Feminine opinion: Fighting alcohol bringsfruits – in Russia began to drink less

Thu, 08 Dec 2016

I am ashamed to admit it, but today Russia is one of
most drinking states in the world. �”Alcoholic beverages have become
an integral part of Russian life “, say the media and statistics are stubbornly
claims that 75,000 people die annually in Russia from
of alcohol. In addition, 1/3 of mental illnesses are associated with
alcoholism, about 100% of those convicted of criminal acts committed
drunk, and alcohol intoxication reduces
life for 17 years. Our country is leading in terms of quantity
alcoholics among minor children and women.

But this year two important initiatives have been taken aimed
to reduce alcoholism in society: a ban on night sales
strong alcohol and a total ban on blood alcohol
drivers. Portal “Women’s opinion” decided to find out what effect
have had laws passed on the level of alcohol consumption in

During the survey, 19% of respondents admitted that after taking
measures in their families began to drink less alcohol. Ban on night
sale and the inadmissibility of alcohol in the blood of drivers
have had about the same effect here. People began to show
more responsibility and self-restraint before traveling by car. BUT
not having time to buy alcohol in the evening before the ban on its sale – just
forced to abandon its use on this day.

Nevertheless, 42% of Russians use the same amount of alcohol.
how much and before the introduction of anti-alcohol measures. Moreover, this
a category of people have never heard of any measures, and even believe
Alcohol useful in reasonable quantities. And this indicates
lack of action already taken.

Fortunately, there are people who claim that in their families alcohol is not
use at all. And there are as many as 35.4%. �”In our family
not allowed to drink alcohol. Of course i can drink
a glass of champagne for the New Year, but no more. First is
unhealthy and can cause addiction, and secondly –
adds extra unwanted kilos, participants say

Unfortunately, in contrast to the above results, there were
3.6% of respondents who, after the imposed restrictions on alcohol
began to drink alcohol more often than before. Explain
with what it is, alas, they can not. Although they say they drink
almost every day, but at the same time, alcoholics themselves do not

There is evidence that since the 90s the annual use of alcohol
per capita in Russia increased almost three times and drunkenness in
Russia is viewed as a large-scale social problem that
threatens the security of the country. But, fortunately, a sociological survey
shows that restrictive measures can break this dangerous
trend and therefore expect further decisive action by the authorities
to combat the alcoholization of the country.

3360 women from 117 cities of Russia took part in the survey.
age category from 20 to 45 years.

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