Dreadful dreams: the causes of their occurrence andmethods of solving the problem. Dreamed a nightmare – do not worry, it’s alljust a dream!

Вт, 15 май 2018 Автор: Владимир Петров

Experts have proven that everyone sees
dreams, even if he claims the opposite. However, not always their
can remember. Most often, dreams are memories of
recent past presented in various

Dreadful dreams occur in every person throughout
life is normal, but in certain situations they can
testify of a health disorder.


Essence and the plots of nightmares

In most cases, the person sees nightmares in REM sleep.
in the middle of the night. They become causes of awakening and deterioration.
further sleep. People who systematically have nightmares
noted that falling asleep immediately after waking up, they again fell into
nightmare. This can be avoided if you spend about 5 minutes in
waking state.

Based on a survey of the population, scientists concluded that
nightmares there are only 3 main plot:

• harassment and threat of human life;

• danger to relatives and friends of the sleeper;

• a person meets an evil spirit – devils and various

Causes of nightmares

The appearance of terrible and unpleasant dreams depends on
certain factors. Children under 8 see nightmares more often.
adults. The brain of the child is actively developing, so it does not have time
learn a large flow of incoming information affecting
sensitive and immature psyche. As a result baby
subconscious draws terrible images. If parents are bullying
child, to teach him to order, the probability of nightmares
is increasing.

Stress, overwork, difficult situations in life entail
emotional overstrain due to which terrible dreams arise
– they duplicate unpleasant life situations. Also nightmares can
arise due to insomnia and other sleep disorders. In this case
human dreams are muddled, constantly interrupted by awakening and
sometimes have an alarming frightening character. For insomnia people
tend to take different antidepressants and sleeping pills,
however, they can lengthen the REM phase, affect brightness and
nature of dreams.

How to get rid of nightmares?

Fight with terrible dreams is necessary in the case when they
appear several times a month, leading to sleep disturbance and
cause fear of falling asleep. If external causes of nightmares are stress and
overwork, then a person should take a vacation and go to
relaxation. You need to refrain from viewing frightening content in the media and
try relaxing treatments like a fragrant bath,

Sports in combination with the rejection of bad habits and
overeating will also benefit. If the causes
nightmares are psychological in nature, it is worth referring to
relevant specialist: psychologist, psychotherapist.
Self-medication with available psychotropic drugs will only aggravate
the situation.

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