Constipation in a kitten: how to identify the first symptomspet problems. The main causes of constipation in a kitten and the firsthelp

Пт, 22 дек 2017 Автор: Елена Ильенко

Many people have pets. If the kitten has
any health problems, his owner is under stress.
You just need to know what happened to your pet.
to ease his well-being.

Quite often, owners who have cats at home are faced with
constipation problem. Most often this problem affects kittens.
Животным необходима забота и help человека, поэтому обязательно
need to know what to do when such problems arise.


Causes of violation of the stool in a small kitten

Quite often, fur seal owners face frequent constipation and
poor stomach work. The main cause of constipation in an animal
is the unformed gastrointestinal tract. By this
cause digestive problems, and due to
face constipation. In order to avoid the problem,
it is imperative to monitor how often the pet is
goes to the toilet. Qualified specialists found
common causes of constipation in a kitten.

– Stressful situations.

– Poor and improper nutrition.

– Disruption of the stomach.

– Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Stressful situations in a small animal may appear
when the master brings it home. In consequence of a kitten
the stress of a new setting begins. Quite an important point
is that the owner has provided a pet
the most comfortable conditions for his life. Also stressful
situations may arise due to improper handling
a kitten.

The most common cause of constipation in a kitten is
improper unbalanced nutrition. Animal at this age
should get enough food, vitamins and minerals,
that will help build a strong immune system. If you
faced with constipation problems in an animal must necessarily
review his food. Never overfeed or
underfed pet. Directly kitten diet
must consist of products that are easily absorbed by the body,
as well as dry foods.

It can also cause constipation in a pet.

– Lumps of hair that may be in the stomach after licking

– Worms.

– Tumors.

– Foreign objects in the stomach.

Constipation can be a fatal disease of your home.
pet Therefore, if not to carry out effective treatment, and also not
to discover the cause in the initial stages, your animal may
die. It is imperative to follow how often your
kitten to defecate. If the animal does not carry out the process of defecation
for three days, you must immediately contact
квалифицированному специалисту за helpю.

Symptoms of constipation in a kitten

Symptoms of constipation in a kitten can be found even at the initial
stages. The main symptoms of constipation in a kitten are:

– Screaming sounds while trying to go to the toilet.

– Dry feces that may be covered in mucus or blood

– The frequent need to go to the toilet, while small
by the amount of.

– Bad appetite.

– exhaustion.

– Vomiting reflex.

Directly the owner should notice a change in behavior.
an animal. It becomes more languid and less active. If you
found such symptoms in your pet, you
be sure to contact qualified
experts to fix this problem and save lives and
kitten health.

How to get rid of constipation in a kitten?

In order to cure a kitten from such a terrible disease,
необходимо обратиться к квалифицированному специалисту за helpю.
The doctor may recommend procedures such as:

– Laxatives.

– Preparations to soften the chair.

– Enema. You need to know that kittens do not like this procedure
character Enemas, which contain some substances may
вызвать токсическую реакцию в домашнего an animal. Therefore, in order
to make an enema, you need to contact a qualified
a specialist.

– Cleaning the intestines yourself.

– The purpose of a diet with a high content of fiber.

– Increase water intake.

– Make more intense exercise and increase
amount of exercise.

There are also various folk remedies. Must give
eat a vaseline kitten, or ordinary condensed milk. Kittens are very
love, and it can cause a laxative effect.

If you взяли домашнего котенка недавно, и он не ходит по
big in the toilet, no need to worry. He may have stress
from the new place of residence.

A lot of people are interested in the question of what to do if a kitten
constipation. The first step is to establish the cause of the appearance.
problems, after watching the state of the pet and its
activity. Frequent constipation may indicate serious problems with
здоровьем домашнего an animal. Directly problems with
defecation can talk about the presence of diseases such as

– Diabetes.

– Obstruction of the intestine.

– Hernia.

Answering the question what to do if a kitten is constipated, you can
say that it is necessary to carry out such instructions:

– In the kitten’s diet should be healthy and healthy food,
which has a large amount of protein and fiber. Feed additives
practically should not be.

– It is imperative to ensure clean water and fresh

– It is imperative to brush the kitten so that he is
licking did not swallow his wool. The presence of lumps of wool in the stomach
kitten, can provoke frequent constipation and even death
домашнего an animal.

If you do not begin active treatment of constipation, then the kitten will not be able to
self emptying the colon. This process
provoke the appearance of tumors.

It is recommended to monitor the health of the kitten and be sure
consult a specialist.

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