Exercises for women with an expander

  • 1 Set of exercises for women with an expander
    • 1.1 Butterfly Expander
    • 1.2 With an expander the eight
    • 1.3 Training for legs
    • 1.4 Program for pectoral muscles
    • 1.5 Hand exercises
    • 1.6 Complex exercises for the back
  • 2 Video lesson

The expander is a special inventory designed to strengthen
and pumping the muscles of the arms and legs of women. It can be in the form of a rope,
carpal, thoracic, and special to improve performance
joints. Basically, this simulator is designed for physical
classes at home.

In this article we will tell you more about the complex of exercises with
an expander for women. Also, after reading the information below, you will learn
what is the essence of these occupations and how effective are they at home


A set of exercises for women with an expander

Exercises with an expander at home for women have a number of
advantages, in comparison with other exercise machines:

  • The ability to train all muscle groups;
  • Ease of implementation. There is no need for a coach and
    special training;
  • Affordable price. This inventory costs from 200 to 700 rubles;
  • Security. Even if you want it badly, you won’t get hurt,
    performing exercises with this equipment;

Will consider комплекс для укрепления каждой группы мышц

  • the musculature of the girdle of the upper limbs – shoulder, forearm,
  • the muscles of the back – the broad muscle, the extensor of the spine and
    trapezius muscles;
  • abdominal musculature – the direct and oblique abdominal muscles;
  • musculature of the belt and lower extremities – hips, legs,

Each class of exercise at home with
simulator for women will include one thing in common, and another –
highly specialized, aimed at elaboration of a specific
muscle groups. In turn, daily workouts will include
yourself several exercise options, so they will be equally
хорошо развиты все muscle groups.

Will consider комплекс упражнений для женщин с эспандером в
home conditions at the initial stage of classes:

  • Take in the hands of the simulator and in turn dilute the top
    limbs. Repeat this exercise, strengthening the shoulders and muscles
    backs, 20 times, 5 sets each;
  • Bend your back at a right angle. Holding an expander,
    tilt your body down. Classes for lower back muscles will also be necessary.
    repeat 20 times, 5 sets each;
  • Lock one inventory handle with your foot, and the other
    pull up. Exercise for the back muscles, including for
    correct posture, repeat 20 times, 5 sets each.

In addition to the standard harness trainer for women,
there are also a butterfly expander, a figure eight expander. Will consider
more their essence further.

Butterfly Expander

Exercises with an expander butterfly for women are designed to
прокачки мышц пресса, бедер, ягодиц и рук в домашних conditions.
The butterfly expander is a spring and two semicircular
lever, moved apart in different directions. Thus, squeezing these
leverage, exercise is exercised.

A set of exercises for women with an expander бабочка
performed as follows:

  • For hip loads, lie on your side, hold the simulator between
    knees and squeeze it with all your might. The back, however, should be
    flat. Repeat 20 times, 5 approaches on each side;
  • Legs shoulder-width apart, arms at chest level. Squeeze and
    unclamp, wedged between the knees, inventory. Do lesson 20
    times 5 approaches;
  • Sit on a chair and place a simulator between your knees. Squeeze
    the bowtie is as strong as possible inside the thigh. Repeat
    this exercise daily 50 times;
  • Grasp the simulator with your palms, putting your elbows on
    leverage Squeeze рычаги эспандера, тем самым сдвигая локти друг к
    to a friend as close as possible. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds
    and open up your inventory.
  • Lie on your back and bend your knees. Squeeze one lever between
    lower limbs, holding the other upper. Lift your shoulders
    from the floor, straining the abdominal muscles. Stay in this position
    for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position. This
    exercise perfectly pumps the press. It is recommended to repeat it.
    20 times, 3 sets every day.

With an expander the eight

Exercises for women with an expander восьмерка предназначены для
3-4 занятий в неделю, в домашних conditions. This complex
strengthens the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen. Required for performing classes
the presence of a chair and a rug.

This eight simulator looks like this: two
handles and between them rubber, stretched by figure eight.

