Demodecosis – causes, symptoms, effectivetreatment methods. What if you have a hypodermic tick onface?

Ср, 26 авг 2015 BUTвтор: BUTнна Notстеренко
Demodecosis – skin lesions with acne iron (special subcutaneous
tick enlarged image of which you can see in the photo
above). Many experts do not include it as a disease. ATрачи,
saying that a patient has demodicosis does not mean a skin disease, but
her condition. ATедь считается, что пребывание подкожного клеща на
face – the norm. But при определенных причинах начинает происходить его
active reproduction. And already the waste products of subcutaneous
ticks on the face begin to provoke inflammation.

In fact, demodex is a saprophyte mite that can
be on the skin without causing any negative effects. Even
there is an opinion that the passive mite Demodex folliculorum or
acne iron essential skin. Like he plays a significant role in
maintaining the microbial biocenosis of healthy human skin,
preventing the multiplication of pathogens, and forms
acid-base balance that also protects the integument from negative
external influences.


ATиды демодекоза

Demodecosis can be divided into primary and secondary. Primary
demodicosis begins to occur on a healthy, unchanged before
skin. ATторичный — развивается на фоне других кожных заболеваний.
Onпример, угревая сыпь, розацеа, купероз, себорейные дерматиты
могут сопровождаться активностью подкожного tick on the face.

In addition to Demodex folliculorum, human skin can
strike mite Demodex brevis. They are called ciliated ticks. With
this was recorded cases of human lesion with a mite Demodex
canis, which predominantly lives on domestic dogs.

Withчины появления демодекоза

The hypodermic tick on the face begins to do its dark deeds,
provoking inflammation for a number of reasons. Skin diseases that have arisen
due to breeding Demodex folliculorum, may appear due to
hormonal disorders, chronic conditions of various etiologies,
stress. The use of drugs that are able for long
taking up the balance of the skin is also often the cause
development of demodicosis. Immune disorders also lead to
reproduction of acne;

Problems begin with a change in skin pH. AT итоге защитные
the mechanisms that held back the microflora cease to work. BUT
This is a direct road to demodicosis. Provoke such changes
Gastrointestinal tract diseases (gastritis, ulcer) can cause the acidity of the skin.

Demodecosis: symptoms

Let’s talk about the clinical manifestations of demodicosis. Usually subcutaneous
The tick on the face begins to cause redness. He can
localized on the eyelashes, eyebrows, forehead, chin, wings
nose, around the mouth. Often redness is accompanied by itching. Many
patients complain that they feel crawling on their skin.

Demodecosis often causes the occurrence of nodules, pustules
rashes. It can cause vascular pathology of the skin of the face,
swelling, etc.

Methods of infection with subcutaneous tick

Mite is transmitted from one person to another. For этого
it is enough to touch demodex carrier with facial skin or
eyebrows, hair. You can get a subcutaneous mite, using
one towel, bed linen with a person who has
zheleznitsa. It is also believed that demodex carriers are
animals. Most often this affects dogs.

Correct diagnosis of demodicosis

A subcutaneous mite is easy to identify on any skin – as clean,
so and inflamed. For этого нужно обратиться в клинику, где
specialists will take a scraping from those skin areas where
located Demodex folliculorum. ATместо соскоба иногда
dermatologists prescribe scotch test. After that it is calculated
количество подкожных клещей на skin. If individuals acne zheleznitsa
there are more than five per 1 sq. cm of skin, this means that
The above symptoms are due to the reproduction of the tick.

With обнаружении демодекоза обязательно следует обследоваться у
good ophthalmologist. ATедь поскольку клещ может жить в устьях
hair follicles located on the eyelids, it is able to exert
effect on vision. Ophthalmologist in detecting inflammatory
processes on the eyelids caused by tick activity should assign
special eye protection

Treatment of subcutaneous tick on the face

You can get rid of severe skin lesions with a tick. But, говорят,
it is not necessary to completely remove it from the skin. ATедь, как
It was said not exceeding the norm amount of Demodex folliculorum
does not harm the skin, and even vice versa. The main thing is that the iron is not
multiplied, and was in a state of rest. With полном
the eradication of subcutaneous mites on the face may be the same
redness or peeling. Such troubles arise because
increase the sensitivity of the skin.

With demodicosis нельзя заниматься самолечением. AT решении
problems the patient should help the doctor, prescribing a comprehensive treatment.
It may consist of external and systemic therapy. First thing
should learn to care for your skin by setting aside far away
makeup cosmetics, fatty cream, milk, use
which leads to the fact that the tick begins to feel on the skin
it is completely free, without thinking to stop its active actions. Not
wipe your face with terry towels – use only
disposable items, such as napkins.

