Dough for donuts is responsible for the taste! Recipesdifferent dough for donuts with milk, kefir, cottage cheese, onwater

ATс, 25 сен 2016 Автор: Марина ATыходцева

The secret to a tasty donut is the right dough!

It should rise well, fry nicely and of course
same, delight the taste.

Here are the recipes for the “right” dough for donuts. Let be
everything will work out!


Dough for donuts – general cooking principles

Donuts are cooked only on wheat flour. Desirable
use top grade. Flour is sieved before use.
Be sure to stand in a warm place. Liquid is added to the dough:
milk, kefir, water. Be sure to lay eggs, sugar. AT
Some recipes include butter of various kinds, margarine or
other fat. Lenten donuts do not.

The dough is prepared yeast or rippers. First option
it takes time to climb, usually at least one hour. Dough with
rippers can be used immediately after preparation. By
consistency of the mass may be liquid or thick. Spread dough
in butter, donuts are formed with a spoon or hands, and then fried.

Yeast donut dough with milk

Common dough recipe for donuts with whole milk. AT
The list of ingredients indicates the amount of dry yeast.


• 300 ml of milk;

• 1.5 tsp. yeast;

• egg;

• 70 g cl. oils;

• flour four glasses;

• 40 g sugar;

• salt.


1. Prepare the products on the list, heat the milk, melt

2. Mix dry yeast with milk, add sugar, sugar,
fresh egg, salt. Dissolve all ingredients.

3. Then add the melted but cooled cream.

4. Now pour the flour, necessarily sifted. Knead the dough.
Make a neat bun, cover.

5. After 1.5 hours, the dough should rise well. Can
start cooking donuts.

6. Sprinkle the table with flour, roll out the cooked dough.
cakes, thickness from one to 1.5 cm.

7. ATыдавите формой или обыкновенной чашкой круглые пышечки.
Diameter is arbitrary, but not less than 6 cm.

8. ATнутри сделайте дырочки, используя вырубку до двух
centimeters in diameter.

9. Now you can warm up the fry of vegetable oil.

10. Fry the donuts until a beautiful crust. Powder
or decorate with glaze.

Dough for donuts with curd

ATариант творожного теста для пончиков. This dish accompanies
extraordinary flavor. Can использовать даже слегка залежавшийся
cottage cheese, which are afraid to use raw, but within
reasonable. Sour or moldy product will not work.


• 300 g of cottage cheese;

• 5 g ripper;

• 60 g of sugar;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 tbsp. flour;

• sour cream 3 liters. v .;

• salt.


1. Grind the cottage cheese, you can immediately combine with salt and sour cream.
If the cottage cheese is soft, then just mash well with a spoon to
get rid of large lumps.

2. Add sugar to the eggs. Using a whisk or a mixer, whisk
up lush foam.

3. Combine the curd mixture with egg foam.

4. Byдмешайте к муке рыхлитель, добавьте к творогу. Make a
soft dough. If the cottage cheese was originally soft, it can go away.
a little more flour.

5. Now you need to make donuts from the dough. Can разделить
cut the sausages into pieces and put them into rings.

6. Either pinch off some mass and just roll off small ones.

7. Heat deep-fry.

8. Fry the curd donuts to a ruddy color in butter.
ATынимайте шумовкой balloons. Or hook with a fork rings.

9. Byсле остывания румяные пончики посыпьте пудрой.

Dough for donuts on kefir with soda

ATариант очень простого и быстрого теста для пончиков. He is not
you need rest, you can cook and fry right after
kneading. Kefir is easily replaced by another fermented milk drink, but
without sugar, dyes and other additives.


• кефира 1 v .;

• flour 1.8-2 cups;

• 1 tsp. soda (without tubercle);

• one egg;

• 2 ложки oils;

• spoon of sugar.


1. Byдогрейте кефир. Or just take it out of the fridge beforehand,
put off the stove or on the battery.

2. Pour the fermented milk drink in a bowl, send to him
incomplete spoon of soda. Stir.

3. Add sugar, throw a pinch of fine salt and pour in oil
vegetable. Stir.

4. Add the raw egg. If it is small, then you can throw in the dough
two pieces. Stir with a whisk until completely dissolved.

5. Pour the flour. If kefir is liquid, then more flour can go.
See the test. It should get thick, a little

6. Sprinkle the table with flour, put the dough and it also needs
sprinkle on top.

7. ATозьмите скалку, раскатайте кусок до толщины одного

8. ATозьмите стакан или формочку, обмакните края в муку и
squeeze circles.

9. Fry in hot fat immediately after formation. Byнчики
they will be very fast browned, you need to be careful not to
burned out.

10. ATынимайте на тарелочку, посыпайте пудрой.

Dough for donuts on yolks (American-style)

Recipe dough for American donuts. Technology
cooking is not much different from the standard scheme, but the dough
more rich. These products are taken after frying. decorate color
glaze, decorate sweet sprinkles, nuts.


