Exercises for the lower press

Developed exercises for men and women, fully
aimed at the lower abdomen. They are perfect for those who
wants to work on his lower press. At the same time offered
exercises not only for the gym, but also at home

Exercises for the lower press


  • Exercises for the development of lower press for girls and
    of women
  • Tasks for men for the development of lower press
  • Exercises on the lower press at home
  • Video: A set of exercises on the lower press


Exercises for the development of lower press for girls and
of women

Since girls do not want to pump cubes, and above all,
want to achieve elasticity, several other exercises are relevant,
rather than for men. Следующие нагрузки рекомендованы и для of women,
who also want to regain slender forms after childbirth.

№1 Lifting the feet at right angles

This task can be performed both at home and in the simulator:

  1. Lie back on the floor;
  2. Put your hands under the buttocks to help you perform
    the task. But if you want to complicate the work, then throw your hands behind
    head and do not help yourself with them;
  3. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Lift the pelvis with straight legs like
    possible higher up;
  4. Hold this position for 5 seconds;
  5. Return to the original position.

Подъем ног

This is an effective static task, and it brings tangible
benefit after a couple of weeks of training. To complicate the task,
weights can be hung on the ankles. Initial amount
repetitions in the approach – 15 times.

No. 2 Twisting with bent legs

The task is performed lying on the floor or on the training bench:

  1. Bend your knees at right angles. Put your hands behind your head or
    keep along body;
  2. Raise your knees too fast forwards, lightly touching them.
    chest In this case, you should break away from the floor and the pelvis;
  3. Hold this position for 3 seconds and return to the original

It is very important during the assignment not to forget to breathe and keep even
rhythm all 15 repetitions.

Скручивание с согнутыми ногами

№3 Lifting in the sky

This is a very difficult exercise initially, so there is a sense.
start with its simplified version. To set the required

  1. Grab your hands on the crossbar;
  2. At a right angle, slowly raise straight legs;
  3. Reaching a flat angle, lower your legs back.

The initial number of repetitions is 15 times. Further, when
it will be easier for you to carry out the task, raise your legs with each
at once higher.

Подъем ног в висе

The most difficult task form:

  1. In the legs, lift your legs at a right angle;
  2. Hold this position for 2 seconds;
  3. Pull the legs as high as possible to the chest;
  4. Hold this position for another 2 seconds and slowly lower
    legs back.

We also advise you to study other exercises in the press at the gym.
the hall. Об этом мы расскажем уже в следующей

Tasks for men for the development of lower press

Since for men, press is not so much resilience as
state of the cubes, then the following exercises are fine:

№1 Captain chair with dip machine

To perform this task, you need a special simulator –
dip machine. The exercise itself is called the captain’s chair, and it
suitable for primary and intermediate level:

  1. Fasten yourself on the simulator, firmly resting your elbows on
  2. Pull your knees to the stomach:
  3. Hold at the position of 2 seconds and return to the original

dip machine

The average number of repetitions is 15 times. To complicate the task
with the course of training, lift your legs that are not bent at the knees
straight lines.

No. 2 V-shaped retention

This task is good because it can be performed in the first stages.

  1. In the initial lying position, hold your arms along your body, and your legs
    keep straight;
  2. On the rise, lift your entire body, including your arms, legs, and torso,
    forming the Latin letter V;
  3. Hold this position for 5 seconds and return to
    the original one.

The total number of repetitions at the initial stage is 15 times. AT
further, you can increase not only repetitions, but also static
hold for 10 seconds.

Visually see how the exercise is done, you can in

The most difficult form of the task – with weighting and 15-second

№3 Triple complex

This task consists of three exercises, already described above:

  • Raising the pelvis with legs at a right angle;
  • Twisting with raising the knees to the chest from the position when the pelvis
    not located on the bench;
  • V-shaped retention.

The peculiarity of the complex task is that it includes
the most efficient loads on the lower press, and at the same time everything
accomplished in one approach without respite.

The initial loads are:

  • Raising the pelvis – 20 times;
  • Twisting – 25 times;
  • Hold the letter V 15 times for 5 seconds.

On the next approach, the increase in loads is insignificant, but so
as it is the second round, it will be more difficult to perform it:

  • Raising the pelvis – 24 times;
  • Twisting – 29 times;
  • Hold the letter V 19 times for 5 seconds.