From demodicosis can be appointed funds that are used in
medicine for the treatment of scabies. For example, patients
often prescribed benzyl benzoate, which removes various ticks
thanks to its acaricidal action. For the treatment of demodicosis
use a 20 percent benzyl benzoate cream. It needs to be rubbed into
face three to five times a day.

Caution: Avoid contact with benzyl benzoate.

Notсмотря на то, что бензилбензоат относят к жизненно необходимым
drugs, it can not be prescribed to pregnant, lactating, babies until
three years old, people with pustules, damaged skin. On completion
treatment, the patient should be a few weeks under medical

Also for the treatment of demodicosis can use ichthyol, tar,
which reduce the colonization of ticks. More patients need
normalize metabolic processes in the skin. Doctors systematically prescribe
metronidazole is an antimicrobial drug that is just like
benzyl benzoate is a vital drug.
Metronidazole should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, because
He is able to have a number of serious side effects. With demodicosis
Often prescribed drugs azelaic acid, sulfur, etc. On
elimination of demodicosis with adequate treatment and compliance
recommendations from an experienced technician will require several

To normalize the skin’s work, restore the protective barrier,
reduce inflammation, establish metabolic processes, the patient may be
prescribed ozone therapy and cryomassage, photo and mesotherapy. For
elimination of rosacea, which proceeded in combination with demodicosis,
the patient will need a laser treatment.

ATажно: к лечению демодекоза, кроме дерматолога
and an ophthalmologist, it is worth connecting a gastroenterologist and immunologist.

Notобходимые меры предосторожности: при обнаружении у пациента
mite demodex canis it should additionally refer to
a veterinarian who will conduct an examination, and if necessary –
treatment, pets of the patient.

Prevention of demodicosis

In order not to provoke the reproduction of subcutaneous mites on the face,
need to properly care for your skin. It is very important to timely treat
arisen inflammatory processes, including skin, as well as
pay attention to chronic conditions that may be
heralds of the development of secondary demodicosis.

For предотвращения демодекоза очень важно правильно питаться.
After all, disruption of the sebaceous glands, which can provoke
unhealthy food, often leads to changes in microflora,
as a result, parasitic mites begin to multiply.

It is important during the treatment to frequently change clothes, especially pillowcases.
Better to do it every day. Not красьтесь старой косметикой и
makeup brushes that you used to hide
suspicious inflammations.

Home treatment for demodicosis

Not все девушки, у которых был обнаружен демодекоз, доверяют
to doctors. Notкоторые из них благодаря косметологам, советам светил
science and medical preparations were able to get rid of the subcutaneous
tick on the face. And although most adequate people advise
treat demodicosis only to doctors, there are really
effective home treatment systems.

Treatment program

The first six days should wash with tar soap and do
Spregal masks. You just sprinkle them in your arms and carry
spray on face. Wash off a kind of mask in half an hour.
For the next six days, apply a mask from Spregal in the morning and smear it.
face 20 percent benzyl benzoate overnight. Then change these two
mask treatments with benzyl benzoate and tar soap. Do
such masks once a day for the same six days.

For маски нужно по небольшой ложке натертого, а после
soaked soap and benzyl benzoate. The tool is aged 40
minutes It is very baking, but does not injure the skin. See, not
impose such a mask under the eyes.

Be sure to ask the doctor about boltushki with trichopol,
streptocid and sulfur. Wipe their face in the morning and in the evening. Before
using masks, wash your face with a good natural soap. AT
this period sign up for cryomassage. The procedure must continue.
примерно пять minutes The face will then be covered with a crust that cannot be
tear off, otherwise scars may occur. Talkers can do and
после прохождения курса лечения, но не дольше четырех months.

Being treated for demodicosis, the ladies were hoping not only for talkers with
masks and cryomassage. Girls who easily got rid of this
plagues, also used two weeks three times a day Trichopolum. Two more
weeks will need to drink a tablespoon of enterosgel (three times in
day) and activated carbon, it is taken on an empty stomach.

ATнимание: количество активированного угля
calculated based on body weight: one tablet per 10

Another very important thing is to go to an immunologist. Let him prescribe you
immunostimulants. A nutritionist is optional. But
still have to stick to a diet. And it should be
quite tough: less sweets, rejection of spicy, fried,
salty, no alcohol. Also you can’t be bothered by
demodekoza, eat or drink something hot.

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