Feminine opinion: women in Russia are not afraid”Baker’s dozen”

Sun, 03 Jan 2016

The number 13 is considered unhappy by many nations already.
centuries. According to statistics, this is the most common superstition on
the earth. In some cities there are no streets with number 13, houses under this
number, and in homes – thirteenth floors and apartments. Turks are so
They did not like 13, that at one time they did not even write this word in a dictionary.
However, in Asian countries, on the contrary, the “damn dozen” is considered
good luck

British scientists conducted an interesting experiment: during
For several years, they compared the number of accidents that occurred in
Friday 6th and 13th. Surprisingly, despite the fact that people in
�”Black Friday” tried less to get behind the wheel, the number of accidents
increased by an average of 52%.

Portal “Women’s opinion” conducted a study to find out how
This number refers to modern Russian women.

The survey showed that 46.9% of Russian women have no time to be distracted
on superstition. They do not believe in the “damn dozen” and do not give it
meaning: “What is in it?” It is no different from 20 or
150 “they say.

27.3% are not afraid if they encounter the number 13, but still it is their

22.2% actually love thirteen., Associating with various
pleasant moments in your life. On this day, they or they
loved ones birthday or anniversary of another joyful
events, so there is no time to be afraid and discouraged on this day.

Superstitious women remain in the minority, who consider 13
a truly unlucky sign – those turned out to be 3.6%.

These results have their own logic, fueled by history. A business
in what used to be 13 was considered the “female number”: the lunar months
correlated with the average calendar of monthly cycles in
women in the year (13h28 = 326). Perhaps this is why women are intuitive.
They feel that the number 13 does not threaten them.

1940 Russian women from 20 to 45 years old out of 123 took part in the survey.
cities of Russia.

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