Disease kittens: the first signs, symptoms andpossible complications. What are sick kittens up to 6 months and how notprevent diseases

Пт, 08 дек 2017 Автор: Светлана Землянская

Since the appearance in the house of a small fluffy
friend, the whole responsibility for him to go to the new owner.
In addition to finding a bed for a kitten, a toilet, food and
choose a few toys from a huge range of pet shop,
the pet owner will need to take care of him

Pet behavior must be given special attention, because he himself does not
can tell that he had some kind of pain


What you should pay attention: diagnosis of disease kittens

In order to identify the bad health of a kitten, you should
to spend as much time as possible. There are a number
signs, in the presence of which you can safely lead a little friend to
to the vet.

1. • Frequent games with various toys are peculiar to kids.
or the owner, and with the appearance of the disease playfulness disappears.

2. • The food also does not interest the kitten.

3. • The animal devotes time only to such an occupation as sleep.

4. • Strong hair loss begins.

5. • Favorite combed any part of the skin to blood.

6. • A noticeable amount of secretions in the mucous membranes – nose, mouth
and eye. Particular attention should be paid to this feature when
the condition that there were no similar ones or there were some, but less so.

7. • Unnatural movements, limping.

8. • Severe weight loss.

9. • Excess weight.

10. • Increased body temperature.

11. • There are various swellings or bumps on the body,
the cause of which is not clear.

Up to two months, these symptoms are more pronounced than with
aged over. Signs of any pathology should not be written off
on feeling sick. If you notice the above symptoms
have a kitten should not try to treat it with medicinal
drugs without the recommendation of a specialist, and even more so, folk

The symptoms of most diseases are similar, so that by yourself
it is impossible to determine exactly what a kitten is sick with. remember, that
before starting treatment, consultation with a veterinarian
is required.

Infectious pathology in kittens

There are quite common diseases among all kittens,
which do not depend on the breed pet. Pneumonia, cold,
conjunctivitis and peritonitis are familiar names for diseases
which are common in humans. But pick up this infection
can not only man, but also a pet.

This type of disease spreads easily, and also sufficiently
difficult to treat.

Infection with any infection and its further development in
The baby’s body can be for several reasons.

1. • Weak immune system.

2. • Close contact with infected animals.

3. • Improper diet, poorly thought out diet.

4. • Severe hypothermia.

5. • Stress.

6. • Immunodeficiency.

Parasitic pathology in kittens

Such pathologies are caused by parasites, visible even to the naked
by eye.

There are such parasitic diseases as helminthiasis (worms)
and fleas.

Provided that the appearance of any parasites was noticed
almost immediately, the treatment will not give the owner a big problem.

Noncommunicable diseases

There are such diseases kittens, in no way related
to infections or any parasites. Most difficult in the process
treatment and detection. Part of the owners incorrectly determine the cause
the occurrence of the disease and trying to cure a pet with the help of those
methods that need to be used when viral or
bacterial infections.

The following non-infectious diseases are distinguished: syndrome
dying kitten, hypocalctia, anemia, dehydration,
hypothermia, toxic milk syndrome, hemolysis, inflammation

The danger of pet pathologies for the owner. Can the sick
kitten to infect a child?

Every little friend’s owner needs to know whether
the pathology of his kitten is dangerous and for himself. Of all that
kittens are sick, seriously can only harm a person

For example, a kitten owner can easily become infected with worms,
which will take root remarkably in his body during normal
body temperature, comfortable for their development. Most
veterinary specialists recommend pet owners
give kittens antiglastic agents for prophylactic purposes.

Fleas can also get on the human body, but for a long time there
to linger. However, exclude the possibility of infection should not be.
Also, it is possible for parasites to hit the host’s bed.
kitty. The main danger of fleas is not that they
will bring discomfort, but the fact that they are carriers
a large number of diseases.

One of the most dangerous diseases for a person than can be ill
kittens, became and versicolor, which causes the destruction of the nail plates
and hairline. The most disastrous consequence can be
the defeat is deprived of bone tissue, and as a result, the head
the brain.

Preventive measures: how to prevent serious illness

Prevention of each из всевозможных болезней kittens имеет отличия
from others. But there are also general rules.

1. • Careful pet care.

2. • Giving him proper attention.

3. • Compliance with the proper diet.

4. • Installation of the necessary vaccinations in the prescribed veterinary
specialist time.

5. • Timely treatment of emerging pathologies.

6. • Compliance with the cleanliness of the animal’s habitat.

Most diseases are dangerous not only for your health.
favorite, but also for his life. It is important not to forget about it. With
identifying the symptoms of any pathology that inexperienced
the new owner may write off to a bad mood or
state of health of the animal, little friend urgently need to show
to the vet. A visit to the doctor can save not only the nerves of the owner
kitten, but also the health and life of the baby.

We should not forget that after purchasing a kitten, the whole
responsibility for his condition and life is in the hands of the owner.
Late treatment of the baby can not only lead to
to complications, but also to a lethal outcome.

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