Exercises for lumbar spinal hernia:effective and safe. Exercises for lumbar hernia(video)

Ср, 15 мар 2017 Автор: врач хирург Артём

Lumbar spine hernia is a
the most frequent and severe complication of the current

A similar affliction affects every third person on
about 45% of all patients with osteochondrosis
hernias develop.

Treatment of hernias is almost always radical, however, doctors
prefer to observe, and keep the pathological process “in check”.
To achieve this, neurosurgeons recommend regularly undergo
courses of drug therapy, physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

Gymnastics is almost a panacea for prevention
exacerbations of intervertebral hernia. Important right at the right moment
to do What exercises are most effective and how to
do gymnastics? The article provides descriptions of the exercises.
with lumbar spinal hernia.


• What are the objectives of the exercise complex?

Assigning complexes of exercise therapy, the doctor pursues several

• Strengthen the muscle corset that supports the diseased spine.
With excessive relaxation of the muscles become “lethargic”, hernial
bulging disc becomes more visible and dangerous.

• Remove excess muscle tension. Not all muscle
pathologically relaxed. Some groups, on the contrary, are tense
beyond measure. This most often causes additional pain.
sensations. To cope with pain, it is necessary to remove hypertonia.

• Improve nutrition of affected vertebral structures. Exercises
have a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the disks and the whole
spine in general.

The simplest exercises for lumbar spinal hernia

Despite the fact that all the following exercises
they are considered to be simple, less effective.
are becoming.

Therapeutic gymnastics complex №1

This complex is designed to be performed by persons in the period
exacerbation of the disease. As a preventive measure it can
perform and in remission.

1) • Take a horizontal position. Legs stretch out your arms
to dissolve, forming a pose similar to the “star” pose. On the account “one”
put the right foot on the left (“throw” leg), in a row
�”Two” turn the pelvis to the left, as if twisting the lower back. Head this
the moment needs to be turned right. The back should remain pressed
to the floor. Then return to the original position.

2) • Lie down. Maximum relax. Hands and feet should be
in a natural position. Throw the right foot on the left. Now on
inhale should twist the lower back to the left, linger in this
position The next step is to return to the original position.

3) • Take a horizontal position. Put the heel of the left leg
on the fingers of the right. To rest Now, as in previous
exercise, you need to perform a twist to the left at the same time
turning the neck in the opposite direction. Repeat a few

4) • Take an identical pose. In this exercise, a big role
playing speed of execution. The main difference from exercise “2”
is to not need to be held in a twisted
position After twisting, you should immediately return to the original
position and immediately perform the exercise, turning in
the opposite side.

5) • Adopt a pose similar to those in the past
exercises. Bend your legs at the knees, press to the stomach. Next you need
twist left, then right.

6) • The way of doing the exercise is the same. Now important
put your foot on the knee of the opposite limb and

This set of exercises is aimed at training the muscles.
lumbosacral as well as to increase flexibility and
mobility of the spine.

Gymnastics complex №2

This complex is considered a classic. It has been designed more
20 years ago, but to this day it is exactly these exercises.
practiced in physical therapy rooms across the country. Gymnastics great
suitable for all patients, but some exercises in the acute phase
should be done carefully.

1) • Stand up. Maximum relax the whole body. Legs are shoulder level
breathing is calm, even. Clench fists. Now compressed such
the way to start your hands behind your back and press to the lumbar section (when
This fists put one over the other). On inspiration is made
vertical movement (from top to bottom) with fists, while exhaling – the same
movement, but in the opposite direction (bottom to top).

2) • Lie down. Straighten up Hands are “at the seams”, legs straight.
Take a deep breath. It is necessary to maximize
abdominals, and hold your breath. Exhale calmly and

3) • Sit on a high chair. Feet at shoulder level. Hands laying
for the lower back. On the account “one” совершить диагональный наклон корпусом
to the right. On account of “two” to return the body to its original position. Now
repeat the same, leaning in the other direction.

4) • Take a horizontal position. Raise your hands above your head,
relax. On account of “one” bend over in the belt, with his left hand
reach for socks. By account �”Two” return to the starting position.
Repeat the same with the other hand.

5) • Squat down. Heels should be firmly pressed to
the earth. Stretch your arms in front of you. With an effort to move the top
limbs forward, as if wanting to reach for something. With
proper performance should be felt fatigue in the shoulders.

Exercises «3», «5» необходимо выполнять с большой осторожностью
during periods of exacerbations.

