Economy option for a large family: how to make 9liters of juice from 4 oranges. The secrets of delicious cheap juice

WITHб, 10 сен 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Children adore fragrant orange juice and adults appreciate it very much.
It quenches thirst and fits perfectly into the concept.
�”Adult” feast. But shopping prices have been serious lately.
bite. Yes, and no use of surrogates from tetrapacks

So the housewives came up with another wonderful home recipe
orange juice. And fulfilled the most important task: the recipe
involves the preparation of 9 (!) liters of juice of all four
oranges. It turned out unusual, but very tasty.

Of course, the juice of such a drink can not be called even with a stretch. WITH
on the other hand, the point is not the name, but the result. And he turned out
excellent: simple, tasty, budget. And the juice output is obtained
actually a lot.


How to make 9 liters of juice from 4 oranges: subtleties

WITHкептически настроенных людей много. But then, they are skeptics, and
are needed to make the inquiring human mind work better.
Например, придумать, как сделать 9 liters of juice from 4 oranges.

The main secret of success is simple: oranges before cooking
need a good freeze. Chemists most likely know why
Frozen citrus fruits give the drink a rich color. Ready
The orange “juice” in the glass turns out bright, and is not at all
I want to improve it with food dyes. If a
use ordinary fresh oranges, the color of the drink will turn out
faded, ugly.

Важный нюанс: кожуру с апельсинов снимать
not necessary. In the juice, it goes along with the pulp, which tells the drink
more saturated taste and thickness.

The composition of the juice is citric acid. It is completely safe.
food supplement that will perform the role of a preservative. Thanks
�”Lemon” drink can be stored for a long time, and still gets
pleasant sourness. In addition, it is citric acid that makes the taste
and orange flavor more pronounced. In general, indispensable for
specific drink thing.

Citric acid perfectly replaces the natural lemon. Citrus
the fruit will give the juice an extra touch of flavor and aroma.

The classic recipe of 4 oranges and citric acid

WITHамый простой и самый популярный вариант домашнего апельсинового
The drink is made from water, oranges and citric acid.
It will take a large pan (at least 10-liter) and a few
plastic bottles or three-liter cans for juice. let’s
Let’s see how to make 9 liters of juice from 4 lemons.

Важный нюанс: в классическом рецепте на
nine liters of finished juice is proposed to take a kilogram of white
Sahara. For those who do not like sugary-sweet drinks, this is a lot.
Therefore, the amount of sugar must be chosen to suit your taste. If a
half a kilogram will seem small, you can always add.


• four large juicy oranges;

• two teaspoons of citric acid;

• nine liters of clean water;

• sugar to taste (500-700 grams).

WITHпособ приготовления:

  • Scald oranges with boiling water to wash off the wax layer. Then
    wipe with a stiff, clean cloth or scrub with a brush. Carefully
    wipe away

  • Place the oranges in the freezer at least two
    hours Even better, citrus fruits will spend the night in the freezer and
    good frostbite.

  • Frozen fruits cut into small slices along with

  • Skip the pieces through the middle grate, hand or
    electric grinder or grind in a blender. First option
    more convenient, as it turns thick mass with larger particles.
    It is easier to strain through a sieve and squeeze.

  • If a нет ни мясорубки, ни блендера, апельсины можно просто
    grate on a coarse grater.

  • Put the resulting mass into a large saucepan.

  • Pour the orange “stuffing” one-third of the total water
    (three liters). Water must be cold! It may be cold
    boiling water or ordinary drinking water.

  • WITHок после первой заливки должен немного настояться. Enough
    15-20 minutes.

  • Strain the fragrant orange infusion through a colander, separating
    large particles of mass.

  • Filter the infusion through a gauze filter (folded in
    several times cheesecloth) or frequent sieve.

  • Return the juice to the pan (you can use a bucket).

  • Add sugar, varying the amount to your taste.

  • Dilute citric acid in a small amount of water (its
    need to take from the remaining 6 liters) and pour into orange juice.

