Dietary desserts – sweets for a thin waist.Recipes низкокалорийных десертов из творога, кефира, фруктов иbakery products

Ср, 04 окт 2017 Автор: Марина Выходцева

A tasty diet is not a dream, but a reality.
Low-calorie desserts will help diversify the diet, defeat cravings
to harmful sweets will make weight loss much
more fun.

Here are the most interesting recipes of chocolate, fruit
лакомств и даже bakery products, которая не навредит талии.


Dietary desserts – general cooking principles

To reduce the calorie content usually act in three
directions: reducing fat, eliminating white flour, replacing
Sahara. Fats are needed by the body, but they must come with the right
products, in desserts it is nuts, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate, powder
cocoa. White sugar is recommended to replace the brown equivalent,
special substitutes or honey. Also do not forget about
dried fruits that taste very good in some desserts
can be used.

What are diet delicacies made from:

• dairy products of all kinds;

• berries and fruits are fresh, dried, frozen;

• Some vegetables and melons.

If a recipe with baking is used, the wheat cereal is often
replace oatmeal, decoy, add different bran or
use corn flour, buckwheat, from rice. Additionally, as
and in any other dough, add eggs, dairy products,

Chocolate low-calorie dessert of kefir

Kefir is not only healthy, but also very tasty. This recipe
is proof of this. In a similar way you can cook
delicacies of ryazhenka, natural yoghurts.


• 2 tbsp. l cocoa;

• 500 ml of kefir;

• 10 grams of gelatin;

• 1 pinch of vanilla;

• sugar, honey or sweeteners to taste.

Cooking method

1. • Connect gelatin and 50 ml of water, stir, leave to
swelling at the time specified in the instructions. Usually no more
half an hour. If gelatin is instant, then even less.

2. • To make sweets you can use substitutes or
добавить мед, немного белого или коричневого Sahara. Generally,
bring to the desired taste kefir in any acceptable way.

3. • Add cocoa and always a small pinch of vanilla.
It does not contain calories, and the taste will change great,
masked flavor of fermented milk product. Shake all
whisk until smooth.

4. • Melt the gelatin in a water bath, but do not heat up much.
need, it is better to stir more often. Combine with kefir, stir.

5. • Pour chocolate mass into molds or vases, you can
use glasses. Optionally add pieces of fruit or
berries. Put the dessert in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Dietary dessert of their apples with cottage cheese

The recipe is not only delicious, but also very filling low-calorie
dessert. These products make 2 servings. Apples need to take
large, strong, which will not fall apart during baking.


• 2 apples;

• 150 grams of cottage cheese;

• 1-2 ч. l honey;

• 0,5 ч. l cinnamon

Cooking method

1. • Rinse the apples, carefully remove the stub together with a sharp knife.
with all the seeds and streaks. It is very important not to pierce
the opposite side. It should make an apple with a hole.

2. • Grind the curd with cinnamon, add to it a little
honey In general, here you can throw raisins, nuts, chopped dried apricots.
Stir the filling.

3. • Fill apples with curd mass, level the top, press down

4. • Bake in the oven at 200 degrees. For large apples
It will take 18-20 minutes.

Muffins – a low-calorie dessert on bran

To make this low-calorie dessert you will need
sugar substitute, and also wheat or oat bran. Bakery products
produced in the microwave.


• 3 tbsp. l bran;

• 1 ч. l cocoa;

• 1 tbsp. l dry milk;

• 0,4 ч. l ripper;

• 1 tbsp. l oils;

• 4 tbsp. l whole milk;

• 2 таблетки заменителя Sahara.

Cooking method

1. • To make the muffins taste softer, you need to grind the bran to
coffee grinder, pour into a bowl.

2. • Add cocoa, milk powder, lay sugar substitute,
ripper and stir.

3. • Add whole cow milk, butter, stir again
and the dough is ready!

4. • Fold the mass in silicone molds, fill
half. It should make 2 cupcakes.

5. • Put in the microwave. With a capacity of 700 muffins will be
bake for exactly two minutes.

Diet dessert for the future or pastila

Another well-known diet dessert, which is prepared from
apples. Pastila is good because it can be prepared for future use, and then
enjoy a cup of tea. You can also cook sweet ones.
rolls with cottage cheese and other fruits.


• apples;

• 1-2 tablespoons of sugar;

• some water.

Cooking method

1. • Cut the apples into large chunks, put them in the pan. Skin
do not take off the fruit according to the rules, as it contains
pectin. Seed sticks should be removed.

