Diarrhea in cats: possible causes and complications.What if the cat has diarrhea and is it worth sounding the alarm?

Вт, 13 мар 2018 Автор: Диана Бояринцева

The suffering of a beloved pet causes their owners to be very
unpleasant experiences. Especially when it is not clear why the cat
suddenly became lethargic, her appetite was gone and diarrhea appeared. what
if the cat has diarrhea?


How to diagnose cat diarrhea

Diarrhea in cats is not a disease, but a symptom that is caused
various pathological conditions. Not only people, but also cats
may suffer from diarrhea. Diarrhea syndromes are frequent urges
in the toilet, loose stools in smaller quantities than usual.
The color of feces can vary from black to dark red if
there are impurities of blood. Usually diarrhea is accompanied by nausea, vomiting,
abdominal cramps, bloating, which ultimately causes
severe dehydration, as well as severe stress for
an animal. Therefore, it is very important as soon as they appear.
first signs of indigestion, start correct

Causes of Cat Diarrhea

There are many causes of diarrhea in cats, especially
inexperienced owners. Do not worry if diarrhea has appeared
kitty. Liquid stool in kittens is characteristic with immaturity.
gastrointestinal tract. Under normal health conditions
cat defecation occurs 1-2 times a day, feces clearly
formed, soft and wet. If the feces become too wet,
mushy, watery and frequent, these are manifestations of diarrhea. If a
diarrhea occurs in an adult cat, then it should be considered
The following reasons.

Incorrectly selected feed or abrupt change of feeding. it
the most common cause of feline stomach problems. But it happens that
the owner is forced to change the brand of feed or even switch from dry
feed for natural food. Feeding can also be a cause.
cats feed or canned economy class;

Diarrhea may appear on the background of an allergy to any drug.
Most often this is a cure for worms, shampoos and flea collars,
aerosols from ticks. The problem may occur after setting
routine vaccinations;

Worms Parasites secrete toxic substances while on
mucous membranes of the stomach. These substances provoke diarrhea in

Viral and bacterial infections. With these reasons characteristic
increased body temperature, vomiting and general depression

Stress. When moving, with other related diseases,
when going to the hospital, when attacking animals or rough handling
diarrhea may occur in animals. So the cat’s body reacts to
various third-party stimuli;

Poisoning with spoiled food or missing products;

Попадание инородного тела в кишечник an animal. With diarrhea
the cat’s body is trying to remove extraneous from the intestines

Serious diseases. Such as pancreatitis, renal
failure, liver disease, diabetes, cancer.

Diagnosis of diarrhea at home

At home, diarrhea can diagnose diarrhea by color

Yellow diarrhea is usually not dangerous for health
cats This usually occurs when poor digestion of food. Dangerous
is cal orange, it is characteristic of damage
liver or excess bilirubin;

Swamp diarrhea is characteristic of putrid leakages in
gastrointestinal tract. There is a possibility that the cat ate rotten

White color indicates problems with the gall bladder,
blockage of bile drainage;

Diarrhea, consisting almost of water, indicates
intestinal problems without damage to the mucous membrane;

Диарея от молока — нормальное явление для cats;

Diarrhea and vomiting are characteristic of food poisoning;

Diarrhea with blood requires immediate treatment to the vet, so
as indicative of a serious illness;

Mucus diarrhea is characterized by inflammation of the thick

Первая помощь при поносе у cats what можно делать?

Before you begin treatment, try to remember what
last time fed the animal. If a это было молоко, свежая рыба
or pork, in this case, treatment is not required. Required
water the cat with clean water through a syringe to prevent
dehydration, and no longer give these products.

If a понос происходит после перехода со старого корма на новый,
for example, in a kitten, you just have to wait a bit, or
reduce the number of feedings.

When none of these methods are suitable for your
cats, and she observed in addition to diarrhea and vomiting, increase
temperature and loss of appetite, you need to resort to medicinal
drugs. The animal must be given one tablet of activated charcoal.
10 kg of weight, remove all food for a day and provide a large
amount of fresh water to prevent dehydration.

The tablet must be crushed with a spoon, mixed with water and using
Syringe fill this mixture of your pet.

After a temporary fasting, the cat must be fed gradually.
increasing the dose of feed, it is desirable for sensitive

If a возможности к врачу обратиться нет, а понос у black cats
colors and fetid, you can give such an antibiotic, as trichopol dose
15-25 mg per 1 kg of weight, the daily dose should be divided into 2 times.

In any case, self-treatment without extreme necessity.
do not need to engage and as soon as possible need to contact
veterinary clinic.

Treatment of diarrhea in cats

If a понос у кошки продолжается дольше, чем сутки и видимых
there is no improvement, in which case you need to turn to
to the vet. In the clinic for making a correct diagnosis in a cat
will take tests:

feces on worms eggs;

research for hidden bleeding;

urine and blood tests;

may be made by x-ray or ultrasound, to clarify the diagnosis
pancreatitis, as well as foreign body intake

If you identify worms, you will be prescribed anthelmintic therapy.
If an intestinal infection is present, the veterinarian will prescribe an antibacterial
treatment. And also to restore the loss of fluid the cat will
dropper with glucose, ascorbic acid and sodium is supplied

Diarrhea prevention

In order to avoid unpleasant surprise in the form of diarrhea
cats, you can take a number of necessary measures. These measures include
prophylactic treatment for parasites, taking antihistamines
drugs before planned vaccinations, freshness control
natural food, as well as the correct selection of dry food. For
cats important access to fresh water, as well as the lack of
access to medication. When playing with small items you need
make sure that the cat could not swallow them. Need to carefully
treat the filler in the tray, there were cases when the cat
It was poisoned with pellets from a cat’s pot.

Now, if your cat suddenly has diarrhea, you will know
what to do. The main thing you need to understand what the problem
indigestion can hide a serious illness because not
self-medicate and contact a competent specialist.
Feed your pet fresh food and high-quality food, and then
digestive problems your cat will not be threatened.

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