Feminine opinion: New Year is still homefamily celebration

Mon, 05 Dec 2016

For a whole year we live, work and do all sorts of routine
by deeds. But with the approach of the New Year, without a doubt
popular holiday in the world, we are all waiting for a miracle –
so want to change the world and yourself for the better. The smell of a lively Christmas tree,
tangerines, gourmet food, fireworks, Christmas costumes and
children’s laughter: all this is an indispensable attribute of a loved one

What is the cost of preparation for it, which unites all
relatives and close people. And, of course, we want to celebrate New Year
fun, bright, unforgettable. And here it is important where to celebrate this
holiday and with whom to share it. Information portal “Women’s
Opinion “decided to learn from the people of Russia, where they plan to meet
New Year. The results are eloquent.

82.2% of Russians said with confidence that they plan to meet
New Year at home, in the circle of his family. For these people New Year
associated with childhood: anticipation of a miracle, waiting for Santa Claus,
long-awaited gifts, decoration of the apartment with snowflakes and garlands,
drawing up a New Year’s menu and much more. And most importantly for
them, it is a reason to believe that the bad will remain in the old year,
excuse to believe in the best, that everything will be different, everything will change.

Some (6.1%) of the respondents are going to celebrate New Year in
Away. �”Either we are to friends or they are to us.” Anyway, this
they also expect to celebrate the holiday surrounded by their family
just not at home.

5% of respondents want to spend the New Year in a tourist
trip. In this category are mainly young people
who do not understand why to stay at home if there is more in the world
so much new and interesting.

4.9% of respondents plan to celebrate New Year at the celebrations. For
these people New Year, this movement, music, dance, fun,
champagne, sparklers and new acquaintances.

In restaurants, this holiday is celebrated by only 1.8% of respondents.
Interestingly, this percentage of people do not like
restaurant concoction and the environment of strangers, just by objective
reasons: the husband insisted or friends invited, they are forced to go to
Celebration of the New Year in the restaurant.

As we can see, even today Russians choose the most comfortable and quiet
The way to celebrate the New Year is with your family. At the very
business, the secret of a successful and happy celebration is to
have time to congratulate all of your dearest and beloved people. AND,
Of course, do not forget that on this night everyone is waiting for a miracle,
because New Year is the best holiday of the year, and let everyone
celebrate it as best as possible in order to lay a successful
start for the next 365 days! 1830 took part in the survey
people from 129 cities of Russia aged from 20 to 45 years.

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