Feng Shui house number: what do the numbers affect?Find out how a house number affects its inhabitants.

ATт, 15 май 2018 BUTвтор: Татьяна Поленова

For the welfare and happy life of a person number
at home Feng Shui plays no less a role than internal content
rooms. In order to achieve harmony, drastically change
the internal appearance of space is not enough: not only objects, but
and numbers are able to negatively or positively influence

House number has a strong effect on welfare.
the person, his health, mood and communication with other people.
This is because each number corresponds to a planet.
solar system with its own energy.


Doors and house numbers

The border between the outer and inner world of the family is the door.
It may seem that the door is an ordinary construction, which
divides the space into two parts, fencing off the house owners from
unwanted guests. However, the door is the most important part of the dwelling
the state of which the ancient people judged the energetic appearance
the whole room.

So, it was believed that the dilapidated and skewed door, forever slamming
from the draft, can disrupt the peace and harmony of the owners of the house. Such
the design could bring people behind it at best
case – negative changes in their character, and in the worst – problems
with the law.

Notable people decorated their doors with images of national
characters. Temples were taken to decorate with elaborate carvings,
обозначающей переплетения судеб различных people. On some
the doors could be seen texts, presented in an unusual form, and
to solve them, it was necessary not only to know the old language,
but also be able to think logically.

In Russia, it is customary to use the numbering of houses, in contrast to
England, where both buildings and luxury apartments can
have fancy names. It turns out, from what number in
the sum is made up by the house number, the well-being and
lifestyle of those who live in it.

The effect of a house number on a person

Add the numbers of your home. For example: 41 is 4 + 1 = 5. If
the number is two-digit or three-digit – add more

Amount is one

Residents of the house, the number of which in the amount is one,
are influenced by the sun. This planet gives people joy
life and fills them with creative energy. Residents of such a house
have the ability to express themselves and are often at the center
attention. Often in the dwelling with this number live musicians
artists and poets.

Being in such a house helps a person to gain inner
harmony, remember the eternal and live in the present. Inhabitants of the dwelling,
under the auspices of the Sun, remain optimistic,
despite the difficulties of life.

In such a house, it is preferable to make extensive use of lighting
appliances, as well as warm colors. Inner atmosphere of the dwelling, room
which is equal to one in the sum, filled with joy, harmony and
good Evil people cannot stay in such a room for a long time:
they feel worse and mood.

Sum is two

Such a house is under the patronage of the moon. Its inhabitants
often anticipate upcoming events and endowed with abilities
foresee their outcome. Indoors, number in total
is two, must live people working with children
pre-school age, cooks, as well as musicians playing on
Russian folk instruments.

Such a house should be decorated in light and marine colors.
Particular attention should be paid to the arrangement of the bathroom. but
people with mental problems may feel uncomfortable
feel under the auspices of the two, and even get sick.

Sum is three

If the house number in Feng Shui is three, then its inhabitants
are influenced by mars. This planet gives people activity and
initiative, forcing them to make quick decisions. If residents
such a house will put things off to the back, then
unclaimed energy will turn against them, and this is fraught
various diseases.

The toilet and the hall deserve special attention in such a home. AT
a house under the auspices of Mars should be avoided
provocative actions aimed at conflicts, as they
can turn into a real scandal with assault.

Sum is four

Residents of such a house находятся под влиянием Меркурия. This planet
endows people with communication skills. but если человек,
under the patronage of this deity, often lies, then to him
This will come back as a boomerang.

Favorable colors for this room: gray,
sky blue, yellow and blue. Residents of the house whose number in
the sum is four, need frequent

Sum is five

This home is patronized by Jupiter. Huge planet gives
people craving for knowledge, uniting them for shared interests.
Inhabitants of the dwelling, номер которого в сумме составляет пять, будут
try to go beyond common borders and leave the country
their permanent residence.

AT таком доме приемлем пурпурный цвет, а также декорирование
space bronze bowls, models of the earth ball and
telescopes. ATнезапные вспышки гнева отрицательно сказываются на
the health of the inhabitants of the house, which is patronized by Jupiter.

Sum is six

Покровителем такого жилища является ATенера. This planet наделяет
people have good taste and good temper. This space is filled
love and comfort. AT доме, которому покровительствует ATенера,
You can have parties and noisy feasts.

The owners of such a home know how to cook tasty. Preferably
обустраивать дом, которому покровительствует ATенера, мягкой мебелью
and carpets. Favorable use for decorating
spaces of all woody tones.

Amount is seven

Such a house is influenced by Saturn. This planet не очень
It has a positive effect on people, forcing them to be constantly under
pressure of circumstances. but Сатурн способствует получению новых
knowledge and achievement of the required level of skill.

Residents of such a house должны периодически размышлять о своей жизни,
otherwise, according to Feng Shui, they risk getting diseases
musculoskeletal system. The house, which is patronized
Saturn, should be decorated in dark blue tones.

Sum is eight

Residents of such a house находятся под покровительством Урана,
giving people the ability to make new friends and keep
old contacts.

Uranus has a positive effect on clairvoyants and astrologers. BUT
here are pragmatists and rationalists will feel uncomfortable in
such a room. Special attention in the house under the influence
Uranus deserve window glass: they must always be clean.
All colors of the rainbow are suitable for decorating the space.

Amount is nine

Such a house is influenced by Neptune, and it is unfavorable.
for people living in it, with the exception of sailors, oilmen,
musicians, priests and psychics. Often the inhabitants of such
the premises have a craving for alcohol and suffer

Thus, the house number has a huge impact on life and
well-being of the people living in it. In order to strengthen
positive effect of numbers on a person, you must correctly
organize the interior space of the room.

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