Do they believe fortunetellers, why do they want to believe?How to distinguish a real fortuneteller from a fraud

Ср, 06 июн 2018 Автор: Татьяна Поленова

Many of us and pulls to know the future, to open
veil of secrecy over the course of future events. Not wondering whether
believe fortunetellers, we go to these people with questions about the most important and

Women seem to be more curious about this area.
men. Almost everyone or had the experience of divination in life (on the cards
conventional or tarot, runes, crystal ball, coffee grounds, etc.)
or thought about a visit to a specialist.

No less attractive to us is a trip to the magician or
a psychic promising to predict fate. But are they harmless to us?
such visits, do you need the knowledge gained? Think about it

Few will be a secret that existed at all times
soothsayers whose prophecies came true in detail. These people
often feared and even hated, admired their gift when
They wanted to hear about a good future, but they didn’t always listen

At the courts of the rulers of the whole world consisted of magicians, soothsayers,
interpreters of dreams and predictors. To them lords and their nobles
sought advice on how to proceed in one way or another
situations to achieve the desired. Among such predictors are
however, there were quite a few scammers, but it happened that
real prophets, whose words steadily came true.

Recall Nostradamus, to this day world famous for its
prophecies – he served as a soothsayer at the court of the Medici family.
Or a monk Abel, sent to the prison for carelessness to give
Russian Empress Catherine II, disliked by her forecasts for

The names of Vanga, Wolf Messing and others are still well known.
psychics who clearly had the talent to see through time.
These were famous personalities who repeatedly confirmed their
outstanding ability.


Divination is an unsafe business

But is it worth believing whether fortune-tellers and veduns, today giving
ads in hundreds of newspapers and magazines participating in TV shows
or creating your own websites on the Internet? Thereby
�”Hereditary witches” who can direct or remove damage,
deliver from the crown of celibacy and the curse, return the husband
from mistress and do other wonders?

Only a few of us can figure out whether this is really
a specialist or simply a conman whose goal is to deflate
customer as much money as possible. Probably consider having a gift
clairvoyance at the soothsayer can only one who possesses
extrasensory abilities.

And even having got to the adept initiated into the mysteries of magic, there is no
safeguards protect yourself from the effects of using dangerous spells
or conspiracies. Perhaps, figuring out our fate, we ourselves deprive ourselves
opportunities to choose it. Believing the claims of a stranger
man, we drive ourselves into the framework of the future he predicted, and our
the true purpose of losing.

Predictions are true

With rare exception, people turn to fortunetellers if
life is something not going well and problems do not give rest. Or to be
make a difficult choice, responsibility for which you do not want to take
to myself. Fortunetellers or fraudsters usually appear to be
are subtle psychologists feel good emotional
mood of your customers. And for several dropped phrases they can
make a complete picture of current life situations.

But, it cannot be denied that in some cases the words of the sorceress strike
its truthfulness. Sometimes so accurate information is given
client’s past that it’s difficult to write them off to simple guessing. Yes and
predicted future events may come true, and in
exactly named dates.

After asking friends to visit fortune-tellers, sorcerers or
veduniy, you can find out that communication with them often gives the right
Effect. Grandmothers sometimes help where even medicine lowers
hands: treat children with enuresis, “pour out” fright, heal with conspiracies
sick from various illnesses inspired by alleged damage, etc.

Do not be credulous!

But even getting to the true witch, you can not trust her good
respect and sincere help. After all, with the filing of a strong psychic
it may also go wrong that would not be harmed without his intervention.
For example, a fortune teller predicts a girl’s close separation from
loved ones. She believes, begins to be jealous and constantly bring the guy on
about this rabies. They really break up, but
would happen so if the girl did not visit the sorceress? Probably but not

Having decided to visit a clairvoyant, a knocker or any fortuneteller,
Remember that the church absolutely does not accept such activities.
Not only practitioners themselves are considered sinful, but also
customers using their services. The future of each is in the hands
God, and attempts to find out the fishing of higher powers are unacceptable.
Surely the help of the forces of evil can not go to anyone for good. No wonder
it says that fate can be miscalculated.

Even if the soothsayer uses prayers in his work, it is not
will make his work godly. Especially, if for the help he
takes from people money (and usually happens). So that
оцените здраво, так ли уж надо вам знать future. Hike to the fortuneteller
fraught with not always getting the right information, waste of money and
time, and it is on a visible level. And what if you can lose on
spiritual levels – we can only guess.

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