Difference of sexual temperaments: whatdo?

Sat, Jan 11, 2014

Why does one person have enough light touch to
passion inflamed, and another long and varied foreplay?
Someone is ready to have sex all day long, and someone is quite
once a week is enough. Sexologists claim that the whole thing
in the type of sexual temperament.

Scientists have divided people into three types: high, medium and low
level of temperament. High level people are not just ready
have sex every day, they need it. They quickly lose
interest in a partner, if they lack erotica, become
irritable, may be depressed. Low-level people
on the contrary, can easily live with virtually no sex. Temperament
thing congenital, in women it is associated, including with the level
hormone estrogen. Trying to be a hot thing if you
be a low type, may well end up nervous

Fortunately, most people are of the middle type. By this
enough for people a couple of times a week, but this type is enough
mobile That is, under certain conditions, they are happy
have sex more often, and may suffer, adjusting
under the partner.

Ideally, the temperaments of the partners should be the same. Also not bad
coexist adjacent types: high with medium, or medium with low.
But high and low, coming together in a couple, sooner or later will begin
suffer. Physiology can not be undone, and the life of these two will be
constantly associated with victims and restrictions.

Scientists have derived a formula by which you can find out your type.
temperament. To find out, measure the length of the leg and
divide your height in centimeters by this number. Leg is measured from
the most protruding part of the femur to the heel, What
получится, и есть индекс temperament.

The high temperament index for men varies in values ​​from
1.93 to 2.00, in women from 1.98 to 2.05, the average temperament
is in the range from 1.82 to 1.92 for men and from 1.87 to 1.97 for
women People with low temperament have the lowest
index: men from 1.75 to 1.81; women from 1.78 to 1.86.

Of course, this is not an absolute test, but it is at least a reason
to think about.

It is not necessary, of course, to take on each first date line. AND
however, apart from finding out the level of income, education and
zodiac of your chosen one, it would be nice to find out his level
temperament. Even without resorting to measurements, this is not difficult to do.
People with a low level even in the candy-bouquet period will not be
constantly strive for intimacy. Those who want you often rather
only representatives of the second type. AND, даже если вы столкнетесь с
a real macho with a high level of temperament, you, possessing an average,
can quite satisfy him. AND уж точно никогда не будете
miss alone.

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