Demodecosis in cats – description, symptoms andtreatment. Types of feline demodicosis, standard treatment regimen,complications of the disease

Пн, 05 мар 2018 Автор: Виктория Банникова

Any health problems in our pets bring a lot
worries and experiences. Skin diseases are quite complex in
treatment, so the owners need to pay a lot of attention and show
patience, and also it takes a lot of time.
Demodecosis in cats is such a difficult disease to treat.


What kind of disease?

Demodecosis (also called a subcutaneous tick) is a disease, with
which results in damage to the skin and coat of the animal caused by
Ticks Demodex cati and Demodex gatoi. These mites parasitize on
Pet’s skin, affecting its coat.

People also suffer from demodicosis, but the cat form is safe for them
owners and they cannot be infected by their pets, as cats and
people suffer from various forms of demodicosis, in humans it causes
other types of parasites.

There are two types of disease: localized and

The localized form affects only one part of the body and does not
appears on the legs. Generalized form strikes a large
часть тела животного и appears on the legs. This type is transferred
and it is more difficult to treat, because the disease can affect and
internal organs. Doctors advise castrating / spaying
an animal when a disease is detected, since the future offspring will
carriers of the disease.

Causes of infection and diagnosis of demodicosis in cats

Demodecosis can affect cats regardless of breed and in any
age It is transmitted genetically, if the mother was infected, then
offspring may be born as carriers of a tick. Also disease
transmitted by contact with already infected cats.

The main symptoms of demodicosis in cats are:

1) itching, redness on the skin, a change in its pigmentation; sometimes
rash in the form of nodules or acne may appear

2) wool becomes less well-groomed, externally manifested
deterioration of wool

3) bleeding small wounds

4) “demodectic glasses” is a deterioration of the condition around the eyes,
bald spots in the woolen cover and peeling of open areas

5) on the head and ears, poor condition of hair and skin, with
generalized form is observed on the legs

6) a general deterioration in the pet’s well-being, loss of appetite, and
activity. With a generalized form, it can affect the work
internal organs that can greatly affect the health

The faster you take your pet to a specialist, the easier it will be
leaking treatment!

To establish an accurate diagnosis, you must contact
veterinary clinic where the necessary tests will be carried out.
Doctors take a scraping from the skin (at least 4-5 samples), the analysis will help
exclude other similar skin diseases.

Demodecosis treatment in a cat

Do not attempt to cure an animal at home without precise
diagnosis and prescribed medication! Such medicines are toxic,
Any violation of the instructions can greatly harm the cat!

The treatment is rather difficult and takes a long time.
time – up to one year. The main points are as follows:

1) In the localized form, special shampoos are used with
benzoyl peroxide or chlorhexidine. This is necessary in order
to remove dead and dried skin, after which
Be sure to dry the skin.

2) Those places where symptoms are already visible – there is no wool and flakes
skin, you must regularly treat with a solution of chlorhexidine or
hydrogen peroxide, after which they are treated with drugs in
form ointments or gels. Usually prescribed solutions Amitraz, Tsiteal,
Butoks 50 and Amidel-gel ointment, Ivermek-gel, Aversekinovaya ointment.
Be sure to check with your doctor what exactly the funds need

Sometimes doctors may recommend special oil treatments.
solutions: Microdemocide, Tsipam, Ectodes, Amit. Use them strictly
according to the instructions and do not violate the dosage!

3) It is important to choose immunostimulating drugs and vitamins,
to help the body resist developing the disease.
Be sure to use the combination: maxidine, gamavit, gala-vet,
immunol to strengthen the immune system and all the sprays and ointments that
appoint a doctor.

4) In the form of injections prescribed antiparasitic drugs,
such as ivermectin, amirtrazin, beymek, novomek.

5) Be sure to completely replace or disinfect all
Cat accessories are a bowl, tray, toys, a scraper and
combs, as well as a house and carrying. It is better to replace immediately than
re-treat the animal.

In the generalized form, use the same drugs that
and with localized form. They are usually added only
antibiotics such as Kanamycin, Betamoks, Baytril,

It is important to remember that treatment cannot be interrupted until complete
animal recovery! Unfortunately, the disease can “lurk” and
then the next outbreak can significantly worsen the cat’s condition.
Watch for animals and be sure to re-analyze your
doctor, it is necessary to check whether you could completely
be cured and will not everything come back in a month.

Traditional methods for the treatment of demodicosis in cats

Use them with caution. Cannot be completely replaced
drug treatment of folk methods, it is fraught with problems
for the health and life of the animal! Be sure to consult with
whether your doctor should be used as an additional method
the following means:

1) Chamomile solution – can be applied dotted or bathed in it
whole once every two or three days

2) calendula tincture – you can carry out the processing of body parts,
affected by the disease

3) kerosene – applied to the affected areas, you can not rinse two
of the day

Prevention of demodicosis in cats

Чтобы не сталкиваться с проблемой демодекоза in cats или
facilitate treatment, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures.
Most importantly, keep your immune system in good condition.
pet, timely conduct all vaccinations. Care what
food at your cat and where she walks, do not forget to give her everything
useful vitamins and minerals. Try to protect your pet from
possible sources of infection, frequently inspect your
pet and especially his ears.

Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of skin from fleas and

If you are the owner of several pets, then upon detection
diseases of one of them immediately isolate him and completely
Change all accessories – bowls, tray, toys and beds.
Watch the rest carefully to find the disease with
start and give everyone vitamins to strengthen the immune system.

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