Empty calories – what is it

At first glance it may seem that for weight loss is necessary
reduce the number of calories and everything – the perfect figure in your pocket, but
in fact, everything is not so simple. There are “healthy calories” and
�”Empty calories”.

пустые калории

Термины это не совсем  научные, но для нас, худеющих, очень
important. When you learn to find empty calories in your diet
and exclude them, or replace them with more useful ones, you can’t
only lose weight, but also improve overall health and, of course, better
to look like.

Calorie is a measure of the energy value of a product.
Moreover, the unit is very small, so the measurement is usually conducted in
kilocalories – Kcal. But colloquially, even among nutritionists
it is customary to say simply “calories” without “kilo”. Calories are contained in
proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and alcohols.

1 g of protein gives the body 4 Kcal

1 g of carbohydrates – 4 Kcal,

1 g of alcohol – 7 Kcal

1 g of fat – 9 Kcal.

A woman needs about 2000 Kcal per day, for slimming this
the figure decreases, but cannot be less than 1200 Kcal per day. Here is
such arithmetic.


What are empty calories?

Empty calories are low-nutritional foods, but
high calorie. That is, food that does not contain almost
nothing but energy and therefore gives us nothing
useful, no nutrients, nutrients that strengthen
our health, our body, improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Food, poor in proteins, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats –
this is empty calories. Foods that contain empty calories,
promote weight gain. Having consumed empty calories, we
quickly become hungry again, because the body has not received
nutrients it needs, but fatty deposits
formed “with a bang.”

For example, eating a bag of chips weighing 50 g, we will consume about
300 Kcal, which will completely turn into fat, and we want to eat and
drink in half an hour, because salty so increases the appetite! Eventually
– overweight and swelling with regular consumption of such food.

A snack, consisting of 100 g of cottage cheese, a spoon of honey and fresh
bullseye will give us about the same calories, but it will be proteins,
fructose and vitamins. See, what’s the difference? Empty calories
absolutely useless, they only make us thicker and negative
affect health. In western countries, products containing only
empty calories are called “junk food” – “junk food”. Not too much
nice, right?

Where are empty calories hiding?

A lot of empty calories in fast food, sweets, dry ready
breakfasts, sweet and carbonated drinks, white flour baking,
chips, many fatty sauces such as mayonnaise, sausages, sausages,
margarine. In this case, 100 g of this product may contain up to
500-700 Kcal due to fat, flour and sugar. Sad as it is
sounded, but very many modern products contain many empty
calories. Especially semi-finished products, food that passed industrial
processing, fast food.

What to eat instead of empty calories

Empty calories вредят не только фигуре, но и здоровью. Excess
sugars and “bad” fats disrupt the normal functioning of the liver,
pancreas and the entire gastrointestinal tract. If you
want to lose weight and keep it under control then the amount
empty calories must be reduced by replacing them with healthy ones.

Instead of a hamburger, eat a grain bread sandwich or 
bread with bran, lettuce, cucumber, tomato circles,
low-fat cheese and meat, fish, in extreme cases – ham. Instead
juices and drinks from sachets and boxes it is better to drink tea without sugar
and eat fruit.

Sweets are easily replaced by honey, dried fruits, of course, in
reasonable quantities. A fat mayonnaise can be successfully replaced
yogurt or low-fat sour cream, adding herbs and spices. AT
In principle, sausage, mayonnaise and margarine are best avoided.
or make them appear on your desk only

To live without “goodies” is extremely boring, so from time to time –
once in one or two weeks – you can indulge yourself loved, though
useless calories – cookies, dryers, cakes. This is important for
psyche, for a good mood, otherwise over time life will become
completely gray. Scientists have proven that women need to periodically
indulge yourself, otherwise sooner or later there will be a breakdown. therefore
limit junk food, but do not deprive yourself of pleasure. ATо
everyone needs a measure, even in pursuit of body shape and health.

Read on:

  • How to count calories to lose weight?
  • Диетическое меню на неделю по 1100-1500 ккал
  • Foods that need to be eliminated to lose weight

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