Effective set of exercises for women with a simulator
eight at home:

  • Lie on the floor, place the expander under the shoulder blades. Lift up
    hands stretching simulator. Then return to the starting position.
    Repeat the exercise 10 times, 5 sets each;
  • Take a prone position. Grasp the eight handles.
    and lift limbs alternately, pulling inventory. Execute
    10 repetitions, 5 sets each;
  • Lie on your side. One lever hook hand, the other – foot.
    Move your foot up and down. Repeat 20 times, 5 sets each.
    for each limb;
  • Stand up straight and rest against a chair. Every foot put in
    �”Circle” of expander eight. Alternately take back each
    leg, pressing it to the pelvis. Execute 15-20 повторений занятия в
  • Insert the foot in the “circles” eight and lie on the floor. Arms
    close behind your head. Try to lift both shoulders and
    legs. Do 15 repetitions, 2 sets per day.

Leg training

Exercises for women with an expander for women are designed for
strengthening muscles and bringing the lower limbs to the ideal

A set of exercises for women at home
as follows:

  • Take a sitting position. Squeeze one arm of the simulator between
    stop, squeeze the other in the palms. Lift up каждую конечность 20
    раз, по 2 подхода в day;
  • Примите положение сидя и вытяните нижние limbs. One
    squeeze the handle between the feet, grab the other hand. Elbows when
    This should be bent. Tighten your legs to the chest.
    Execute 15 повторений занятия, по 2 подхода;
  • Attach the treadmill to the wall using the retainer. Sit on a chair
    and hook on the gum of the simulator lower limb. Straighten
    leg and return to the starting position. Repeat занятие 20 раз
    для каждой legs.

Program for pectoral muscles

Consider how exercises are performed for women.
с эспандером для грудных мышц в домашних conditions.

Technique of a complex of occupations for women in
домашних условиях as follows:

  • Your legs should be shoulder-width apart and bend your back. Fix
    gum inventory with your hands, and grasp the opposite
    ends of the simulator. Deflect torso back and forth 25-20 times, 3 each
  • Straighten up. Fix резинку эспандера ногами, а руками
    схватитесь за ее leverage Move your legs up and down.
    Repeat 10-15 раз, по 2 сета в day;
  • Palms with a simulator lift up, palms out. Breed
    upper limbs to the sides so that the simulator touches
    backs. Repeat 20 times, 2-3 sets.
  • Before classes, you should warm up your body, with the help of dance
    or a small run.

Hand exercises

Hand exercises с эспандером для женщин требуют специального
hand simulator. Thanks to these lessons,
есть возможность проработать в домашних условиях плечи,
предплечья и широкие мышцы backs.

Will consider технику выполнения комплекса занятий для
women at home:

  • Straighten up. Fix одну рукоять в ладони, другую
    take it to the side. Repeat the exercise 20 times, 5 each.
  • Bend your back and tilt it down. In this case
    muscles of the loins are also involved. Execute 20 повторений по 5
  • Squeeze and разжимайте кистевой эспандер в ладони ежедневно по
    100 times;
  • Squeeze the wrist exerciser tightly and hold it in that position until
    as long as the fingers do not straighten. Make 15 approaches given

A set of exercises for the back

Exercises with an expander are necessary for women for a back for
beautiful, properly set, posture.

The complex of occupations with a rubber plait allows women in
home conditions to strengthen all the muscles of the back – and how deep,
so superficial. This allows you to create a magnificent relief and
develop considerable physical strength.

Will consider комплекс укрепления мышц спины для women:

  • Take a sitting position. Fix одну рукоять между стоп, а
    Take the second in the palm of your hand. Bend and unbend the body. Repeat
    20 times, 5 sets each;
  • Bend and unbend the case in front and back. Repeat 20 раз,
    5 sets each;
  • Fix стопой одну рукоять, а другую оттягивайте рукой
    up. Execute 20 раз, по 5 сетов.

At first, at home, women are recommended daily.
only one element from the general complex, and repeat all the rest
no more than 4 times a week. That is, one day the back is worked through,
then chest, then press, and the final stage – work with a belt
upper and lower extremities.

Women are recommended to combine a complex of occupations with an expander with
cardio, in the form of running in the mornings and evenings.

Video lesson

This complex тренировок укрепит ваши мышцы и подкачает нужные
body parts. For a more effective exercise result with
an expander for women at home, check out the video
a lesson. Review the video file until you understand
the main essence of the technology of employment.

Video “exercises for women with an expander”

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