminent depression of one of the heroes and the forced role
the guardian of the second become a point in a romantic relationship.

�”Let’s go get acquainted with parents!”

I want to shout about my happiness to the whole world, and certainly not
eager to show your family the divine creation that captured yours
a heart. AT такие моменты не возникнет мысль, что идеальный избранник
may not like something. Careless remark mom that
Petit dirty shoes can hit the heart with such force that the world
shakes before my eyes. The consequences of this criticism risk becoming
so dramatic that they would easily lead even to a family split.

�”Let’s get married!”

Often the victim of surging love is not aware of his
staying in another reality and just the opposite with confidence
He believes that everything is clear and understandable: “He is the best and we are made friend for
friend no matter what. And what actually wait when you can
right tomorrow and tie our extraordinary love to marriage. ”
Friends and relatives in this story do not even get a chance to reason
freshly baked cell of society, inspiringly considering
Marriage certificate. The veil in front of the eyes does not see not
only a possible fatal mistake, but also the insult of loved ones who would
I wanted to attend this important event.

�“Give me a baby!”

The power of a beautiful feeling can affect a person
that rationality and practicality blows away the wind, and acts
acquire the smell of madness. �”Let’s give the world the fruit of our love”
– such whispers in the ear in a fit of passion of two barely familiar
people – not a fairy tale. It is not difficult to assume that the poetic oaths in
eternal love disappears after the first signs of toxemia.

What is the conclusion?

Let’s summarize the second part of this article
correctly understood. Live together, meet parents, move
in another city to your beloved, get married and even have a child – all
it is right and beautiful. It is necessary only to remember that it is impossible
do too hastily under the influence of feelings of first love.
Any such decisions need to be made only when you are well.
recognize each other and this feeling comes to replace
community and strong mutual affection. Remember that a divorce is
This is always a very painful process. Divorce with a child in her arms –
general disaster. So – fall in love, but be


Nataliya 10/21/2016 Fully agree with the author of the article. Hurry
in a relationship does not lead to anything good. Great article.
The main thing in life is to make decisions. even if you have a heart (
hot) – cold head.

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