Feminine opinion: red caviar remainstraditional delicacy of the New Year’s table

Sun, 25 Dec 2016

Recently, traditional for the New Year’s table Olivier and
�”Fur coat” is a thing of the past and gave way to more exotic delights
housewives. Everyone wants to surprise their guests with culinary.
a masterpiece. Constant companions of feasting remain, perhaps, only
champagne, tangerines and caviar. Black caviar is still expensive
delicacy and not present at every New Year’s celebration.
Red caviar is more accessible, besides it has not such specific
taste, and its pleasant color enlivens the holiday and looks great on
A slice of white bread and butter.

The Women’s Opinion portal asked Russian women (as
responsible for the New Year’s meal), are they going to please
yourself a jar of red caviar for the New Year.

As it turned out, caviar remains a favorite delicacy 37.4%
respondents – they do not think of a holiday without it. Another 34.3% more accurate
undecided, but tend to get red
spawn and turn on the menu. Caviar lovers don’t just put it on
a plate with the obligatory rosemary of butter, but also prepare
with her various dishes – pancakes, volovanov and salads.

Caviar was not affordable 15.3%. They will replace her vegetable caviar.
and other goodies.

13.3% do not like red caviar at all and do not understand the hype
about this product. At their table will be present
slightly salted trout or salmon, and some have black caviar.

If we summarize the results of the survey, we see that red caviar is not
were able to push out overseas from the traditional New Year’s table
snacks, no crisis. She is still one of the most beloved
products of Russians. Those who are on the eve of the New Year are going to
have a bite of an old Russian delicacy, it can be recalled that caviar
does not tolerate contact with iron – adopts its specific
smack In addition, it quickly winds away, so open it
follows just before serving. To decorate the caviar dish,
rinse gently with cold water – the eggs will be
easier to separate and apply the pattern.

The survey involved 4460 women from 20 to 45 years.
The study was conducted in 127 cities of Russia.

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