  • Carefully перемешать напиток, дождавшись полного растворения

  • It remains to pour into the pan six liters of water. This is the answer to
    вопрос, как приготовить 9 liters of juice from 4 oranges.

  • Ready сок разлить в подготовленную стеклянную или пластиковую

  • WITHразу пить можно, но нежелательно. WITHок должен немного
    infuse: it helps the drink to gain a harmonious taste.

Fragrant juice from 4 oranges and lemon

There is another way to make a drink. How to draw 9
liters of juice from 4 oranges? WITHторонники всего натурального могут
instead of chemical lemon, take a small lemon or half
large lemon. By the way, the lemon in this case can be easily to replace
lime. But pomelo, grapefruits and other citrus fruits will not work:
they do not have the necessary degree of acid and make the taste of juice


• four large oranges;

• nine liters of water;

• half a large lemon (or one small);

• 700-800 граммов белого Sahara.

WITHпособ приготовления:

  • Wash oranges and lemon thoroughly, rinse with boiling water, then
    тщательно wipe away

  • Put the fruit in a plastic bag and send in the refrigerator

  • After at least two hours to get the fruit and cut. Can do
    preparation for the night, and start to prepare the juice of frozen oranges
    and lemon in the morning.

  • Приготовить основу для сока, измельчив фрукты вместе с skinned.
    A detailed description of the possible options is given in the first

  • How to draw 9 liters of juice from 4 oranges? Pour
    orange lemon-third mass of water, let it stand.

  • After half an hour, remove the mass with a skimmer or drain into a colander.

  • Filter the infusion to get rid of residual particles.
    pulp and make the drink more transparent.

  • It remains to add the rate of sugar to the filtered juice, stir,
    add six more liters of water.

  • Pour the prepared juice in containers, let stand in
    the fridge.

  • Drink fragrant drink chilled.

Mint juice from 4 oranges and 2 tangerines

WITH приготовлением апельсинового напитка можно экспериментировать
as you wish. For example, add some mandarins and mint to the recipe.
Tangerines will not give the acid to the drink, but they are perfectly combined with
вкусом и ароматом oranges. To give the juice a refreshing summer
note, you can add a sprig of fresh garden mint or
melissa. How to draw 9 литров сока из 4 апельсинов и


• four juicy large oranges;

• two tangerines;

• a sprig of fresh mint;

• tablespoon of citric acid;

• six hundred grams of granulated sugar;

• nine liters of purified drinking water.

WITHпособ приготовления:

  • Oranges and tangerines after careful processing freeze.

  • Cut the fruit into small slices and chop into

  • Three liters of pure water fill the pan with fruit
    by weight.

  • Mint sprig to grind to stand out juice, and put in
    the pan.

  • After half an hour, strain and filter the drink.

  • Add citric acid solution and sugar.

  • Stir in the sugar.

  • Разлить в подготовленную tara

  • Let the drink stand for 1-2 hours, then drink with

How to draw 9 литров сока из 2 апельсинов и 2 лимонов

It’s not necessary to stick with the classic formula to
get a simple and beautiful drink. For example, you can take lemons
and oranges equal amount. This drink will be more acidic, with
bright, pronounced lemon shade. This kind of juice is good
cook after a festive meal.


• two large oranges;

• two medium lemons;

• kilogram of sugar (can be reduced);

• water.

WITHпособ приготовления:

  • Prepare oranges and lemons as described above.

  • Grind frozen fruit pieces in a meat grinder or grate

  • Pour массу первый раз, дать настояться 20-30 минут.

  • Gently strain, filter the juice.

  • WITHоединить первый настой с водой и сахаром.

  • Ready апельсиновый напиток перелить в чистые трехлитровки или
    bottles, put in an hour or two in the fridge.

And what to do with orange-lemon cake?
Lean hostesses advise not to throw it away. Mass can be mixed
to taste with sugar and citric acid, and then in three doses
Cook in a microwave oven jelly dessert. In addition, the peel and
the pulp can be added to homemade cakes.

Nothing complicated in how to make 9 liters of juice from 4
oranges, no. It’s worth a try, especially if there is a roast ahead
summer or large feast.

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