Energy vampires: 7 protection strategies. ThanIs the word “must” dangerous?

Пт, 15 июн 2018 Автор: психолог Настасья
Негативные люди истощают вашу
energy. They look like energy vampires. They
spread negative energy, deplete you emotionally,
оставляя опустошенными и раздраженными.
В здоровых
relationship people give back and take. Emotional Vampires
only take.

Many feel intuitively when
energetic vampire. We feel physical fatigue while being
next to the vampires. We are afraid to meet them. They уничтожают наш
a positive attitude, leaving us empty, exhausted,
faded to the ground.

Energy vampires may appear at any time in your
of life. One mother told how she found them among parents
players of the football team in which her son played.

Honestly, the team did not perform very well. Hardly they
won at least one game this season. And although they are ambitious
team, they are nine years old, and it is hardly worth accepting their victories or
defeat too seriously.

But as it turned out, some parents gave it a huge
value and believed that everything is terrible. They стонали и жаловались друг
friend how bad their children play. They возмущенно кричали с
tribune with each ball conceded.

Sitting next to them was very hard. They уничтожали всякое
pleasure from the match. This boy’s mom had to settle for
the other end of the field to avoid their toxic fluids. Their
negative energy influenced the game of the whole team.

Some vampires can pull out your energy intentionally. it
evil manipulators. They считают, что имеют на это право и ведут
yourself unpredictable. Others are more subtle and seem
needing support. They always have problems, but they don’t
able to listen and help you when you need

Still others look like parents of football players – chronic
complainants who infect with their misfortunes all

Who are energy vampires?

it описание напоминает вам кого-нибудь из ваших близких и
friends? How many of them? How often do you see or talk to
him? it поможет вам осознать, насколько остро стоит проблема.

Some of us are more susceptible to energy flows.
other people. If you are a very sensitive or intuitive person,
you are more affected by energy vampires, and you
extra precautions will be required to
protect myself.

Unfortunately, cope with energy vampires is not at all
as simple as finding a talisman with garlic (but not as creepy as
Stake them in the heart!).

1. Ограничивайте контакты. Your first defense
against energy vampires – avoid contact with them everywhere,
wherever possible. Refuse invitations to events,
where they will be present. If you need to go, come
later and leave earlier. Keep your office door closed. You
should not be available at any time and for any needs.

2. Позаботьтесь о себе. everytime when you
feel that you are drawing energy, time, emotions, or others
resources, enhance self-care. Many need to be in
alone and listen to the silence after interacting with the vampire.
Try to slow down, unload your work schedule, leaving
time for yourself and people who inspire you and charge

3. Отпустите негатив. Negative energy needed
output. Effective techniques include keeping a diary, classes
hot salt baths or fumigating with herbs – and others
ancient traditions of liberation from negative energy. Find your
the way of liberation that is best suited for you.

4. Создайте эмоциональное пространство. If you
surrounded by annoying, annoying or negative people,
try to separate yourself from them emotionally.

You можете сказать себе:

– it не мои проблемы.

– Я не отвечаю за чувства other people.

– I’m not the only one who can help.

– What I want?

5. Дайте себе то, что вам необходимо, прямо
Listen to what your body and mind
they tell you. You устали? You испытываете головную боль или боль в
back? You чувствуете себя перегруженным? How can you take care
About Me? It’s time to put yourself and your needs first.
a place. Remember that you cannot be your own best friend,
when your strength is running out.

6. Избавьтесь от слов «Я должен». When you
convinced that you “should” do something, you create
unrealistic expectations. The result is either guilt,
when you are not able to cope with the task or hurt and
emotional burnout if you keep on laying out
sense of duty.

7. Ясно обозначьте свои границы. Install
restrictions are necessary. Vampires tend to cross them if you
let them have it.

You need to clearly and consistently draw your boundaries, clearly
saying no when you don’t want to do anything or know that
it will make you angry, make you exhausted and depressed.

These strategies will help you keep energy and feeling
well-being, communicating with energy vampires and negatively
minded people.

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