Do puppies need vitamins: signsavitaminosis. When and how to supplement puppy foodvitamins

Чт, 05 апр 2018 Автор: Елена Витинг

Poor or improper feeding of a growing dog,
lack of nutrients and minerals can cause avitaminosis and
a number of diseases such as rickets, bone dysplasia, impaired
respiratory function and scurvy.

That is why at an early age puppy should be given vitamins –
essential components that the body cannot produce
on their own.


When you need to start giving puppies vitamins. Are required
supplements healthy dogs?

Vitamin therapy is always prescribed to sick pets, as well as
animals with low immunity. Many owners are given
whether the growing body needs vitamins if the puppy is healthy
and consumes natural food. Veterinarians agree that
even the most versatile homemade food can not replace food
which the dog would receive in its natural habitat. Start off
supplement food with trace elements from the eighth week of life

Another thing when it comes to high-quality dry food or
canned food. Reliable manufacturers add to the like.
balanced nutrition all nutrients therefore
the need for additional vitamins and supplements is eliminated.
However, buying ordinary inexpensive dog food you cannot be
sure pet gets enough irreplaceable
trace elements.

Beriberi in puppies and its symptoms

A lack of vitamins can cause the development of vitamin deficiency, which
entails a decrease in the protective functions of the body and the appearance
serious pathologies. The peak of the disease most often accounts for
the period of the inactive sun is winter and the beginning of spring. Its reasons
unbalanced nutrition, violation of the gastrointestinal tract,
worm infestation, infections and medication. At risk also
include puppies that have lost their mother’s milk early.

Every beginning dog breeder must learn
recognize the first signs of beriberi:

• growth retardation;

• dandruff, itching;

• changes in the structure of the skin;

• watery eyes;

• hair loss;

• apathy and drowsiness;

• refusal to eat or taste anomalies (for example, eating

• lowering body temperature.

If the above symptoms appear, refer to
to the vet.

What vitamins and minerals do puppies need?

For the proper development of the dog during the period of active growth
It requires regular intake of essential non-essential components.


Retinol (vitamin A) is important for healthy eyes, bones, and skin tissue.
and mucous membranes. It is preferable to give in the form
natural beta carotene. Deficiency leads to exhaustion,
inclination to pneumonia, hair loss, rickets, pathologies of vision
and smell. During molting the body’s need for retinol

Vitamins группы B способствуют нормальному функционированию
nervous system, metabolism, production of necessary
the number of red blood cells, the proper formation
energy reserve. Low content of the drug is characterized
problems of the digestive tract (diarrhea, vomiting), anemia and mental disorders.

Vitamin E protects cells and resists premature
aging. Its deficiency leads to impaired reproductive
system. Tocopherol regulates the metabolism of hormones, creatine and
carbohydrate and is a powerful antioxidant. His absence
faces muscular dystrophy and cardiovascular

Vitamin D is responsible for maintaining calcium in the blood.
Calcium, in turn, is important for bone formation. therefore
lack of vitamin D is almost always accompanied by disorders
skeletal development. Attention! In the warm season, when the sun
most actively, it is necessary to give the drug with extreme caution. Him
excess leads to jaw deformity and calcification vital
important organs.

Vitamin K is an indispensable helper of the liver. It provides good
blood clotting, prevents the formation of kidney stones,
improves the condition of dental tissues and calcium absorption. Disadvantage
vitamin may trigger the development of diabetes.

Trace elements and fatty acids

The second serious problem of puppy nutrition is the lack of mineral
substances such as calcium and phosphorus. These elements have a special
значение для skeletal development. While the adult dog is weighing
30 kg requires about 1.7 g of such building bone material in
day, a puppy weighing up to 10 kg must be 5 g daily. Many
the owners, making up the diet, often do not take into account this fact that
leads to growth disorders.

The key to shiny hair and healthy skin is polyunsaturated
fatty acids that the animal’s body does not synthesize. Their
sources are fish oil and vegetable oils: flaxseed,
evening primrose, safflower, hemp and black currant.
Enter these components in the feed should be year-round. Daily dose
fish oil for a puppy should not exceed 180 mg per kilogram
weight, Omega 6 – 36 mg / kg. Acids give along with food.

If a specialist has appointed your pet take corrective
supplements, do not rush to run after them to the pharmacy. �”Human”
medications are not designed to meet the needs of dogs.
You need to buy such drugs in specialized
zoological stores.

How to give your puppy vitamins

The main thing every owner should know about is overdose
vitamins are more dangerous than their deficiency. Never increase
specified portion of instructions, hoping to get a quick
result. Reception courses should not last more than one month.
Babies at the age of 2-6 months give supplements for 2 weeks,
doing then a mandatory five-day break. Do not rest
pet with all trace elements and nutrients at once – this
may result in hypervitaminosis.

Attempts to force a puppy to swallow vitamins are not always
crowned with success. Most often, kids just spit it out.
tasteless pills. The easiest way to fool the intractable
pet – hide the medicine in a piece of meat, minced meat or loved one
delicacies. If this method does not work, then open the mouth.
animal, put a pill or capsule on the root of the tongue, close
jaws, tilt your head back slightly and wait for the dog to
will swallow. Do not forget to praise your pet later!

When deciding to add healthy ingredients to a diet
do amateur activities. Only a veterinarian can determine
Does your puppy require vitamins, prescribe a dose and give the necessary
recommendations regarding the frequency of administration and compatibility of drugs.
Remember that excess causes equally serious consequences.
for animal health than vitamin deficiency.

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