Fat burning cocktails

If you go to the sports nutrition store, then be sure to
You’ll see fat burning cocktails on the shelves. It will be either
ready-made drinks in bottles or powders that need to be diluted
liquid – milk, water or juice. The composition and price of fat burning
cocktails – different, it all depends on the ingredients and manufacturer.

Especially savvy girls trying to make slimming cocktails
houses. There are such recipes, and I am ready to share them. But let’s
first, let’s figure out how to act fat burning drinks, what they are
there are how effective they are and after that I will tell you how
to make smoothies for burning fat at home

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Fat Burning Shakes

The epithet “fat burning” is rather a tempting trick. That
standing on the shelves in sports food stores called
�”Fat burning cocktail” is a drink with the addition of L-carnitine,
caffeine, vitamins, amino acids and minerals – those ingredients
which improve and accelerate the natural breakdown of fats.

Fatty drinks are used by those who attend sports
Hall. Cocktails help not only to reduce fat mass of the body, but also
increase endurance during classes, fill the deficit
liquids, vitamins, minerals, avoid feeling hungry after

These drinks work only on the condition that you are engaged.
sports. If you lie on the couch and empty the refrigerator, then no
fat burning cocktail will not help. Fat can’t start to melt away.
you drank or ate something. Fat is burned only when
условии дефицита калорий,  когда едите вы меньше, а тратите
more. Cocktails for burning fat, only stimulate this
process. But they can’t run it contrary to physiology, not
can, if the body does not create an energy deficit, if you eat
still a lot, but moving a little.

Fat burning cocktails нормализуют углеводный и жировой обмен,
helping the body tune in to burning fat. Very popular
cocktails with L-carnitine. They are well established thanks
efficiency and safety.

Cocktails with added amino acids, protein, vitamins and minerals
also have a positive effect on the process of losing weight by reducing
appetite and eliminate the lack of nutrients.

The downside of sports slimming cocktails is their
relatively high price – quality products, alas, stand

The use of so-called
�”Fat burning” cocktails with the addition of laxatives, and
also herbs of dubious origin. They have nothing in common
with drugs for weight loss, and cause only temporary
dehydration, which is accompanied by the loss of beneficial

Recipes fat burning cocktails at home

Of course, the temptation to cook yourself from the available
The ingredients for a slimming cocktail are great, however no miracles
�“Drunk and lost” should not be expected from them. But! There are great recipes
drinks that have the ability to reduce or decrease the appetite,
speed up metabolism, excrete excess fluid and
improve digestion. This explains their property of reducing mass.
body. Такие напитки вы можете приготовить houses. Slimming
it is necessary to replace them with one or two meals – for example, snack and
ужин —  на стаканчик коктейля.

The main ingredients are non-nutritive fruits,
low-fat milk, cottage cheese, honey, sometimes – vegetables and greens. Your choice
Some recipes:

1. Vegetable slimming cocktail: 1 cucumber, celery stalk,
Greens to taste (parsley, dill, garlic, onion).

2. Fruit: 1 kiwi, ½ pear, 100 ml of orange juice.

3. Fruit and protein – ½ pear, a handful of any berries, 50 g of cottage cheese,
100 ml low-fat milk, 1 tsp. honey

4. Vegetable with kefir – 2-3 radishes, tomato, greens, 100 ml

The preparation is simple – you need to mix everything in a blender.

Some hope for pineapples, grapefruits and some others.
fruits. However, their “fat burning” effect has not been proven, and unlimited
use threatens with stomach problems.

Anyone wishing to lose weight with the help of cocktails, I advise not
to get involved in them excessively, and replace them with “harmfulness”, for example,
instead of another pack of chips, drink such a cocktail. Then from him
there will be only benefit – the weight will decrease, the skin condition will improve.

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