The triple complex should be set only at the end of the workout after
basic work on the rest of the muscles.

Exercises on the lower press at home

ATозможно ли накачать мышцы живота до состояния кубиков и
elasticity at home? Of course, but time and effort will have to
apply more.

№1. Straight leg lift

This is the simplest and most effective press job. ATсё, что вам
you need to lie down and raise straight legs without helping yourself
with hands or head.

  1. Located on a fitness mat and, looking at the ceiling, hands
    freely lower along the body;
  2. Lift your feet up, straining your abdominal muscles and especially feeling
    lower press work.

Legs in the process of lifting can and even need to keep slightly
bent, but at the same time this position should not make it easier for you
work If you do not feel the tension in the lower abdomen, exercise
done wrong.

Straight leg lift

To get the maximum effect of pumping muscles by lifting the legs,
lift them gradually, not too fast. This will increase the voltage.
Watch your hands – they should not lean excessively on the floor,
removing the load from the abdomen.

ATозвращение ног в исходную позу не должно быть быстрым. Make a
its at the same pace as the rise. This will provide additional
load. AT идеале стопы не должны касаться пола, чтобы
relaxation did not interfere with the work of the muscles, but if you just started
training, it is worth at least at every 5 repetitions to lower the foot
on the floor.

The average number of repetitions – 15-17 times. Every third day
workouts increase the number of approaches for 3-5 times.

If you are already able to do it easily 50 times, then use
additional weighting for the feet, which are attached to the velcro
ankles Weights can be replaced dumbbells (you can clamp between

Exercises on the lower press should alternate with tasks on
other abdominal muscles to develop elasticity evenly.

№2 Cross leg lifts

AT отличие от предыдущего задания, в этом будут задействованы все
abdominal muscles, including the upper (see also exercises for the upper
press). It is effective if you need to bring the belly in perfect
state from scratch.

  1. The original posture is the same – on the back, hands free,
    not relying on them;
  2. Raise the feet to a height, creating an angle of 30 degrees;
  3. AT такой позиции чередуйте ноги, поднимая то одну, то другую
    foot This is a kind of “scissors”, but vertical.

Initial amount раз — 15 в среднем темпе. Feet always
should be on weight, they can not be lowered. Too fast execution
will give results, but the stress on the muscles will be less. Do not forget
breathe during the assignment.

Gradually increasing the load of repetitions, you can hang on your feet
weights or use dumbbells. For more advanced level
You can hang a rubber band on your ankles.

After reaching an average level of readiness, expand
exercise additional movement – horizontal scissors. Thats
there is, first you do vertical scissors 20 times and immediately
change legs for 20 times horizontal scissors.

№3 Leg lifts with a ball

To perform this task you need to use the fitball or
any object with a large diameter, for example, a pillow.
The main thing is that its weight was insignificant with large sizes.

  1. From a prone position, hug the ball with your feet so that it
    held by the ankles;
  2. Stretch your arms along your torso, but at the same time keep them on weight in
  3. Raise the foot with the ball to a height, making a corner of 30
  4. Raise your head without lifting your back from the floor. ATместо этого можно
    hands to reach the ball;
  5. Hold this position for 10 seconds;
  6. Drop to the original position and repeat the task 5 more times.

Подъемы ног с мячом

If you do not have any object at hand, you can start
do this exercise, just wide apart. AT таком
their position is difficult to fix at the same distance from each other,
but the load from this will not decrease.

To complicate your task at more advanced levels, instead of
fitball use rubber tape. She will create
additional load on the calves and in general on the muscles of the legs.

AT следующей статье мы расскажем, об упражнения для
пресса в домашних условиях

Video: A set of exercises on the lower press

AT следующем видео девушка на природе наглядно покажет комплекс
exercises for the lower press, for which you need to have
only mat:

To pump up the lower press, you need to work with the weight of your body,
namely, with the weight of the legs. The key to success is raising legs with constant
increasing reps and approaches. If properly abide by
technique, do not forget to breathe and do tasks regularly, it is quite
You can achieve results in a short time. By the way we have
The article with the best exercises for the entire press, you will find it here.

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