Fast dietary dinner – salad withmozzarella

As nutritionists have repeatedly said, deny yourself
the pleasure of eating after six and going to bed hungry is wrong.
In the evening you can and should eat, but light non-caloric foods should be cooked.
dishes, better with protein component. Today we have fast for dinner
diet salad from a mixture of lettuce leaves and mozzarella cheese.


In mozzarella a lot of protein – 25 grams per 100 grams. Exactly what is needed. TO
Unfortunately, like all cheeses, it is quite high in calories, usually
280-300 kcal per 100 g, depends on the fat content of milk from which it
did. See calorie on the package, the smaller the better.
We’ll take a little bit so that the dinner will be really


Salad mixes are now sold a lot. We have chosen today
Arugula and maroon leaves of Italian salad radicchio. Arugula and
These leaves have a nut-mustard flavor, blend well with
soft cheeses. So:



• Салатная смесь «Arugula and радичио» — 1 упаковка 100-125

• Сыр Моцарелла – 50 gr.

Salad dressing / dressing:

• 1 tbsp. spoons of olive oil

• half art. lemon juice spoon,

• 1 tsp. French mustard with crushed beans (sold
in the shops)

• 1 tsp balsamic vinegar.

Salad preparation / step by step recipe:


  1. Rinse lettuce leaves with cold water and dry with paper
    a towel. If the mix is ​​sealed – this step can be
  2. TOрупные листья радичио порвать на небольшие кусочки и вместе с
    figured arugula spread out on a serving plate.
  3. Delicate Mozzarella cheese cut and scatter on top.
  4. 411_1

  5. Prepare dressing: mix mustard, balsamic vinegar,
    lemon juice and olive oil.
  6. 408_1


  7. Pour salad dressing with tender cheese over dressing.
  8. Immediately serve to the table! Salad you can afford anytime.
    Times of Day.

If you did everything right, this dish will contain no
more than 250 kcal. That turned out fast diet dinner.


This recipe from the category

Dietary salads

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