Does a kitten have a dry nose – is it normal or abnormal? ATwhat cases a kitten’s dry nose means illness what to do ifhot nose

Пн, 27 ноя 2017 Автор: Юлия Скрябина

Any discomfort in a small kitten should not
remain without attention. The condition of the nose can tell a lot about
Furry baby health.


Dry nose in a kitten – a variant of the norm

AT норме орган обоняния у кошек холодный и мокрый. Why he
such? The animal itself often licks, moistening the nose, moisture
the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ is also secreted. AT природе это
helps the cat hunt – a wet nose catches better
wind direction and the smells that he brings, including the smell
possible mining.

But still, a kitten’s nose can sometimes get dry, and it’s not
talks about any disease. If the baby is sleeping or only
woke up a lot and actively ran, played, his nose for some
time can become warm and dry. Also provoke dryness
capable of heat, lack of fresh air in the room. If small
purr perched on a hot battery or lounging in the sun,
the olfactory organ will quite naturally heat up along with
pet After a while the nose will come to its normal
wet cool condition. AT таких случаях повода для
the owner has no worries.

Dry kitten nose is a sign of illness

AT некоторых случаях сухой и горячий нос – один из важных
symptoms that make a kitten suspect a particular disease. AND
here the owner, first of all, needs to assess the general condition
baby If the kitten has become lethargic, refuses to eat, does not want
play, lie and not get up, then in combination with these signs dry
the nose looks like a very disturbing symptom. Especially if changed
its color turned red, too pale or bluish.

A red nose may indicate an infection.
in the body, rhinitis in a kitten or about some kind of mechanical
damage to the sense of smell. If the nose is white, this is a sign of problems.
in the circulatory system. When blue, you can suspect
problems with the respiratory system, in particular, the inflammatory process,
also the cat’s nose turns blue from lack of oxygen and in cardiac
failure. And if a dry nose gets a yellowish tint,
possibly a disorder in the liver.

Kitten dry nose – associated symptoms of disease

ATнимательно понаблюдайте за котенком. There are a number of signs
which, together with a dry nose will indicate the development of the disease:

• the kitten has become lethargic, sad, lethargic or too

• an animal has loose stools, it vomits, vomits;

• frequent urination is noted (or vice versa

• kitten often breathes heavily, depressed breathing,

• pet’s coat is in poor condition, it is matted,
untidy, falls out.

You also need to inspect the nose for secretions. AT норме они
not rich and transparent. Yellowish, green, foaming
indicate the disease.

ATыделения из носа, которые превращаются в корочки, говорят о
presence of viral disease. AT этом случае их спутниками
purulent discharge from the eyes, refusal of food and general
weakness of the animal. In the presence of such symptoms is necessary as
contact your veterinarian as soon as possible, since speech can
go about such dangerous, acutely flowing diseases like cat distemper
(panleukopenia), rhinotracheitis or calcivirosis.

If simultaneously with the dryness of the nose on the skin of the kitten are marked
small wounds, cracks, sores with crusts, it can be
a sign of diabetes or dermatitis. And with frequent
urination, which is accompanied by a mournful meow, you can
suspect cystitis or other urogenital diseases.

Kitten dry nose – what to do

If the nose of a small pet has become hot and dry, measure it.
baby temperature In cats, it is higher than in humans. For little ones
Kittens are considered normal temperature from 38.5 to 39.5 degrees.
ANDзмеряется она обычным градусником ректально. When raising
body temperatures up to 40 degrees and above can be suspected
infectious or viral disease. With a kitten, it can
be hot ears, baby begins to shiver. AT этом случае визит к
The doctor must be prompt. Absolutely forbidden
give animals any antipyretic medicine without consultation
the vet.
Relieve the kitten’s condition when high
temperature can be moistening his coat, the animal must also have
access to fresh water. But these are only temporary measures! Present treatment
will appoint a doctor.

In addition, dry nose and fever are noted if
the kitten is overheated. An animal, like a man, can get
solar or heat stroke. Along with overall lethargy, the baby
rapid heartbeat and breathing. If the problem is in heat and overheating,
you need to pick up the kitten in a cool place, water it or at least
wet water spout. Improve the condition of the pet also wetting
legs and ears with cold water.

A kitten’s nose can become dry and hot in the face of severe diarrhea,
vomiting. The reason for this – dehydration. Required
restore water balance. But often with this state pet
refuses or just can not drink. Here also can not do without
professional veterinary care. ATрач пропишет котенку уколы
or droppers.

Can tell a kitten’s dry nose and intestinal problems
or stomach. ANDногда там скапливается шерсть, которая не выводится
naturally. This problem most often occurs in animals.
with a thick and fluffy fur coat. ANDзбавиться от шерстяных комочков и
malt paste helps prevent their formation. There are also
special feeds aimed at combating this problem. Not bad
coping with it and grass for cats, which can be grown in
potty and offer a kitten.

Also, dry cat nose can occur on the background
stressful situation: strong fright, moving by car, loud games
children. Everything is simple: the animal must be reassured, offer it
water, and the condition of the spout will quickly return to normal.

ANDтак, сам по себе сухой нос у котенка вполне может быть
variant of the norm. But if other symptoms accompany it,
the host will need attentiveness and quick access to
to the vet.

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