Feminine opinion: the best relationship with mother in law,when she lives separately

Sat, Feb 27, 2016

Sometimes it’s difficult to create a young family
build a relationship between mother in law and daughter in law. The reasons may be
weight: from elementary jealousy to unwillingness to meet one’s friend
friend even in small things. Over time, grievances accumulate and relationships
getting worse and worse. Blinded by hating each other,
women do not notice the suffering of the people closest to them and continue
waging a “war” that sometimes reaches the point of absurdity. May be,
it is worth staying before it is too late and bring peace, tranquility and
friendly atmosphere? Portal “Women’s opinion” decided to find out
how Russian daughter-in-law treat their mother-in-law.

The survey found that 34.1% of Russians consider their
relations with the mother-in-law are normal, although there are also between them
unpleasant moments. In any, even a very friendly family, there are
quarrels, but what about them? Relationships without a single quarrel
indicate indifference to each other than mutual love.
The main thing is that the spats do not leave an unpleasant residue in the soul and
they did not accumulate there in the form of offenses, which over time will grow into
hatred. Some of the women interviewed live separately from each other.

33.2% of Russian women happily reported that they have good
friendly relationship with her husband’s mother. True, in the future
It turned out that the daughters-in-law live apart from their mother-in-law and see their
second moms are quite rare. �”The relationship with the mother-in-law is good, but
I could not live with her, ”said the women and added:
�”We meet very rarely, so there are no conflicts.” That
that the relationship is good, no doubt happy, but still, somehow
sad at heart and anxious at heart.

Remarkable relationship with the mother-in-law in 12.1% of the representatives
beautiful sex. These ladies consider the mother-in-law not to be an alien woman, but
native, his second mom. Not only that, many Russians said
that her husband’s mother became closer and closer to her own. TO
Unfortunately, such answers are very rare, although very nice.
hear about good, truly kindred feelings for sometime
to a stranger.

12.2% of respondents consider their relationship rather bad than
good ones The most interesting thing is that no woman wants to somehow
improve this relationship, make any compromise or
try to become somehow closer to the woman who gave birth and
brought up their beloved husband.

10.2% of Russians literally hate their mothers-in-law. TOонечно, у
such relations have their own reasons, it is possible that
weighty, only if this hatred brings happiness to the family, does it give
she is joy and peace to other family members, it’s hard to say.

The survey showed that the majority of Russian women are good to
mothers of their husbands, because they live separately. Are really big
friendly families in which peace, love and harmony lived
representatives of several generations have sunk into oblivion? Is it really
comfortable living conditions lead to the fact that not
only family ties, but also the inner world of man? Hate –
terrible feeling, hatred for the native person – worse

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