Description of the tablets “Ideal”: how to take themto lose weight?

Every woman wants to be slim and flexible, have excellent
figure, but at the same time make for this a minimum of effort. Sport and
the diet does not attract everyone, the majority dream is to eat without
restrictions and not get fat. To help the ladies lose extra
kilograms have been developed pills “Ideal” for weight loss. Good
help in cleaning the body, but it is important to respect
dosage and take into account contraindications.

Description of the tablets


  • Drug efficacy
  • Composition and properties
  • Cons of the drug
  • How to apply / use?
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Shelf life
  • Opinion nutritionists and losing weight
  • Price and analogues


Drug efficacy

The drug “Ideal” reduces weight due to body cleansing and
release from toxins, it consists of special therapeutic
plants from Indonesia that have been used for many years
the establishment of the stomach and intestines.

Taking the course, on average, a person loses from 3 to 8 kilograms per
week, depending on diet and physical activity.
Some people manage to lose only 1-3 kilograms in 7 days, the effect of
individual pills that also need to be considered. One drug
fits perfectly, but not others.

The result of the reception:

  • the metabolism is accelerated;
  • skin does not sag, retains elasticity;
  • work normal stomach and intestines;
  • constipation disappears;
  • missing kilograms are not returned after completion

Composition and properties

The special value of “Ideal” – its natural ingredients, on them
worth staying separately. For many years the people of Indonesia
brewed from guatsuma tea that helps lose weight, and
Brazilians use its bark to clean the liver.


  1. Guacum extract Covers intestines, blocks
    assimilation of food fats.
  2. Dickson palm extract. Removes toxins, gives energy
    helps to keep in shape.
  3. Extract of the rhubarb of the palm. Contains many tannins
    substances diuretic, healing and laxative action.
  4. From auxiliary components: lactose, starch, talc.

Cons of the drug

But along with such tangible advantages, the “Ideal” tablets have
and a number of negative properties, which certainly must be considered.
The first thing that nutritionists focus on: most dietary supplements,
to which this drug applies, have not gone deep
research is therefore difficult to predict how to respond
body some time after taking.


  • with long-term use, the intestines can “unlearn” work
    without the help of supplements;
  • the drug takes out a lot of liquid, whatever happens
    dehydration, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water or juice in

Идеал для похудения

How to apply / use?

To lose those extra pounds, it is recommended to take
drug in the evening, during meals. Course – up to six months. If the goal is
prophylaxis, then 1 tablet per day is enough for about 3
months. This cleaning is recommended twice a year.

But the drug will not give the desired effect, if you take it, lying on
couch and eating sweets. The main thing is to move more, turn on
mode walking or sports activities, swimming, riding
bike ride. At the time of the course will have to give up some

  • margarine, butter;
  • dairy, increased fat content;
  • fatty fish and meat;

Lean meats and fish are recommended to be boiled or cooked on
Stew, you can stew with vegetables, but in any case not to fry. Eat
more vegetables and fruits.

�“Ideal” is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement!


With all the attractiveness of the proposal to quickly lose weight without
special effort, it is important to carefully study and contraindications. Otherwise
instead of a positive result, you can get unpleasant problems
with health. To exclude individual intolerance,
you need to start taking 1 capsule.

�”Ideal” is prohibited under:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to the components;
  • chronic diseases of the stomach or intestines;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • allergies.

If the medicine is taken for the first time, it is important to pay attention to
symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • heartache;
  • dyspnea.

Uncontrolled medication can lead to severe

Мнение врача

Side effects

Side effects in overdose are not marked, but excessive
craving for the drug can cause bowel disruption,
difficult cases – even provoke hemorrhoids or other

Shelf life

Keep the tablets in a dry, dark place, the temperature is not
should exceed 30 degrees. Shelf life – 36 months.

Opinion nutritionists and losing weight

Reviews of tablets “Ideal” more positive nutritionists
talk about the positive impact in the fight against excess weight, without
bad consequences. Women note that already in the first week
goes from 2 to 4 kilograms, reduced appetite. And it is – without hard
restrictions on food, which is a very nice bonus.

But there are also negative comments when weight drops.
weak or stomach problems. Doctors explain this by
that the approach must be individual, some lose weight fit
other components, so you need to try different options
supplements. Only – proven and reliable, and not with the mysterious

Price and analogues

Tablets have several drugs of similar effect.
but it is recommended to take them only after consulting with
a doctor.

  1. �”Ideal Forte”. Almost complete analogue, composition
    almost the same, only in this variant areca
    replaced with pomegranate bark. Also included are guacum extracts.
    leaves, rhubarb root, lactose, starch and talc. You can store
    3 years at a temperature up to 30 degrees, in a dry place. Price – from 860
    up to 1300 rubles.
  2. �”Diet-comfort.” Slimming,
    reduces hunger, relieves dizziness, fatigue. AT
    basis – hemlock spotted, racemoid tsimitsifuga and
    sodium chloride. Recommended in the treatment of obesity. Price – from 800 to
    1200 rubles.
  3. «Турбослим кофе». Improves immunity
    improves digestion, helps to lose weight. AT состав входят
    extracts of guarana, fucus, garcinia, corn stigmas, red
    algae and hay. Store in a dry place at temperatures up to
    30 degrees, not more than 2 years. Price – from 200 to 500 rubles.

ATажно не забывать, что таблетки для похудения помогают только
with proper nutrition. ATес может немного уйти, но если употреблять
flour and sweet, it can come back when the course is over.
Therefore, nutritionists recommend the use of “Ideal” to facilitate
switching to proper nutrition and moderate exercise, and
stick to the chosen course in the future. Only in this case
You can count on long-term effect.

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