Diary of losing weight, or how to get yourself inarms

Keep a weight loss diary as necessary as a family budget – yes,
it’s tedious, uninteresting, but how effective!

Most lose weight with a diary, make for themselves a staggering
discoveries – it turns out they eat much more than they
it seemed, and drink much less, than it is necessary.



Diary as an incentive to lose weight

Diary of losing weight in itself can be an excellent motivation –
it’s like arguing with myself whether I can lose weight or not. On first
page, write your current parameters, below – desired weight and
volume of hips, add additional goals there: pump up the press,
get rid of cellulite, reduce pressure, etc.

Paste there a photo that could motivate you to
achieving the result, it could be anyone: Keira Knightley in
swimsuit, thin girlfriend or you yourself 10 years ago. Now every
once you open the diary, you will visualize your goals, and this
will help not to relax.

How to keep a weight loss diary

Every morning, always weigh yourself and record the result in
diary, as Brigitte Jones did – “weight today—”
each meal, record time, food, calorie (you can
count and add later) and comments.

To make it easier to count calories, paste in the diary data
which can be useful: calorie tables, glycemic
index calorie consumption in sports.

On each page of your diary, mark the additional
information about food, for example, “was treated to sweets by a friend — not
resist, ate half of the box “,” there was nothing to do, went into
cafe to eat ice cream “, etc. On paper, all the flaws of the diet and all
bad habits will become apparent. It does not hurt to write to the diary
and exercise that you did for the day.

The first time will be difficult to count calories, but very soon you
get comfortable and memorize the main numbers by the second week
so that you do not need to consult the table.

At the bottom of each page summarize the day: how many calories do you have
scored in the amount per day. Draw conclusions on how much you are holding
within the recommended norm.

Rereading the diary will be a great motivation for
maintaining proper nutrition. If ever want
�“Break off” and arrange a long-running feast of the stomach, then
viewing previous entries will noticeably cool the heat and cheer up
desire for harmony. If yesterday you already ate a cake, then perhaps
today is not worth it, right?

Create the perfect diary

Often, even the most good beginnings end in nothing, and the diary
losing weight may be neglected. To avoid this,
make friends with a diary. Yes, yes, make friends.

Make the diary cause only positive emotions.
– put a piece of your soul into it. Buy a little cute
a notebook that is comfortable to carry in your purse, and decorate it according to your
taste, add pictures, stickers, personally spill

Invest in the diary to the maximum, do not regret it time.
Agree that you will be very kind to the thing
which spend personal work. And, after all, beautiful
man-made diary you will be pleased to hold.

Now on the Internet you can find a huge amount of online.
diaries, tables, and programs that dramatically simplify the procedure
records But, in this case, if you have a bite at work, at a party
or in a restaurant, then counting calories becomes problematic.

You say, no problem, is there always a phone or a tablet at hand?
Gadgets, all are good, but do not have a soul. Believe when your hand
If you write about buns eaten at night, this is equivalent to a receipt
their food crimes in front of a strict investigator.

Psychologically, most of us have a level of responsibility.
before paper is higher than before electronic toy. Sometimes easier
refuse unwanted food than scolding yourself, put the data in

To be honest and carefully keep a weight loss diary, it’s not
desires of forbidden products appear, and keep within
necessary calorie content, it turns out, is not at all difficult. With
the planned diet, you can write in it “anti-diet”
liberties. For example, if you are supposed to have dinner at a restaurant, then
lunch should be made less satisfying – everything is very simple.

So don’t even hesitate, get a personal nutritionist –
slimming diary, and be for yourself the most stringent judge.

Read on:

  • How to count calories to lose weight?
  • Диетическое меню на неделю по 1100-1500 ккал
  • Calorie Diet

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