Exercises with an expander at home forwomen and men

  • 1 Training for men at home
    • 1.1 Exercises on the shoulders and arms
    • 1.2 Training for the chest and back
  • 2 Program for women
    • 2.1 Effective exercises for the press
    • 2.2 Training your arms and chest
    • 2.3 The complex of exercises on the legs and buttocks

The expander is effective for developing the muscles of the body. Consists of
springs, rubber harnesses that are attached to two handles.
Classes with this simple simulator at home for women and
men will help to get a slim, taut figure.
Recommended as a warm-up or morning exercise. With
trainings need to smoothly increase the load, perform
Exercises 7-15 times in two approaches, smoothly returning to the original
position, not relaxing muscles. According to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky
the expander is used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system and
indicated for the prevention of osteochondrosis.


Training for men at home

The expander is a great alternative to barbells, dumbbells
and exercises with weights. Exercises for men with an expander
allow all muscle groups to work well, concentrating in that
a point where you’ll relax during other activities by getting to
the result is a developed musculature.

The main principle of training is gradually increasing.
load. At the time of maximum stretching the simulator is necessary
pause for 1-2 seconds. Increase the load by folding from 2
up to 4 expanders together. It is recommended to do 2-3 sets of 15
double repetitions. The day after exercise is felt
burning and pumping muscles.

Exercises on the shoulders and arms

Exercises with an expander for men at home
varied, so you can easily find suitable for yourself.
This simple device will allow you to develop the muscles of the torso, back,
biceps and triceps. Exercises with an expander on the shoulders and

  • Joining hands over your head. Feet put on
    shoulder width, arms above your head. Handles hold palms out.
    Without bending the elbows, we spread our arms to the sides so that
    the springs were behind and inhale. We return to
    initial position and exhale.
  • We pump the biceps. We put feet on width
    shoulders. Right hand take the handle grip from the bottom. The second handle is attached to
    foot right foot. It is necessary to bend the right arm in the elbow to
    touching the shoulder grip. We take a breath. Extend the arm in the elbow,
    return to the starting position. We exhale.

Men are recommended to do with an expander
back exercises:

  • Fasten the simulator to the wall at the top. We take for his hands.
    Drop on one knee. Pull the handles on until
    there will be a right angle in the elbows. Linger in this position for 2
    seconds We exhale. Slowly return to the starting position
    take a breath.
  • Feet step on the rubber. Make one revolution with rubber around
    one foot. Hold the handle. The legs should be bent at the knees, and
    torso tilted forward 50 degrees, arms straight. Strain the muscles
    lower back. Bend the legs and back, keeping the spine curved.
    We exhale. Постепенно return to the starting position. Do

Training for the chest and back

We offer to attention the following exercises for men
for chest and back with expander:

  • Develop the broadest muscles of the back. We fix
    simulator to the wall. We attach elastic tubes to the handles. We get up
    face to the wall, upper grip clasping the tubes attached to
    handles. Moving away from the wall at a distance of light rubber tension.
    Stretch your arms in front of you, squeeze your legs, slightly
    tilting the torso forward. With выдохе плавно тянем ручки к бедрам.
    We take a pause. On the inhale return to the starting position. With
    performing the exercise is recommended to keep your back straight and your chest
  • Thrust to the chest in a sitting position. Fastened Expander
    we attach elastic tubes to the handles on top of the wall. Sit down on
    floor, firmly resting his feet on the floor. We bend the torso back to
    rubber tension. We strain the lumbar muscles and save it
    position throughout the exercise. On the exhale, gently pull
    handles to the chest, making movements with elbows to the sides and back. When
    handles will be at shoulder level – pause for 1 sec. On the inhale
    return to the starting position.
  • Thrust because of a head in a prone position. Via
    fixer fasten the expander to the wall in the lower position. On his pens
    we attach elastic tubes. We lay down on the floor head to the wall.
    Верхним хватом берем ручки и отодвигаемся до rubber tension. Legs
    should be bent at the knees, feet firmly pressed to the floor,
    arms bent at the elbows. Exhale slowly raise bent arms.
    as far forward and up as possible. On the exhale, gradually returning
    to the starting position.

Program for women

Exercises with an expander at home for женщин
will be able to fully replace the fitness club when visiting it
just not enough time. Via этого нехитрого тренажера
you can lose weight, tighten all muscles, including abs, to hold
prevention of osteochondrosis. Women are encouraged to hold
workout with an expander in combined with stretching and gymnastics.

First you need to warm up the muscles. To do this for 8-10
minutes should do the bends, turns the torso. Training with
an expander is recommended to be performed by women slowly, 15 times in 2
call. At the time of the highest voltage worth exhaling. Increase
load gradually. For beginners, a model of yellow expander
colors with weak resistance. Green indicates strong
resistance, and red is powerful.

Effective exercises for the press

Effective exercises for women press with

  • Extension standing. We put feet on width shoulders.
    For feet cling handles expander. The middle is clinging to the neck. Of
    unbent condition slowly rise up. At the moment of complete
    stretching the rubber do a second pause. Then smoothly again
    we go down. Repeat the exercise 15 times in three sets.
  • For abdominal and abdominal muscles. Withнимаем
    the position of the side bars on the floor on the left forearm. For the right
    foot throws rubber, and the handles of the expander hold the right hand
    (at the same time the brush should be at the level of the thigh). Holding your right leg
    on weight, slowly lower the left thigh to the floor. We return to
    initial position. The exercise is performed 15 times in three.
  • Strengthen the press. We fix резину
    an expander in its central part at a level of 60 cm from the floor level.
    Sit down on пол. Feet should be on the floor and legs bent in
    lap. Hold the handle in front of you. Arms should be bent,
    palms must be turned up. Slowly back down like
    can be below. Постепенно return to the starting position. Repeating
    упражнение 15 раз по три approach.

Training arms and chest

Training for women on arms and chest with an expander
at home:

  • We pump through the chest. Keep the expander in your palms
    out. We try to maximally stretch it in both directions.
    Do секундную пазу, затем return to the starting position.
    Repeating упражнение 12-14 раз в три approach.
  • Alternative push-up. Exercise lying
    Strengthens the muscles of the chest, arms and back. Занимаем initial position.
    Knees pressed to the floor, arms outstretched. We hold the expander in the palms,
    throw his rubber around his back. Perform 12 pushups of 3
  • We strengthen the posterior deltoid muscles of the chest.
    We set the legs shoulder width, stepping feet on the rubber
    Expander, holding his hands in his hands. We bend the body forward.
    We move our hands up and down, and crosswise, without changing position.

A set of exercises on the legs and buttocks

A set of exercises on the legs and buttocks женщинам с

  • Strengthening the hips, buttocks, calves. We fix
    the center of the expander at chest level. Hold on to his hands. Arms
    straighten, palm unfolds towards each other. Legs расставляем на
    ширине shoulders. Withседаем, оторвав пятки от пола и разведя руками в
    parties. We return to initial position. Repeating упражнение
    12-14 раз по 3 approach.
  • Swing feet. We fix эспандера за правую и
    left foot. Standing on one foot, swing the other foot in
    side 15 times. We change legs, we repeat the same actions with the other foot.
    Do три approach. For the elasticity of the buttocks do the same
    Exercises, only do leg kicks not to the side, but back.
  • Lunges. We fix экспандер на уровне бедер.
    We stretch the rubber, keeping elbows bent at the waist,
    palms up. Do один шаг левой ногой вперед с выпадом,
    while pulling out the right leg. We return to исходное
    position. Repeating упражнение 12-15 раз по 3 approach.

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