• 0.5 liters of milk;

• 4 spoons of sugar;

• 1.5 liters. dry yeast;

• 3 yolks;

• 50 г oils;

• 4 tbsp. flour;

• 20 ml of cognac;

• salt.


1. This dough is best cooked sponge. Combine warm
milk with two spoons of sugar, add two cups of flour and
stir thoroughly. Byставьте в тепло.

2. As soon as the opara rises well and starts to bubble, then
you can add the rest of the sugar, about half a teaspoon
salt, pour the yolks, it is better to perekolotit them separately.

3. AT конце добавьте коньяк и муку. The consistency of the dough should
turn out, as for ordinary pies. Do not hammer in flour to
donuts turned out air.

4. Put the dough to wander in the heat. We are waiting for a good rise. On the brew
mass will quickly go up.

5. ATынимаем тесто, формируем круглые пончики с дырочкой из
rolled flat cakes.

6. Греем в сотейнике butter. Fry rings, take out on paper
to get rid of excess oil.

7. Decorate with glaze, you can simply sprinkle with powdered chocolate
cocoa chips or cocoa powder.

Dough for donuts on condensed milk

For such a test, you need white condensed milk without any
additives. These donuts will not be very lush, the crumb is obtained
quite dense. But then they quickly prepare, ideal
in a hurry for breakfast, snack or snack.


• 0.5 cans of condensed milk;

• 2 tbsp. flour;

• two eggs;

• salt;

• soda 0.5 tsp;

• oil for frying.


1. Put condensed milk in a bowl, add eggs to milk. ATзбейте
a couple of minutes all together.

2. Sprinkle some salt.

3. Byгасите соду, тоже отправьте в тесто.

4. Knead it all with flour.

5. Roll the flagellum out of the dough. But do not make a thin lace
optimum thickness in the region of two centimeters.

6. Cut across the washers, the width is also about two

7. Roll off each piece of cones.

8. Разогрейте масла, слой не менее двух centimeters. AT идеале
Donuts should be free to swim.

9. Fry the balls until golden crust, immediately serve to
the table.

Дрожжевое тесто для пончиков на water

Чтобы тесто на water получилось мягким и ароматным, в него
sour cream is added. It needs quite a bit. Fit the product not
first freshness, slightly acidified.


• 2 eggs;

• 400 ml of water;

• 100 ml sour cream;

• 600 g of flour (may take a little more);

• 70 g of sugar;

• 2 l. yeast;

• 120 g butter / margarine butter.


1. Melt the margarine or butter, albeit
cool down

2. AT теплую воду добавьте сметану, хорошо разболтайте.

3. Add sugar immediately with yeast. Sprinkle a little incomplete
teaspoon of salt.

4. ATзбейте вилкой яйца и тоже добавьте в дрожжевую воду.

5. ATлейте растопленное масло, размешайте все ингредиенты теста,
so they dissolved.

6. Add flour, but not all at once. Add half
kilogram, knead the dough. Add more if necessary.

7. Transfer the mass to a large bowl, let it rise, crush

8. Byсле второго подъема формируйте пончики любым способом,
cook in deep fat.

Batter for donuts

ATариант еще одного теста на кефире. These donuts are laid out in
deep-fried little spoon, turn out round and neat.


• 2 eggs;

• 0.4 l kefir;

• 0,4 кг flour;

• 10 g ripper;

• 20 g of sugar;

• salt, deep-frying.


1. Pour warm kefir into the bowl.

2. Add all the ingredients for the recipe except wheat flour.
Do not add the ripper too.

3. ATооружитесь миксером или просто возьмите венчик. ATзбейте все

4. Now you can add flour, stir and pour

5. Leave the dough for about five minutes.

6. During this time, you can warm up the deep-fry in a deep dish.

7. Набирайте чайной ложкой тесто, опускайте в прогретое butter.
Roast rosy donuts.

Donut Dough – Tips and Tricks

• Doubt the quality of yeast? No need to translate products
and waste your time! Растворите дрожжи в рецептурной water,
add sugar and a little flour, leave for a while. In about 15 minutes
a foam should appear. If not, then you should not add
the remaining ingredients.

• Byнчики чаще всего посыпают пудрой. But do not do it,
if they are hot Powder will melt quickly, and fragrant rings will be

• Any donuts can be cooked with filling. For this dough
roll thin, cut out lozenges, put the stuffing and glue
две штучки together. But there are also recipes for lush donuts,
which stuffing can be pumped pastry syringe.

• From ordinary donuts you can cook a gorgeous treat!
Byлейте блюдо медом, сгущенкой, шоколадной глазурью. Byсыпьте
nuts, pastry dragee. Homemade will be delighted!

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