2. • Add sugar and 2-3 tablespoons of water to apples. To cover
pan, steamed fruit pieces until soft. If it will be
use a slow cooker, then you can sugar with water not

3. • Cool the apples, grind a blender or twist through
meat grinder. Juice, which stood out, do not need to use, you can
put in other dishes and desserts.

4. • Spread the mashed potatoes in a thin layer on the parchment or
on silicone mats. Thickness should be no more than half
Centimeter, you can even thinner.

5. • Put the pastille in the oven, dry with minimal
temperature not higher than 80 degrees. It is advisable to leave the door

6. • Remove pastilles from foxes, twist them with a straw,
use immediately or put away for storage.

Low-calorie pumpkin dessert with cinnamon and apple

Option incredibly fragrant and delicious dessert, which can
cook at any time of the year. Especially like it in the winter when
The selection of fruits and berries is limited.


• 400 grams of pumpkin;

• 300 grams of apples;

• 1 tbsp. l cinnamon;

• 2 tbsp. l raisins.

Cooking method

1. • Remove the crust from the pumpkin, cut into slices, fold into
saucepan Add a couple of tablespoons of water, put on the stove and on
low heat to steam until soft.

2. • Peel apples, cut into cubes, pour to the pumpkin. If a
add them immediately, then the cooking will be delayed due to the
fruit acid. Steam together for another 5-8 minutes.

3. • Rinse the raisins, pour into the main dish. Cook 1-2 more
minutes, then turn off, let it brew. Raisin swell, give
dessert its sweetness.

4. • Put pumpkin treat in a bowl, sprinkle with ground
cinnamon. You can also use vanilla or a little liquor.

Dietetic dessert “Charlotte”

A rather famous variation of the famous cake in
low-calorie performance. For the test, you need wholegrain
flour, it is sold in departments for breadmaking or in shops
healthy nutrition.


• 0.5 cups wholegrain flour;

• 1 ч. l ripper;

• 0.5 cups rice flour;

• 0.5 cup of yogurt;

• 4 eggs;

• 5 tablets of sugar substitute;

• 2 apples;

• vanilla, cinnamon.

Cooking method

1. • Beat the eggs until foam, add crushed
sweetener if pills. For the depth of taste we throw
small pinch of salt, beat again.

2. • Add kefir, stir.

3. • We pour out all kinds of flour along with prescription ripper and
throw a pinch of vanilla. Knead the semi-liquid dough.

4. • Lubricate the form, even better lay down. Pour dough for

5. • Slice apples. If a кожица не жесткая, то можно

6. • Put the fruit slices on top of the cake. Can depict
some kind of pattern. Посыпать сверху порошком cinnamon Can do
diet charlotte and without it.

7. • Bake a pie until tender, temperature for dietary
charlotte 170-180 degrees.

Low-calorie dessert of cottage cheese and figs

For the preparation of such a dessert is best to use.
skim cheese. In this case, the caloric will
minimal. Here is an example with a fig, you can also use
dates, dried apricots, prunes.


• 250 grams of cottage cheese;

• 100 grams of figs;

• 0,3 ч. l vanilla sugar;

• 2 tbsp. l natural yogurt.

Cooking method

1. • Put half of the fig in the blendar bowl, add the curd and
beat up

2. • Add natural yoghurt, add some vanilla
sugar and beat a lot again. It should be homogeneous,
tender and airy.

3. • The remaining figs cut into small pieces, mix in
curd, but do not grind.

4. • Put the dessert in a beautiful vase and try it out!

Diet dessert from dried fruits

The easiest recipe for a dietary dessert, namely candy.
You can use other dried fruits, not just those that
are listed.


• 100 grams of prunes;

• 150 grams of dried apricots;

• 3-4 Art. l nuts;

• 50 grams of raisins;

• 100 грамм apples.

Cooking method

1. • Soak the dried fruit in warm water, squeeze and dry.

2.•Перемолоть все через meat grinder.

3. • Fry the nuts a little in a skillet, grind.

4. • Roll balls of fruit from the mass, roll in nuts,
put in the freezer for 20-30 minutes. Store such
sweets in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Dietary desserts – tips and tricks

• Dried fruits are healthy and sweet, but almost all of them are high
calorie content. You do not need to lean hard on raisins or dates, this
may affect the waist.

• If a нет возможности купить овсяную, кукурузную или гречневую
flour, they can be prepared with a coffee grinder. After
grinding the product must be sifted through a fine sieve.

• Bran is a healthy dietary product for humans, but its
Do not use above the norm. Adult needs a day
eat no more than 30 grams and in any case not to combine
simultaneously with drugs.

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