Wedding celebration is a pleasant event, but expensive.
Only after the holiday is clear: the wedding has paid off or not.
Because some decorations and wedding paraphernalia can be
do it yourself
In this case, any help from relatives and friends is useful.
DIY wedding invitation cards
Preparation for the solemn event begins with the mailing
invitation cards. In this matter, you can show a maximum
creativity. Guests will surely understand and appreciate your work.
For making handmade invitation cards
the following materials will be needed: white or milky cardboard,
paper, lace ribbon, satin ribbons in two variations: narrow and
wide, glue, scissors (simple and curly), printer, hole punch,
Stages of the creative process:
1. Thinking out the size of the invitation card. If paper
corresponds to the parameters of A4 paper, then you can make two of it
invitations, or one envelope. On the sheet using a printer and
computer typed text. Text color and font style can be
different: simple classic or bright modernity;
2. After printing the text, the invitation card is cut by
contour curly scissors. Next punch at the top of the sheet
a hole is made for the bow bet;
3. Now an envelope is made from thick cardboard. By
The template below is cut out a form for it. Template size
are individual and correspond to the length and width of the sheet
with the invitation text;
4. Lace is glued to this wedding decoration
by hands. Ribbons for aesthetic beauty are glued to the inside
sides of the envelope;
5. It’s time to insert a narrow satin ribbon in the hole and
tie an elegant bow;
6. Another bow is made of wide satin ribbon.
For this, the ribbon strip is bent in two places until
get a semblance of a bow. The central part is fixed thin
satin ribbon. The excess tape parts are cut off. The edges
soldered with matches;
7. Ready big bow glued to the invitation
postcard. Byлучилось очаровательное украшение своими by hands.
The second version of the invitation card as much as possible
творческий. It is also economical. For this you will need
color paper (the thinnest), A4 paper, glue,
scissors and printer.
Each piece of colored paper is folded several times.
(five-six) of the same width – 2 cm.
Then on the resulting rolled strips are made small
Heart shape is cut from white paper. And to him
colored strips are glued to each other.
If you wish, you can not do six rows, but much more. AT
In this case, the size of the heart will be larger.
By контуру сердечка обрезается вся лишняя цветная бумага.
Narrow paper tape is cut out for decoration
completely different color. On the tape, you can do any
Paper tape is glued to the back of the heart,
which connects to a rectangular sheet of paper. On the sheet you can
print the invitation text. If desired, this long text
can be applied even on the back of the sheet. And, as an option, in
Car decoration for a wedding with their own hands
The wedding procession is always decorated, even if it is the very
little budget wedding. Most often, cars are decorated with balls
artificial flowers and ribbons. Main car with the newlyweds
It stands out from the total mass with the richness of decoration: long ribbons on
bumper and huge bouquets of flowers. ATсе это крепится очень легко на
knots. No wire or glue that can damage the coating.
auto, can not be used.
In the example below, numerous flowers are attached with
using a simple colorless adhesive tape. ATозможно использование
both live and artificial flowers. If the wedding celebration
scheduled for summer time – fresh flowers can be cut straight from
his garden. ATыглядит очень необычно и эффектно.
Steering wheel is recommended to decorate the usual paper tape. And on
rearview mirror can be hung a garland.
The simplest machine with a single wave of the brush will turn into
elegant wedding carriage, if you paint it. Drawing is applied
washable paint. And it is assumed that the weather for trips to such
carriage can be exclusively solar. As seen on the above
below the photo, the drawing is very simple. ATсе линии знакомы и
predictable. However, the effect is magical.
AT том случае, если в круге родственников и знакомых не нашелся
a bold artist, in the store you can buy ready-made stencils or
holiday stickers on the car. Their order on the Internet will cost
much more economical.
Practice shows that in preparing for the wedding every guest
wants to be useful and help the newlyweds. Feel free to ask
help. Making jewelry for the wedding do it yourself
great pleasure to all participants. Will be subject pride and
will be remembered for a long time.