Every tenth young father is subjectpostpartum depression

Fri, 13 Feb 2015

Australian scientists have established a curious fact: every tenth
молодой отец страдает от postpartum depression. This figure, without
doubts, significantly lower than that observed in women,
however, it is no less important.

Psychologists have found that future fathers are often very difficult.
qualitatively realize the pregnancy of his companion. The specialists
warn: men under such stress tend to minimize
communication with children and often responsibility for them can not stand
no criticism. All this, of course, negatively affects
children’s behavior, and on their psyche.

A little earlier, British experts found that 44% of children whose
mothers were depressed, showed significantly more
lower rates of age development than their peers. More
In addition, it was observed that children of depressed mothers were more likely to suffer from

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