Gymnastics complex №3

This complex is suitable for all patients, but to a greater extent
calculated for classes in the period of “remission” of pathological

1) • Take a horizontal position. Legs bend at the knees. By
account “one” to raise the basin above the floor, stay in this position for
2-5 seconds. Then you need to return to its original position.

2)•Withнять положение «стоя». Legs are shoulder level руки положить
on the belt. Start making circular motions with your pelvis. It is important that
legs remained motionless, only the pelvis itself “works”. Byвторить
the same exercise, rotating counterclockwise.

3) • Lie down. Hands at the seams, legs straight. On the account “one” поднять
leg as high as possible above the floor. Linger in a pose. By account
�”Two” to return the leg to its original position. Then repeat the exercise
with another limb. Important! This exercise is not suitable for people with
pinched nerve roots.

4) • Stand up. On the account “one” наклониться to the right. By account «два»
return to the starting position. It is also necessary
lean in the other direction. Do not be zealous, the amplitude and
tilt depth should be comfortable for the patient. Violence over
own body will not lead to anything good.

Technique exercises can be studied on video:

The most effective exercises for lumbar hernia

In cases where health allows, you can go to more
complex and effective exercises.

Gymnastics complex №1

1) • Take a horizontal position. Breathing is smooth, rhythmic.
In this exercise, the respiratory movements are performed with the participation of
aperture. Start breathing “belly”, the chest does not
to engage. On the account “one” — вдох, «два» — выдох. Exhale
belly to pull in. Too much to inflate the stomach is not necessary.

2) • Lie down. Hands at the seams, legs straightened. By account «раз» согнуть
leg in the knee, the other leg remains straight. By account «два» отвести
прямую конечность в the opposite side. By account «три» согнуть
second leg. Then return to the starting position and repeat the same
the very other limb.

3) • Take a horizontal position. Both legs are straight, arms
stacked in the lock and under the head. On the inhale bend both legs
knees, cross your legs. Exhale вернуть ноги в исходное
position. Now необходимо повторить то же самое противоположной
the limb.

4) • Lie down. Relax. Arms bend in elbows and put on the floor,
feet slightly raise above the level of the floor. Make circular
movements with hands and feet, first clockwise, then against
hour hand. To perform this exercise under the lower back
It is recommended to put a roller or a small pillow. So the load on
lower back will be less.

5)•Withнять лежачее position. On the account “one” закинуть ногу на
the leg. By account «два» поднять согнутую ногу вверх до предела
(as much as possible). Stretch your arms to the raised leg. By account
«три» вернуть ноги в исходное, прямое position.

6)•Byвторить упражнение «1», перевести дух и relax.

Therapeutic gymnastics complex №2

1) • Take a horizontal position. Hands and feet spread out
side, forming a “star”. Take a deep breath. One leg
bend at the knee and pull up to the stomach, exhale. If you press your leg
It does not work, you should help with your hands. Then return to
initial position. Byвторить упражнение со второй ногой.

2)•Byложение идентично. On the account “one” «обнять» себя руками.
Feet rotate along the axis so that the socks are facing each other.
This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the lumbosacral

3) • Lie down. Hands at the seams, legs straightened. Whole body should be
relaxed. While inhaling, slightly raise the body, trying
examine the feet. Legs must be immobile. Return to
starting position. Repeat a few time.

4) • Take the same position. Legs bend at the knees, feet tight
прижать to the floor. At the expense of “time” to twist the torso, rise and
touch the palm of the opposite knee.

5) • Lie on your back. Slightly raise the pelvis above the floor, sharply

6) • Lie on the stomach. Legs straighten. Inhale and bend one
leg in the knee. Затем согнуть second leg.

The presented complexes can be performed only in the condition

How to do exercises with lumbar hernia

In the network, as well as in specialized publications
There are many sets of exercises. However, few
warns its readers. Meanwhile, there are several
rules of occupational therapy gymnastics.

• Do not be too zealous. Excessive twisting,
a lot of unnecessary movements, all this will lead to the opposite result.

• Exercises следует выполнять медленно, вдумчиво и плавно.
Only then gymnastics will be safe and effective.

• You need to carefully monitor your breathing and tempo.
heartbeat. Ideally, neither should become
speeded up. If such an effect is observed – this is the basis
facilitate the training program.

• You can do at home, but still much better
do exercises under the supervision of a physical therapy doctor in a small group.

• Pain should not be. Pain is a trouble signal.
So, a specific exercise is not suitable.

• First you need to start with a small number of repetitions. 3-5 times
will be sufficient.

• In order to get results, it is important to do gymnastics.
several times a day.

By following all the recommendations, you can achieve a long and stable
ремиссии поясничных грыж и osteochondrosis.

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