Dolls amulets – do it yourself (master class).How to make a doll to protect yourself at home.

Пн, 07 сен 2015 Автор: Ольга Шестакова В
old times dolls amulets served not only to decorate the home
and children’s games. They were strong talismans, driving away
Evil eye, protecting family and comfort in the house. Puppets played huge
role in the lives of our ancestors. Dolls were made for each
an important event in a person’s life, such as the birth of a child or
weddings And also in honor of the big holidays. Amulets
were made to protect the home and all its inhabitants, for
attract wealth, health, love, well-being.


Slavic dolls amulets

Imagine for a moment the daily life of our ancestors –
without smartphones, phones, cars, televisions, household appliances,
Internet and even electricity. At that time, people’s life was spinning
around the natural cycle. People lived together with nature and
climatic conditions. They were much closer to nature and magic,
than we are now. For each important event, such as harvesting,
the meeting of spring, summer solstice were made
appropriate dolls amulets. Each doll had its own
purpose – some were burned for the rite of cleansing, some
filled with grains to attract wealth to the house. Their
made of cloth, straw or clay.

When a baby was born in a family, it was necessarily made
doll to ward off evil eyes, damage, envy and black magic from
baby In the event of a wedding, special dolls were made, which
were called lovebirds. They guarded the new family from envy,
quarrels and evil eyes, helping to strengthen the alliance. Lovebirds
made from a single piece of matter, with one common handle,
hence the name – “lovebirds.” Two dolls were one,
one fate. At birth, the baby doll lovebirds
stitched a loop. For the holidays dolls sewed beautiful clothes.
Their нужно было беречь всю жизнь. Our ancestors had strong alliances.
Who knows, maybe part of the secret lies in the wards

Guard dolls – rules for making

Guard dolls were always made with pure, snow-white
face, without images of eyes, nose and eyebrows. White color served
the personification of spirituality and purity of thoughts. In a doll without a face not
an unclean spirit could dwell, it could not be enchanted. In the process
making such dolls was not allowed to use scissors
needles, or any other sharp objects. There was a belief
that the injections of a doll can be harmful to the health of its owner. Needles
allowed only in the process of tailoring, when the doll itself was
already ready.

Guard dolls were made only by women. In the house where
a doll was made, even the presence of a man was not allowed. Small
boys are also forbidden to look at the manufacturing process
talisman Wards were engaged only in women. It was believed that only
female energy is able to give the doll all the necessary
properties. When the girls sewed dolls, they sang songs, joked and
had fun. With a bad mood for making a talisman no one
was taken.

The most important thing in making a talisman is not a technique, but
energy, which is embedded in the doll. Women made dolls
only to people who were really loved and wanted to protect, then
such a talisman was filled with magical power.

Lovebirds — куклы обереги своими руками (мастер-класс)

Lovebirds помогают сделать брачный союз крепким и нерушимым,
guard love and well-being, driving away misfortune from a married couple and
adversity. Такой оберег можно сделать и до, и после weddings
The main thing is to do it with love. If your little doll turned out a little
curve or not as beautiful as in the picture – do not worry. To
the charm really worked, the pupae should be made from one
inseparable piece of white matter and fastened with a red thread. Until
dolls will not be ready, the thread can not be cut off. When will you sew
Jewelry and clothes can be cut off.

To сделать куклы обереги своими руками (а в этом поможет наш
small workshop), we need a piece of square fabric
white, a ball of red thread and cotton. Clothes can be issued by
to your taste.

Fold the fabric in half, put on the table fold up. Visually
we divide matter into two parts, on the left there will be a man’s figure, on the right
– women. Around the center of the left, in the fold of the fabric,
make head to husband. Take a piece of fleece and twist the thread around
heads even number of times. We make three knots, and, without breaking the thread,
move on.

We take the extreme upper piece of fabric, which is located near
heads, and make a pen. Twist your hand in a small flagellum and tight
Wrap the thread. When the handle is ready, tie three knots on it and
Throw the thread in the place where it will be groin.

Visually we divide the fabric for the legs of the man’s figure, then we do
the first leg, just like the hand did. We wind the second leg,
groin and abdomen.

Then we fasten the thread at the waist into three knots and do it on the chest.
cross preserved, wrapped chest across three times. Basting with thread
in the common handle area, then beautifully wrapped her thread. Again
fasten on three knots. Half the amulet is ready.

