Constipation in a puppy: signs, causes and treatment. howrelieve constipation in puppy folk methods

Сб, 14 апр 2018 Автор: Татьяна Качук

Constipation is an unpleasant situation not only for us, but also for our
pets. how relieve constipation in puppy folk methods, почему
in general, does it arise and is it worth contacting a veterinarian?
We understand in today’s article.


Constipation in a puppy: signs

Constipation refers to the inability to produce normal stools by
regular schedule, which is usually one or two for a dog
times a day. Dogs suffering from constipation often do not feel
urging to defecate. In chronic cases in the digestive tract
a large amount of dry and hard waste is accumulated, pet
cannot defecate at all, even if the urge arises. it
adversely affects the general health of the pet.
Signs of constipation are fairly obvious, including:

– Lack of defecation for several days.

– Hard, dry, hard stools in small quantities.

– urge to have a small bowel movement (loose stools with blood) or
missing result.

– Painful defecation.

What causes constipation in a puppy?

Fecal material in the colon is moved due to
a process known as “peristaltic waves” – to reduce
intestine. If this process is disrupted or slowed down, fecal
the mass lingers in the colon and continues to lose moisture,
becomes hard, dry and eventually stops moving
through the intestines. Veterinary textbooks list a variety of basic
The reasons are some are benign, others are much more
serious. Veterinarians classify these reasons based on the fact that
exactly where in the digestive tract the problem occurs.

– Interswell (obstacles arising inside the thick

– Out-of-the-way (obstacles that occur outside the colon,
such as tumors or pelvic fractures).

– Internal (obstacles arising due to different
diseases and nerve damage).

Some of the most common reasons puppies are
suffer from constipation:

– Diet. how и у людей, проблема с пищей, не содержащей
sufficient amount of nutritious fiber is often
the main problem. Also, unlike in people, the stomach
pet sometimes get things that are not food at all:
hair, parts of toys, twigs, stones and this will certainly lead to
constipation. Bone meal and other dietary calcium sources too
могут способствовать constipation.

– The level of activity. Puppies that move insufficiently
more likely to suffer from constipation.

– Tumors of the digestive tract.

– Tumors that narrow the pelvic area.

– Problems with the anal gland.

– Enlarged prostate

– Dehydration or electrolyte imbalance.

– Opiates, diuretics, antihistamines, some
antacids, some drugs for cancer.

– Metabolic diseases such as hypothyroidism.

– Spinal diseases and injuries.

– Disorders of the central nervous system.

– Stress and psychological problems.

– Orthopedic problems.

What if your puppy has constipation?

If the problem has just begun – constipation lasts no more than a day or
two – several home remedies can be very
effective. But some of the folk remedies for treating constipation
puppies include:

– Pumpkin – strange, but it works effectively with some dogs,
as with constipation and diarrhea. Pumpkin has a high content
both fiber and moisture, and many dogs love its taste, therefore
they will gladly eat this medicine. There are several recipes
delicious pumpkin dishes that dogs love, though to regulate
the digestive tract is probably best to give fresh pumpkin
without any processing.

– Canned dog food. High humidity
canned food can help regulate the digestive system.

– Ginger, wheat bran, powdered psyllium seeds and
olive oil, can help cope with short-term

– Water. Make sure your dog has access to fresh water and
drinks it in sufficient quantities.

When should you go to the vet?

Constipation can be a sign of some very serious
diseases. Therefore, with a long-term violation of defecation follow
consult your veterinarian. When you
visit the vet, make sure you have all the necessary
information that will be important for further assignment

– When was the last time a puppy had a normal stool?

– The color and texture of the chair.

– Changes in the dog’s diet or lifestyle.

– Non-food items that the dog could eat.

– Stress or pain when attempting to defecate.

– Drugs, which took a puppy in the last

— Наличие ран, ушибов, хронических diseases.

– Other signs of disease: vomiting, lethargy, bloating

Depending on the duration and severity of symptoms
Veterinary diagnostics may consist of:

– Palpation of the abdominal cavity.

– rectal examination.

– Radiographs of the abdominal area.

– Barium enemas.

– ultrasound or colonoscopy.

– Complete blood count.

– Analysis of urine.

– Neurological examination.

Veterinary treatment and prevention

Most cases are effectively eliminated with mild
treatments such as increasing the amount of fluid and
dietary fiber in your puppy’s diet and an increase in physical
loads. Laxative suppositories and various enemas are also often
used in the treatment of constipation, but only follow them
under the clear guidance of a veterinarian. Especially if they are needed
use for a long time. Running cases can
require unpleasant medical interventions:

– Manual removal of feces from the colon.

– Colectomy – removal of a section of the colon. Usually
appointed at megacolon – a developmental disorder in which
thickened colon.

For most puppies, constipation is a rare harmless problem,
which can be controlled and avoided with balanced
diet, sufficient water intake and regular
физических loads.

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