Features chicory slimming + reviewsreaders

osobennosty-tsikoriya-dlya-pohudeniya-plyus-otzyvyMore years
thirty or forty years ago in our country few could afford
buy natural coffee. As a result, even in such a situation
An original solution was found – as a coffee substitute
began to actively use chicory.

Initially, his homeland is considered to be the Mediterranean, and
much later, chicory appeared in the countries of Eurasia, South
America, as well as in Australia.

Today it can be found almost everywhere, growing on
roadsides, forest edges, vacant lots, parks and ditches. It has
small blue flowers, made in the form of baskets.

And it is not for nothing that lately chicory hastily
restores its former popularity. Indeed, despite the fact that
it contains no ounce of caffeine, and the drink itself is only partly
reminds coffee, but still chicory deserved to be
a recognized player for use not only in kitchen life, but
and in matters of weight loss. Actually, about this we
let’s talk today in more detail!


The main secrets of chicory for weight loss and not only

We open the encyclopedia of medicinal herbs and see that chicory
ordinary – is a herbaceous plant of the Aster family, in
the roots of which contain: more than 40% inulin, about 3% fructose,
organic acids, protein substances, intrabina glycoside, pectin
and tar.

Thanks to such a rich composition, he is able to provide
the human body has a wonderful sedative effect, relieves
tachycardia, reduces sweating, improves heart function,
digestion and metabolism.

Chicory is often recommended for people who have problems with
liver, spleen, kidneys, stomach, atherosclerosis,
spinal problems and even diabetes. Because of the high
its potassium content, it is used in poisoning for
accelerated removal from the body of salts of heavy metals, cholesterol
and other bad stuff. And in Bulgaria, the root of the plant is used
for medical purposes as an anti-inflammatory, choleretic
and a light diuretic, as well as to combat stones

In culinary affairs, chicory leaves are prized first of all,
because they contain ascorbic acid, sugar, protein,
carotene, potassium hydrochloride salts – that is, all that
necessary for our body. But the root is used only for
making a “coffee” drink. For this it was originally
dried and then fried, to the original taste was the maximum
close to natural coffee.


More recently, chicory has been successfully used as
means for natural weight loss. And all this thanks to such
two wonderful “helpers” included in it, as
polysaccharide inulin and intibin.

Inulin, entering the human body, develops in it more
hypersensitivity to insulin (a hormone produced by
pancreas), which leads to a decrease in the level of glucose and
the release of fatty acid molecules into the blood for subsequent
use as an energy source. And this is how we
known to be very good for losing weight.

In turn, intibin improves gastrointestinal function
tract, encouraging splitting accumulated in it fats. A bitter
The taste of chicory to some extent affects the level of appetite,
reducing sensation of taste buds. So it turns out that they can
enjoy not only as a drink, but also as a great helper in
fight against extra pounds.

Of course, a drink from chicory has decent potential in
weight loss issues, but still you should not dream of something global.
After all, the positive result of all diets is not only
auxiliary additives and proper nutrition, but also in a rational
selected exercise programs.

Your best solution is to drink before each meal.
one cup of this wonderful drink to normalize your
metabolic processes in the body, which is known to be the first way to
achieve your goal.

Reviews on the effectiveness of chicory for weight loss

Sasha: “… I’ve been making this drink for several years now. It’s all about
that I have persistent problems with pressure (hypertension).
Once I read that chicory is very favorable in this situation and
decided to replace them with tea and coffee. And since we have it almost everywhere
growing (I live in a private house), started digging up roots, drying them and
fry. Brew and drink chicory, adding lemon, honey to it
or milk. The best part is that in addition to a more stable situation
with pressure, noticed an improvement in her appearance. Such here
by-effect! … “

Bee: “… I like chicory for several reasons:
Firstly, he cheers me up perfectly, in certain situations
helps relieve stress, calms my not very strong nerves. BUT
secondly, it copes well with my intestinal problems, plus
digestion has improved, with the result that I have been
забыла о вздутии и запорах… “

Lena: “… I tried this drink for the first time at a party and honestly
say was delighted, its taste is just unique Highly
Often when I drink tea or coffee for a long time, they start to bother me, but
just not chicory. I mostly use it in the morning before work
and in the evening instead of tea, at the same time I interrupt my appetite,
значительно мне облегчает придерживаться диеты… “

Valentina: “… For me, this is a drink of childhood! I remember when we
my mother came to the grandfather in the village, he always stood in the closet
jar of chicory. I do not know why, but we constantly drank only him,
whether there was nothing else, or just grandfather loved him very much.
After 15 years, I met a package with a familiar inscription in
supermarket and, of course, bought. Plus recently found out how he
important and effective for losing weight. Now I combine the pleasant with
useful! … “

Lucy: “… I don’t know what you found in the chicory special, but personally
I did not feel anything supernatural. Drink like a drink
I can even say very bitter! In short, I did not like the effect
от применения на себе не обнаружила… “

Also fascinating: “The list of” favorite “products, from which
get fat … “and” Massage of which points on the body reduces weight? “.

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