Fern: folk signs and beliefs. Is it possiblegrow on the site and in the house?

Fern: folk signs and beliefs. Is it possible grow on the site and in the house?

In the superstitions of many nations of the world fern stands
as a mystical plant. There are many legends
associated with this plant. Even N.V. Gogol attributed fern
magical properties in his work “Evening on the eve of Ivan
Kupala “describes that by picking a flower of a fern, you can find
treasures belonging to evil spirits. There is a legend that
fern blooms only one night a year, find a flower is considered
great luck. Because of the mystical properties of the plant, not all are solved
grow it in the house, apartment or on the site. At the same fern
often grows up on the backyard territory.

Should I fear this plant? Does he attract luck
or, conversely, bring trouble?


Opinion esoteric

It is known that the fern grew on our planet back in
prehistoric times when only dinosaurs inhabited the earth.
The plant has survived to our days in its original form.

Esoteric believe that fern has a powerful
energy force. It can be used in various rituals,

The Slavs used it to chase away all evil from the house
remove damage, the evil eye, spent with his help energetic

It is believed that fern has a positive effect on

  • restores aura;
  • protects against negative magic;
  • increases the strength of the spirit;
  • eliminates bad thoughts;
  • helps in healing from diseases.

To conduct a magical ritual, fern is collected from
July to September. It is during this period that ripen.

It is believed that this is the peak of the magical power of the plant, it can
use for ceremonies, creating amulets, amulets. For example, from
the fern stalks is made a talisman that protects the person and his
house. Such a magical object is worn on a naked body, hidden in
secluded places in the house, and try to place the stems higher.
In addition to protection, such talismans attract good fortune to the house, increase

Healers have used fern since antiquity.
The healing properties of the plant are known quite

From it make decoctions, medicinal powders, lotions and the
like that Fern helps healers, healers and herbalists
save a person from many ailments.

Is it possible выращивать папоротник в доме

Signs concerning the maintenance of fern in the house are ambiguous,
sometimes contradict themselves. The main idea is that
The impact of a plant on a person depends largely on himself.
This refers to his lifestyle, actions, behavior, attitude to
to other people.

There is a belief that a good man fern
helps, evil – on the contrary.

However, there are positive signs about growing fern in

  • If you start a fern in the house, it will bring harmony,
    calm, peace. This will be especially useful when
    family often quarrel and quarrel.
  • In a house where several generations of relatives live
    at the same time, it is recommended to keep the fern. The plant will help
    to erase the misunderstandings between the old and the young;
    relationship, learn to be tolerant and more restrained.
  • The mystical plant will protect the house and all family members from damage,
    evil eye, bad intentions and wishes. Also discourage enemies and
  • It is believed that the fern with its presence drives off the whole
    evil spirits.
  • The plant will attract good luck, well-being, prosperity in the house. Everything
    family members are influenced by ferns.

Interesting fact: if you notice that the fern has become dry,
wither, change the color of the leaves – most likely, on you or another
family members tried to damage or jinx the plant and took
blow on yourself.

Fern: folk signs and beliefs. Is it possible grow on the site and in the house?

In addition to the positive signs, there are negative ones. WITH
the appearance of a fern in the house bind some negative

  • Папоротник является энергетическим вампиром,
    absorbs energy not only people living in the house, but also
    the whole house. The plant is emptying everything around it. Therefore his
    can not be placed in the bedroom or living room, where family members spend
    most of the time. Suitable place – window sill about any
    equipment, for example, a computer or laptop, TV.
  • Fern absorbs large amounts
    , особенно в ночное время. If he stands next to
    bed, may cause headaches in the morning.
  • In the period from July to September at the fern ripen
    Therefore, the plant can deliver a lot of inconvenience
    people prone to allergic reactions.

The conclusion can be made the following – you can store the fern in the house,
however, some conditions regarding the place for
plants. Put it where least you are,
fern will not harm, will help their energy. TO
the same fern absorbs dust and absorbs electromagnetic
radiation from the devices.

Is it possible выращивать папоротник в саду

It happens that the fern itself grows on the plot.
Usually the plant chooses a place where there is little sun and a lot of moisture,
for example, near a ditch or reservoir, if any. Also fern
often used in landscape design, it is planted specially,
using his lush green for beauty composition. Would not bring
Is this plant harm? Is it possible выращивать папоротник в саду?

Signs associated with the fern on the backyard

  • The plant becomes a talisman for the home and family, being not
    only in the house, but also in the surrounding area. WITHвоим присутствием
    drive away the envious, help preserve the crop, drive away thieves.
  • If you catch the moment of flowering, you can make a wish – it
    sure to come true. There are many legends связанных с цветком
  • The fern in the garden is energetically suitable for Gemini and Aquarius,
    helps these zodiac signs to find harmony within themselves,
    reveals the spiritual potential, develops the creative vein.
  • Everythingм остальным папоротник может помочь в достижении своих
    goals, ignore the little things.

Fern: folk signs and beliefs. Is it possible grow on the site and in the house?

There is another belief associated with ferns growing on
open air. It is strongly not recommended to tear off branches or
uproot the whole plant. It can be a disaster not only
the person who did it, but for his whole family. WITHчитается, что к
fern must be treated with respect and care.

If you like a fern, don’t be afraid to keep it.
in the house or on the backyard territory. Can be purchased
decorative option in a specialty store, they will tell you
how to care for a plant. Let the fern is not easy
decoration, but also a reliable talisman for you and your

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