Now proceed to the head of a woman. Again берем вату,
we enclose in fabric, and we twist the thread. Then we make a woman handle
и fasten on three knots. We wind the thread around the woman’s chest for three.
times, creating a protective cross. Then thread form our line
slim waist.

Now the charm is ready, the thread can be cut off. At will, pupae
You can dress up and decorate. But the traditional amulet is ready.

As you can see, in order to make dolls amulets with their own hands,
no special skills or effort required. Only love and
positive energy.

Slavic dolls amulets — виды и предназначение

Slavic dolls amulets славились своим разнообразием. Ours
ancestors were dolls for all occasions and great holidays.
Tell you about the most popular ones.

Each mistress had in her home a doll called Kolyada
by hands. Kolyada was made by December 25 – the day of winter
solstice. Slavs very honored this holiday. They are fun
celebrated Kolyada, with songs, dances and delicious dishes.
It was believed that the doll kolyada will protect the house from the evil eye,
illnesses, misfortunes and lack of money the whole year. Therefore, almost in
each house had its own guardian kolyada. The doll symbolized love and
warm in any relationship, served as a reliable talisman of evil spells.
The doll was dressed up in beautiful dresses, and small ones were fastened to her belt.
bags of salt and grain. For a belt kolyada put a broom to
drove away the evil spirits from the threshold.

One more important talisman was considered a cuckoo doll. Her
made from straw. The cuckoo was made for a special rite –
dedication girls in girl. All girls over twelve
years, this rite was held on the eve of the Trinity. They made dolls from
straw, dressed them up in beautiful clothes and went with the girlfriends into the woods.
There they kindled a fire, having fun and exchanging dolls. Under
end of the holiday dolls thrown into the fire. It symbolized the beginning.
maiden pores and adulthood. Throwing the doll into the fire, each
the girl made a wish. Making a doll, everyone slandered her
your problem, or disease, then to burn and get rid of it
forever and ever.

In each house of our ancestors there was a dream catcher. Slavs
very honored sleep and the underworld. It was believed that during sleep
the soul went on a journey through the afterlife. Doll served
warding, protecting the sleeping from the evil forces. She took away the evil eye from the house and
insomnia, guarding the peaceful sleep of their owners. Trap
It was made of twigs and threads. With her pose she seemed to be “catching
dreams, hence the name. Her украшали ленточками и цветными нитками.
Usually the charm was prepared in the spring, changing the doll every few years.
Ward hung at the head of the bed. The trap was made of green,
red and yellow thread.

Each woman had his own powerful amulet – Makosh doll.
This tradition dates back to ancient paganism. Goddess Makosh
was the patroness of women, family, fertility and hearth.
She was also considered a goddess of fate. Such a doll was very strong
amulet Her было принято прятать от чужих глаз, чтобы оберег не
lost its power. When a woman could not conceive a child, or find
herself a decent couple, she asked for help from the goddess Mokosh. Doll
made of cloth, dressed in beautiful clothes. By tradition, the doll
hair must be loose. A wreath of ribbons was woven into her hair.
and flowers. On the left hand of the amulet hung a small spindle. This
Charm was considered originally feminine. Slavic dolls amulets служили
reliable defenders from evil forces, bad luck and damage.

Doll amulet made of fabric for a child

A cloth charm doll was an important attribute in every family, where
waited for the appearance of the baby. Such a talisman was called a doll pelenoshka.
Charm was prepared a few months before giving birth, so that childbirth would pass
successfully, and the baby was born healthy. Numbing every mother made
for your child alone. The rest of the family member is not allowed
It was to look at the process of making a doll. The diaper was impossible
to accept as a gift, because little children are very susceptible to envy and
negative energy. Before the baptism of the baby, the diaper was laid under him
a pillow so that the amulet would take upon itself the evil spells, illnesses, the evil eye,
protecting baby. Doll charm made of cloth served for the defenseless
baby shield from negative energy. After baby
They were baptized, the diaper was kept as a talisman at random.

How to make a doll charm pelenashku

If you do not know how to make a doll charm, read on.
The diaper is made from a piece of clothing worn by the mother, it is very
important. That maternal energy will protect the baby. the cloth
wound in a small cocoon and wound blue or red
ribbon cross three times. Charm put under the pillow
giving birth to facilitate childbirth. Knowing how to make a doll charm, you
You can make a diaper and for your baby.

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